Here is how to get to the nVidia equivalent of the Catalyst Control Centre:
1. Install the latest drivers for your nVidia card by following
this link. The picture below shows how I got to my card's drivers (an FX5200):
2. Once they are installed (and you have restarted if necessary) right click on your desktop and select NVIDIA Control Panel. A screen like the one below will appear. If it is not in your right click menu look in Control Panel for it:
Click 3D settings (the big button) and then pick Manage 3D Settings from the next screen:
3. A screen like this will then appear:
Select the Program Settings tab, then click the Add button and go find your BLIC exe from whatever place you installed it. A screen similar to this but with the BLIC exe selected will appear:
4. Modify the settings:
I modified the screenshot above to have all of the settings shown, but just in case here are the values you want in their respective order:
Off, On, On, None, Use Hardware, Off, None, Single Display Performance Mode, Allow, High Performance (if you only make one change to the settings, make it this one, my default was High Quality), On, Off, Force Off.
If you have any settings on that page other than what is shown in the screen shot, post.
5. Ensure that you have the game set at the lowest resolution, etc settings possible in the BLIC Setup program:
The only ones here that aren't already set by the Contol Panel are Resolution and sound. I used the ones shown in the screenshot above, they worked, try them first, then experiment.
6. Play the Game. After doing all this I could play the demo easily.