India in England Jun-Sept 2014

Oh DRS in it's current form is definitely flawed but a greater flaw would have been for Sri Lanka to lose at Lord's because of the lack of it.

Then again what the BCCI wants the BCCI gets and the ECB has no intention of standing up to them as they're been lavishly paid off.

sadly so true

if this is a competition to see who has the most pessimistic fans it's neck and neck right now.

not being pessimistic, just honest. The DRS was supposed to create an atmosphere where horrendous decisions could be reversed...that is happening everywhere except in the BCCI boardroom.

These bad decisions may have affected this first test already, what with Prior's imply stupifying dismissal.

Having said that, this is a good match so far, ratcheting back and forth but key decisions in cricket matter, like they do in any sport and the key decision here was fumbled by terrible umpiring and boardroom wrangling.
You sure you want to know? There's no going back... no wrong decisions ever! :rolleyes

First of, the Vijay decision did not look out and what you're talking about is not game flow, what you're talking about is wanting time to stop, nothing to change and to be stuck in the 1900s. You bring up eras in cricket, do you know what separates each era from the other? Change, the technology era across all sports is upon us, those who refuse to change, will get left behind, and the way you're approaching wrong decisions is horrible, by splitting it up into 2 sides of howlers and not howlers, they're all wrong, and maybe you're okay with it, but me, I'm not going to pick a pair of human eyes over a ball tracking system.

No wrong decisions ever !! No kidding Sherlock, just go look at the Trott LBW from last years ashes with the use of Hawk Eye and Hot Spot, one of the worst LBW decisions ever and do tell me how DRS can ever lead to no wrong decisions ever. That was perhaps the worst LBW decision ever despite a clear inside edge Trott was still given out LBW !! Go figure how that one went. No Wrong decisions ever my arse !!

Also what is it with overturning 2 wrong decisions per innings. What happens if there is a third wrong decision, remember Broad vs Australia. So again how can two wrong decisions per innings possibly ever lead to no wrong decisions ever I have no idea. No kidding sherlock, DRS is a mess and the sooner you acknowledge it and move the better for you. Remember this Australian Batsman Usman Khwaja Given Out on Wrong Shocking DRS Decision - YouTube ... :facepalm One of the worst decisions ever and with DRS involved. No wrong decisions ever or the Worst Decisions ever. That is the bigger picture here kiddo, your Rainbow system to cure all poor decisions has led to some of the worst decisions ever and is itself a broken one!! Even the person who made Hot Spot says it doesn't work, so why you moaning that it works is beyond anyone.

Also if the Vijay dismissal didnt look out to you then first go learn the basics of Cricket and then we will talk further.

Also if you blindly want to pick technology over the evidence of the naked eye then go watch the famous or infamous trott LBW dismissal to know of the perils of that.
The recurring element in all of those is human error not technological failure.

No tech failure !! I am sorry but there have been enough well documented failures of Hot Spot, especially in the Ashes, and that is why it was kicked out as part of DRS at some point last year. Even the makers of Hot Spot had to openly acknowledge after the Ashes fiasco it doesn't work 100%.
No tech failure !! I am sorry but there have been enough well documented failures of Hot Spot, especially in the Ashes, and that is why it was kicked out as part of DRS at some point last year. Even the makers of Hot Spot had to openly acknowledge after the Ashes fiasco it doesn't work 100%.

hotspot has come on leaps and bounds since then, they've updated the tech, as they have with hawk eye for both cricket and tennis and they have further improved the sound graph thingy.

now, of course there are problems with drs, literally nothing in life is perfect but DRS manages to right 9/10 wrongs, shouldn't we be applauding that?

I can't believe people are still fighting DRS.


In terms of the cricket root is putting in some rear guard!!

Anderson sticking around too lol
As always we have conceded 150 runs (and still counting) to the lower order. Keep picking mediocre medium pace 'allrounders', you`ll get better at it. :rolleyes
hotspot has come on leaps and bounds since then, they've updated the tech, as they have with hawk eye for both cricket and tennis and they have further improved the sound graph thingy.

now, of course there are problems with drs, literally nothing in life is perfect but DRS manages to right 9/10 wrongs, shouldn't we be applauding that?

I can't believe people are still fighting DRS.

Yeah and 9 out of those 10 decisions can be gotten right with the use of a simple replay seen by the third umpire ... and there are replays from all angles for all decisions anyway. All that the third umpire has to do is look at the replays and use his walkie to get back to the umpire on the field, like the Prior dismissal today. Simple and the howlers still get eliminated.

The whole point is no one is saying let the howlers stand, and being anti-DRS is not the same as being anti-error correction. The way DRS sets about correcting errors is not sufficient.

Sure DRS get (probably) 9 on 10 right, but those are pedestian ones that a simple replay would get right anyway that is the point I am making. Remove DRS, the whole system, the way tech is used. No captains challenging umpires, no only 2 challenges per innings, (as if the third howler doesnt matter), and so on just do away with this mess of a system. Instead the third Umpire auto reviews all calls and if he feels there is one that the umpires got wrong, then just use the walkie tell the umpire to reverse it and be done with it.

A much simpler system and we still get no howlers. Plain and simple. I don't see how ppl still argue for DRS to be honest. A much simpler system can get rid of the howlers with much more consistency.
No wrong decisions ever !! No kidding Sherlock, just go look at the Trott LBW from last years ashes with the use of Hawk Eye and Hot Spot, one of the worst LBW decisions ever and do tell me how DRS can ever lead to no wrong decisions ever. That was perhaps the worst LBW decision ever despite a clear inside edge Trott was still given out LBW !! Go figure how that one went. No Wrong decisions ever my arse !!


Based on your logic, the technology on the left can't lead to the technology on the right.

Also what is it with overturning 2 wrong decisions per innings. What happens if there is a third wrong decision, remember Broad vs Australia. So again how can two wrong decisions per innings possibly ever lead to no wrong decisions ever I have no idea. No kidding sherlock, DRS is a mess and the sooner you acknowledge it and move the better for you. Remember this Australian Batsman Usman Khwaja Given Out on Wrong Shocking DRS Decision - YouTube ... :facepalm One of the worst decisions ever and with DRS involved. No wrong decisions ever or the Worst Decisions ever. That is the bigger picture here kiddo, your Rainbow system to cure all poor decisions has led to some of the worst decisions ever and is itself a broken one!! Even the person who made Hot Spot says it doesn't work, so why you moaning that it works is beyond anyone.

I don't know how you came to the conclusion that I'm in support of DRS, when in reality, I'm in support of technology in cricket, there's a difference.

And are you trolling with that video? You were getting your ---- wet in your previous posts about removing the howlers, that's a howler, a 3rd umpire who you wanted to put the technology in the hands of made that error there, and he would make it again and again, the technology is not at fault there, a human is.

Also if the Vijay dismissal didnt look out to you then first go learn the basics of Cricket and then we will talk further.

Alright, let me take everyone in the Sky commentary team with me as well.

Also if you blindly want to pick technology over the evidence of the naked eye then go watch the famous or infamous trott LBW dismissal to know of the perils of that.

Got any other exceptions to the rule I must check out?
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Based on your logic, the technology on the left can't lead to the technology on the right.

No Sherlock, just get to tech on right first and then I will use it ... don't force on me a half baked tech. Also just cos cell phones improved, is no guarantee EVERYTHING will. By your ------ logic if today I have a Wooden Box with me, one day it MUST and it WILL turn into a fking time machine or a spaceship. Way to go there kid.

I don't know how you came to the conclusion that I'm in support of DRS, when in reality, I'm in support of technology in cricket, there's a difference.

Me too I am against DRS, but in support of Tech THAT WORKS !! Big Difference between technology and technology that Works. Take the half baked techs and throw them out. When the inventor himself says Hot Spot doesn't work, then get the hell out.

And are you trolling with that video? You were getting your cock wet in your previous posts about removing the howlers, that's a howler, a 3rd umpire who wanted to put the technology in the hands of made that error there, and he would make it again and again, the technology is not at fault there, a human is.

Yes that is a howler despite DRS that was the point, so just cos you throw in tech doesnt mean all errors will be magically gone, kiddo ... so stop moaning !! Not only is the tech insufficient, no one quite fully knows how to fully use it, either and account for all the possible contingencies. Its a mess of a system, that aims at removing 2 howlers per side per innings, as if any more howlers don't matter.

So stop trying to suck my cock and convince me that DRS is is something that will lead to error free decision making, it doesn't and it hasn't and there is enough evidence of that.
Moving on same old story advantage lost by us
The inventor of Hot Spot didn't say it doesn't work, he said it is not 100% accurate all of the time. No technology will ever be 100% accurate. They say Hawkeye is only 95% accurate I believe. We just have to take the best examples of the technology we have today and put our trust in them.
Yeah and 9 out of those 10 decisions can be gotten right with the use of a simple replay seen by the third umpire ... and there are replays from all angles for all decisions anyway. All that the third umpire has to do is look at the replays and use his walkie to get back to the umpire on the field, like the Prior dismissal today. Simple and the howlers still get eliminated.

The whole point is no one is saying let the howlers stand, and being anti-DRS is not the same as being anti-error correction. The way DRS sets about correcting errors is not sufficient.

Sure DRS get (probably) 9 on 10 right, but those are pedestian ones that a simple replay would get right anyway that is the point I am making. Remove DRS, the whole system, the way tech is used. No captains challenging umpires, no only 2 challenges per innings, (as if the third howler doesnt matter), and so on just do away with this mess of a system. Instead the third Umpire auto reviews all calls and if he feels there is one that the umpires got wrong, then just use the walkie tell the umpire to reverse it and be done with it.

A much simpler system and we still get no howlers. Plain and simple. I don't see how ppl still argue for DRS to be honest. A much simpler system can get rid of the howlers with much more consistency.

Hard to disagree with this TBH. Makes perfect sense & would save cricket boards who can't afford DRS a lot of money.
No Sherlock, just get to tech on right first and then I will use it ... don't force on me a half baked tech. Also just cos cell phones improved, is no guarantee EVERYTHING will. By your ------ logic if today I have a Wooden Box with me, one day it MUST and it WILL turn into a fking time machine or a spaceship. Way to go there kid.

Can you point me to any technology that hasn't improved over time, other than your wooden box which hasn't turned into a time machine or a spaceship yet...

Me too I am against DRS, but in support of Tech THAT WORKS !! Big Difference between technology and technology that Works. Take the half baked techs and throw them out. When the inventor himself says Hot Spot doesn't work, then get the hell out.

Using international cricket as testing grounds is a problem, and it's really what the BCCI's gripe with the DRS is, that this technology is not ready and is being rushed for use and I'd agree with that, Hawkeye and Snicko though are pretty solid as they are, especially with the improvements made to Snicko that make it virtually minutes quicker.

Yes that is a howler despite DRS that was the point, so just cos you throw in tech doesnt mean all errors will be magically gone, kiddo ... so stop moaning !! Not only is the tech insufficient, no one quite fully knows how to fully use it, either and account for all the possible contingencies. Its a mess of a system, that aims at removing 2 howlers per side per innings, as if any more howlers don't matter.

What you fail to realize is in the howler removing system you want, that error would've been made too, it's human error, the 3rd umpire in that instance failed to overturn that decision with superior technology to that of slow motion cameras (there was a lot of that too) giving sufficient evidence for it to be overturned.

In short, your howler removing system would have it's own howlers, they'd just be from a guy up in the stands.

So stop trying to suck my cock and convince me that DRS is is something that will lead to error free decision making, it doesn't and it hasn't and there is enough evidence of that.

Such shortsightedness. :facepalm


The inventor of Hot Spot didn't say it doesn't work, he said it is not 100% accurate all of the time. No technology will ever be 100% accurate. They say Hawkeye is only 95% accurate I believe. We just have to take the best examples of the technology we have today and put our trust in them.

We don't really know what their potential for growth is and how fast this growth will be attained, but I believe with enough time and money, we'll have a 100% foolproof technology.
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