Mafia: Discussion, History and Waiting List Thread

A Deathnote Mafia would be awesome if anyone is willing to do so. So many characters.
Chuck a Rugby [Union] Mafia from me in the waiting list. It won't be run anytime soon, but I might as well just put it out there now so I can run it when I want later, instead of having to wait in the waiting list when I actually want to run it (if that makes sense).

Not many sporting based mafia games have been run lately, and from my experience I think they work quite well considering there are so many options for characters.
Apologies for the previous post without any explanation, but to give a general idea, characters would represent rides and their controllers - two in the same role. The rides, depending on their type, will do different things to different people - hence their roles.

I find it easier and more fun to run than World Leaders mafia.

Interesting? :)
I want to put in a pitch for Godfather Mafia. I have 17 roles that I am working on. Think it could be a very interesting game...
Lord of The Rings Mafia by Treva and PSquared

Scooby Doo Mafia by Aditya and User2010

Newbie Mafia by User2010

Current Games
1. Video Game (Crazy) Mafia by MaD
2. Newbie Tennis Mafia by Aditya

Waiting List

1. Wild West Mafia by Spoobir
2. TGrammy/Music Mafia by Varun
3. Conspiracy365 Mafia by Hedger
4. Rugby Union Mafia by CG123
5. Mario Puzo Mafia by barmyarmy

Could do with winners/summary for the 3 completed games. Have updated the waiting list too...
It should be - 'Scooby Doo Mafia by User2010' :p Winner - ARay.
Nice to see my Toy Story Mafia didn't get put in there.
Awww. We shouldn't disrespect the one who brought this game to the forum. :p
@User - :yes You ran the game alone basically, I hardly did any contribution. Hence, I don't deserve any credits. You ran the game well by the way. :)

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