Online Quitting - Please Read

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My apologies to can_think_ofl

Got logged out of PSN again for the 2nd time in 2 days. Also I accidently picked Vettori in the 2nd over :facepalm

oh and there are other shots in the game besides the loft over cover, :sarcasm

Yesterday i ran into 3 gamers who did not quit.

can_think_ofl, He did not quit the first game, he played all the way till the end.

We got into a re-match, and he quit (Maybe lost internet/power) while batting (After a boundary off an overthrow).

Played against cricket_online, hamtal and sac_johnson none quit.
now m getting sick with it...

JADU27 was 9/7 in 20 overs game when he quitted... and two other are ADIB911 & Anhul

Is there anyone to play a fair game of cricket??
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Again man - sampathsiddam

Quitted because he lost the toss after 1st ball...
My apologies to PsyMax78. If you're on these forums, hope you read this. My PS3 froze in the middle of our game. I replied to your justifiably pissed off message and offered to pick up our game at the start of your chase.

Our game was poised at an interesting stage and its unfortunate this had to happen. Chasing 190, PsyMax was 28/3.
My apologies to PsyMax78. If you're on these forums, hope you read this. My PS3 froze in the middle of our game. I replied to your justifiably pissed off message and offered to pick up our game at the start of your chase.

Our game was poised at an interesting stage and its unfortunate this had to happen. Chasing 190, PsyMax was 28/3.

I was playing psymax78 yesterday, when i got a phone call and had to leave, i sent him a message explaining my situation, and that i would be gone for around 20 minutes, anyway when i got back he was still waiting for me, so i sat down to restart, and straight away we lost connection, nightmare, so no wonder hes pissed off, i scored 230 ish, and he got off to a flyer, before it all went pete tonge.
This time amit_731

In the first match when he got defeated he quitted... In the second match, it was my first batting and i was 20/0 in 1 over, he quitted...

another one... quitted previous match when he was about to loose and this time quitted after losing the toss...

mspeed162 added 15 Minutes and 37 Seconds later...


he was 0/7 in 1.3 overs when he quitted.....

mspeed162 added 4 Minutes and 4 Seconds later...

JADU27(i was 224/4 in 10 overs, when he quited)
Haboo(quitted after playing 9 overs and his score was 50/9 in T20 match)
sherytiger(i was 88/0 in 3.5 overs in a T20 match when he quited)
rooboy07(I made 295 in T20 match, and his score was 4/6 in 2overs when he quited)
anups(i was 66/0 in 3.4 overs, when he quitted)
Gowind(lost the toss, that is why he quited)
abcde_2009(Same as Gowind)
deluxestylez(In T20 match he was 6/6, when he quited)
TGXI(He was 17/6 in T20 match when he quited)

These guys are big losers, whenever i was about to win they used to quit... What the hell man!!!!!!

Just kick them if anyone of them came in your match...

Any one out there willing to play a fair game of cricket can add me....
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Newest member of quitting team. His score was 26\5 in 5.0 Overs my score was 30/1 in 3.2 overs and he quitted. To be honest i never expected him to quit but i didn't knew that he is one of the crying losers.

Simba next time you enter my match will kick your @@@ so it will be better for you to stay away.

((There is only 1 fair player online i've ever played with Jaraarrow))
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Hamza! you have the audacity to show your face on here?

No one ever play this prick Hamza/Undefeatable.

He quit on me 3 times after loosing the toss each time, then when he finally won the toss he stays and chose to bat first. After I took 3 wickets in the first 2 overs he quit!!!!!!!!! :mad::mad::mad:
Hiii deccan_chargers i apologize that our match was ended because of me as electricity ran out that time... It would be nice to play with you again and complete the match...

Hope you are in this forum...
Had some great luck with honest players last night,

manker_l on ps3. What a true champ! played him and beat him soundly in the first match, he stayed, I created another match and he came back for another whipping!

Thanks for playing like a gentleman.
Hamza! you have the audacity to show your face on here?

No one ever play this prick Hamza/Undefeatable.

He quit on me 3 times after loosing the toss each time, then when he finally won the toss he stays and chose to bat first. After I took 3 wickets in the first 2 overs he quit!!!!!!!!! :mad::mad::mad:

To be fair hamza(undefeatable)has alwayls played fair when ive played him.
Hamza! you have the audacity to show your face on here?

No one ever play this prick Hamza/Undefeatable.

He quit on me 3 times after loosing the toss each time, then when he finally won the toss he stays and chose to bat first. After I took 3 wickets in the first 2 overs he quit!!!!!!!!! :mad::mad::mad:

I agree with you , he has quit thrice on me & on Vvikas & 111Diablo111 . Not to mention he is using a duplicate account after being banned as MyGaymerTV for gross misconduct & racism.

Lookey Here :
Had some great luck with honest players last night,

manker_l on ps3. What a true champ! played him and beat him soundly in the first match, he stayed, I created another match and he came back for another whipping!

Thanks for playing like a gentleman.

You just watch youself bud, I am coming to PS3 after ruling Xbox 360.

Just a question on the ranking system, does PS3 leaderboard shows who is ranked number 1 or not? I hope it is not like the PC version where just the number of runs scored and wickets.
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