New Brian Lara International Cricket Press Release and Screens

Yeah, still abit of a shame about the camera angles....maybe that will change...anyway LOving the screens, can not wait
WOW! this game looks AWESOME!! But i'll stick with my beloved Cricket 2004.
The screens look awsome. I believe now people would understand what "WORK IN PROGRESS" really means. The screens look quite different to then the were in the previous screens.
Why are people bothered about kits? it really affects the gameplay doesn't it
Wow.... looks like the game is going to be awesome... i hope they release it in NTSC so that i can buy it for my PS2.
looking much better..a (pleasant) surprise after the not so impressive first set. Things looking good considering they still have couple of months to go. :cheers
looks really good, should update my video card

btw..since when did andrew strauss become one of the best batsman? j/k..but they could have added someone else.

Thanks barmyarmy..for the update.
It's nice to see wicketkeepers with gloves now. I just love the Ricky Ponting screen. Good stuff.
who cares about kits? if we want to fix them, we'll just get our resident forum kit makers to fix that sure they'll find a way...
Looks good, hope the gameplay turns out to be as good as the graphics look on the screens. Does anyone have any info about the tournaments/match options etc.?

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