Story Mental Blank - What was meant to go here?

Ok, I am going away for two weeks so there will be no more posts in this marvellous story :p. Don't freak out as there is nothing much going on in BT except the BT20's which is just during the off-season. I would just like to ask a few question and tell you some of my plans for next season.


1) Do you think this story should continue?
2) What would you like added to it?
3) Should I start a thread if you answered yes to Q1?

Now some of the things I want to implement:

* Screenshots of line-ups, scorecards, reporter's summary and league tables etc

* Weekly chats with players (made up, though this may not be on a regular basis

* And like when I started with this story, maybe a banner with "OD Match", "FC Match", "Training Update" etc.

Your thoughts and views are appreciated,
Left_Hander :cheers

EDIT: If I do stay with the same thread I will update the first post and post what was changed in here.
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Contiune it... I will follow it. Just read the last few pages and its really good :)
I think stay with this thread.
Continue with it. its a great story so far and there is so much to gain for the next season
Continue this BT story, Leftie. Don't worry about the time. I always have the habbit of saying, " No time limits in stories ". :)

Even if you take a short break, you can always summarise the happened things and continue with it. :)
1) Do you think this story should continue? Definetly
2) What would you like added to it? Pretty much everything you said
3) Should I start a thread if you answered yes to Q1? No
I'm back!

Season 9 Preview​

"Another season, another success story, I hope. This is my fourth season in charge of the club and I want this one to be the best yet! While I was away on my holiday the 1st anniversary of the club came up. This is a very special event for the club. Last season we came 2nd in OD and 3rd in FC, I think we can better those results. Let's hope for another great season!

Meet The Squad

Ted "Bear" Basson
OD Batting Average: 1042 runs @ 31.58
FC Batting Average: 1297 runs @ 92.646

One of the opening batsmen of the side. Has notched up over 1000 runs in both forms of the game, which is a great acheivement. The first ever OD 100 scorer and is a joy to watch in full flight.

Dale "Bradley" Bradshaw
OD Batting Average: 553 runs @ 27.65
OD Bowling Average: 60 wickets @ 24.17
FC Batting Average: 298 runs @ 42.67
OD Batting Average: 43 wickets @ 21.28

Is the sides prime fast bowling allrounder. Has taken a truckloads of wickets in both forms of the game. His batting leaves a little to be desired. Has a wealth of experience and cricket knowledge.

Safeer "Saffie" Caledera
OD Batting Average: 113 runs @ 37.67
OD Keeping Record: 14 catches
FC Batting Average: 11 runs @ 5.50
FC Keeping Record: 13 catches & 2 stumpings

Was purchased as a back up to Nelson Dunn. Hasn't really performed with the bat when given the chance. When given the chance he needs some runs this season.

Dickie "Coxy" Dixon
OD Bowling Average: 47 wickets @ 30.96
FC Bowling Average: 37 wickets @ 21.89

Is the centre of all jokes because of his name. A good bowler but probably doesn't get the accolades or the rewards he deserves.

Robert "Doddsy" Dodds
OD Batting Average: 728 runs @ 40.44
FC Batting Average: 500 runs @ 41.67

Has really come of age over the last season. Can open the batting or at 4 or 5. I rate him as the sides 3rd best batsmen. A destructive player, can blow teams away in a hour.

Nelson "Dunny" Dunn
OD Batting Average: 959 runs @ 43.59
OD Keeping Record: 53 catches & 1 stumping
FC Batting Record: 117 runs @ 14.63
FC Keeping Record: 27 catches & 2 stumpings

A real joy to watch. The left-handed batsmen isn't only great with the bat but is also brilliant with the gloves. I rate him as the sides new best batsmen. Takes lots of catches behind the stumps.

Roland "Rollie2" Faulkner
OD Bowling Average: 35 wickets @ 43.89
FC Bowling Average: 33 wickets @ 17.33

One of the "Roland Boys". Faulkner is considered the second one. A competent fast-medium bowler who hits the deck hard but doesn't get tons of wickets. Pluggs away at the batsmen.

Michael "Mike" Fenoughty
OD Batting Average: 224 runs @ 20.36
OD Bowling Average: 20 wickets @ 34.50
FC Batting Average: 236 runs @ 59
FC Bowling Average: 9 wickets @ 24.33

A back-up fast bowling allrounder to Bradshaw. Doesn't get heaps of game time. Is out of form but I think he can turn that around if he gets the opportunity early on in the season.

Jim "Fountain" Fontaine
No games played

The club's second youth pull of the season. A really promsining right-handed batsmen. Is getting trained at the moment. I expect big things from him.

Roland "Rollie1" Hadland
OD Bowling Average: 36 wickets @ 19.33
FC Bowling Average: 8 wickets @ 8

The back-bone of the fast bowling line-up. Can destroy a whole team quickly. Will play a lot more games this season because chances are he isn't getting trained any more.

Jim "James" Henry
OD Batting Average: 398 runs @ 44.22
FC Batting Average: 394 runs @ 56.29

A handy batsmen in the side. Comes in at around 6 and finsishes off an innings quickly. Has a good record and I want to see him better that this season.

Martyn "Lamps" Lampard
OD Batting Average: 1940 runs @ 77.60
FC Batting Average: 1485 runs @ 106.07

Mr Reliable. Always the man to turn to in a crisis. The number three and captain of the side. A bit like Ricky Ponting. One of my favourites to watch when he is at the crease.

Dale "News" Mckinlay
OD Bowling Average: 11 wickets @ 30.45
FC Bowling Average: 21 wickets @ 29.48

Nicknamed News after a Channel 9 News Reader with the same surname. A steady medium pacer and bowls really tight spells. Has a good economy in both forms of the game.

Tony "Loud" Mcleod
OD Bowling Average: 23 wickets @ 53.48
FC Bowling Average: 27 wickets @ 26.89

Another medium pacer in the side. Very loud in the change rooms before and after the game. Leads the team song, "By The Way" serious passion. A bit out of sorts but I am sure he will bounce back.

Steven "Scoober Steve" or "Monty" Pearse
OD Batting Average: 153 runs @ 51
OD Bowling Average: 21 wickets @ 24.14
FC Batting Average: 192 wickets @ 32
FC Bowling Average: 17 wickets @ 18.24

The spin bowling allrounder in the squad. Steven is nicknamed after toy character "Scoober Steve" from the funny movie Big Daddy. Also know as "Monty" because he certainly can bowl, can bat a bit but couldn't stop a ball to save his life, watching take a high ball a training is always fun, know around the team as the Monty who can bat. The leg-spinner gets lots of turn and bounce and is attacking with the bat.

Dave "Richo" Richardson
OD Batting Average: 864 runs @ 57.60
FC Batting Average: 1726 runs @ 123.29

Opens the batting with Basson. One of my favourites. A real nice guy on and off the field. Lives and breathes cricket, a bit in the mould of Mr Cricket (Hussey) or Pro (Jaques). Quotes his stats reguarly. A good top order batsmen.

Bill "Saycey" Sayce
OD Batting Average: 482 runs @ 53.56
FC Batting Average: 539 runs @ 53.90

Sayce burst onto the scene after I purchased him in the OD format but as the season went on his form did dip a little. Usually comes in at four in FC games but does shuffle around a bit. Is a very un-orthodox batsmen, loves the reverse sweep.

Karl "Shacks" Shackell
OD Bowling Average: 48 wickets @ 29.56
FC Bowling Average: 27 wickets @ 18.48

An original squad member. Strangles the best, doesn't give them one little bit. Has a very good economy in both forms of the game. A real classy spin bowler.

Malcolm "Maccas" Stanton
No games played

A first week youth pull. This man is a chance to make the Australian Under 19's squad. Not nicknamed "Maccas" because of his first name, Malcolm but because he often goes out at night to get some McDonalds. I expect big things from this Fast-Medium bowler.

Justin "Stoltzy" Stoltz
OD Batting Average: 670 runs @ 35.26
FC Batting Average: 257 runs @ 128.50

A bit of a squad filler but a handy one at that! Nice to see him in the side when the "big names" aren't playing. Career highlight would have to be his 127 in an FC match.
If you read all of that you deserve a medal, unfortunately, I am not going to give you one :p. This took me ages to do so I hope you appreciate it. It is nice to be back :D
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Youth Pulls

With hope of pulling some great young talent, in particular a fast bowler. Luckily this is what we got:

ITS Used: 11 Stamina, 12 Batting, 12 Concentration
Nets: 2 batting, 1 staminaA good pull. Should develop into a fine young batsmen. Happy with Justin.​

ITS Used: 12 Stamina, 12 Bowling, 11 Consistency
Nets: 3 Bowling, 1 Stamina, 1 Fielding​

Awesome! He is getting trained for the Australian Under 19's squad. He will pair up with Hadland in future seasons, what a devastating pace combo that would be. Would bring back memories of Lillee and Thomson.​
Training Update

On Monday, training happened. Not only am I am going to show what happened on Monday I am going to show what happened in previous weeks.

Nets: 2x Batting
Pops: None
Revised Training: 1x Batting​

Nets: 2x Batting
Pops: Batting to Strong (?)
Revised Training: 1x Batting

Nets: 2x Batting, 1x Stamina
Pops: None

Nets: 2x Bowling, 1x Stamina, 1x Fielding
Pops: None
Revised Training: No Training (Stopped)

Nets: 1x Batting, 1x Bowling, 1x Stamina
Pops: Stamina to Competent
Revised Training: 1x Batting

Nets: 3x Bowling, 1x Stamina, 1x Fielding
Pops: Consistency To Respectable​

You Have some great players in your lineup here leftie! Keep up the great work your story has nice presentation!
You were lucky with YP :) Always, Aus and Eng YPs are far better than Indian YPs :mad: Good luck in training that player for U19! :thumbs

And ya, Good to see you back as well.

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