IC10 playtest @ Codemasters - 4 June

Today's playtest was very promising. Matt will be giving you a full review later on accompanied by an extra goodie but I can say that I really enjoyed it, the new camera angles really do add something to the game, batting especially which is so much fun on hard with the pitch marker and field map turned off, you really do feel like you're actually batting. Bowling too is so much more dynamic than AC09, you actually feel like you're working away at getting a wicket, not just relying on wicket taking deliveries. Bowling plans do work, mixing it up with a variety of deliveries, speeds and bowling styles can really throw off the AI batsmen (and just hitting the pitch can throw off Matt).

The player ratings are a bit strange, will need some real editing. Australia at the top are rated 80 while Bangladesh are 72 - meanwhile the minnows like Scotland and Canada are in the 40s! Matt has written them all down so when he gets home he'll post it all up. The fake name for Neil McKenzie is genius though.

Can't be better than Scotch Stylist, surely?

Collingwood50 - It's probably a part of the license agreement that Eng/Aus aren't editable.

Edit: Damnit Matt, I want to go and play it now.
Great review Matt and makes the waiting all the more harder! Cheers for your time and efforts.
good review guess have to find some good players to play no hud feature in game put its still 20 days before i get the game in US
If I want to create Tom for Scotland, will I need the rights to his awesomeness, and his dyed hair?
any update on innings simulate option? do we have have option to simulate the innings for more than 1 over like 5 overs or 10 or 20. this option is available on EA 2007. Just want to know if this option is available or not.


Sounds good, really excited for the game, the only problem being the horrible England squad... No Finn, Shahzad, Lumb or Kieswetter...

Are the player stats realistic seeing as we can't edit the English and Aussie players... Also are the speed of delivery more accurate now. I thought it was pretty stupid when Jimmy Anderson's fastest delivery was 75mph.
I'd seen him get up to 81. But he should be up in th 85-90 region

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