International Cricket 2010 Impressions Thread

Nice! I will be following your opinion closely as I think you have a good balanced opinion on these games. (Do you want to go out with me sometime?!:p)
And all this time I thought you were hitting on me :(
Time to take the Dutchad posters off the wall :crying
Nice! I will be following your opinion closely as I think you have a good balanced opinion on these games. (Do you want to go out with me sometime?!:p)

Nice of you to say so. I bowled them out for about 80, which I'm ok with, seeing as it Bermuda and I'm a bowling genius,

The batting however, I'm not so good! 17-6 at the minute, no HUD on.

Its awesome, I'm actually worried about their two fast bowlers, by the time they've swung their arm around and let go of the damn thing, its too late to do anything about it! No fair!

One good thing is however, is it seems to me that they remember! I've struggled on the leg-side (perhaps they've taken to my playing style in real-life also) and they've taken my wickets twice by clipping the leg stump.

It really is an interesting game, its going to be a massive learning curve to do this without any HUD on however, I'll continue this game with them turned off, then may resort to turning them on just whilst I get to grips with it.

The new camera for batting is fantastic, to same I'm immersed is definitely true! For bowling, I didn't like it so much, it just felt clunky and not really in keeping with the flow of my bowlers, but hey, each to his own.

Now, Swann, this boy got 4 wickets and by God did they feel good. The Oval pitch is spinning, and he's bowling outside off and one or two of them are ripping back in.

Negatives? There's one or two, Bermuda looks susceptible to spin, I hope this isn't a theme of each team, I'm not basing much opinion on this game. I'll take on the mighty Indian next I think and see how that goes, but yes, I hope they've not made spinners too effective in this title when in the last, they were more useless than a chocolate fire-guard.

One other negative, got a top edge off of Swann, Prior jumps up to catch it high above his head, ball out of view of the camera so I had no chance of seeing it going green.

Anyone reading this, don't go into the negatives too much, this is against a weak team, and I'm useless at the minute.

:laugh Indeed. Can be organising our thousands of apps into folders, record some HD video, test out iAds, read a book before having a face to face conversation. Can only dream of doing any of those things on this LG GB102. The LG does have Sudoku though, so it's not all bad.

Definitely want to give the game a go now. Interesting that one of the Bermuda batsmen left a straight one. They been watching Craig Kieswetter and Michael Clarke?

It was a good feeling to the get that wicket, almost like pace beat him or something, or he wasn't sure due to the pace.

Woah, Dan mate, you didn't have make the Facetime sound like we're gunna be a bit gay together. I mean I've no problem with it, I just feel I need to stock up on Vaseline if that's the case. ;)
And all this time I thought you were hitting on me :(
Time to take the Dutchad posters off the wall :crying

Meh, those posters are all sticky and grubby by now anyway! Anyway back on topic...who likes cheese???
Negatives? There's one or two, Bermuda looks susceptible to spin, I hope this isn't a theme of each team, I'm not basing much opinion on this game. I'll take on the mighty Indian next I think and see how that goes, but yes, I hope they've not made spinners too effective in this title when in the last, they were more useless than a chocolate fire-guard. ;)

Good stuff and good to hear that it is so difficult to play. One, that means we get real enjoyment when things go right, two, it's actually like cricket which is not an easy game to play, especially at international level.

We always used to say "about as much use as plastic cat on a bonfire!":p
It was a good feeling to the get that wicket, almost like pace beat him or something, or he wasn't sure due to the pace.

Woah, Dan mate, you didn't have make the Facetime sound like we're gunna be a bit gay together. I mean I've no problem with it, I just feel I need to stock up on Vaseline if that's the case. ;)

:laugh Nothing gay about a face to face conversation, if I had said john-thomas to peni conversation then fair enough, but I saw no remotely-gay connotations in that comment; wishful thinking on your part? ;)

Think you might have to turn the HUD on too mate. Not sure you're going to be too successful on the game with batting like that :p Didn't you say you're playing on easy too?
Be warned lol! i skittled teams for 125...195...213 etc and then those indians racked up 675-6 against me!!

It'll be fun :p

Dutchad, its immense fun! They've brought on the spinner, and I'm coming out of the crease and have to hurry back in, its like I'm in the action. :D
For some reason Mathews seems to be down as an offspinner
Drinks at the final session of Day 3!

A.B DeVilliers has come to the party and dug in hard!!
He scratched around and had his fair share of luck before becoming more confident!!

A.B DeVilliers 54* as South Africa Struggle to 151/5 after 45 overs late on day 3


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does anyone know which are the new stadiums in ic10? are there any new ones in india?

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