Some messages I`ve collated for you from the online thread to answer me on in your next feedback session please. (I really commend your effort here keeping us in the loop so to speak)
When bowling with a medium pacer (or any batter that tries to turn around his arm as a bowler,they end up bowling a slow ball (88kp/h) bouncer that never lifts , seemingly unplayable . This ball pitches around 9 meters from the batsmen , but on the batting view when bowled , the ball shows green or even Yellow . This turns a very unrealistic and almost unplayable ball into a wicket taker everytime . Why is it not showing red at least to somehow try and convey that a longhop has been bowled.
Same thing happens with the slow ball longhop from a spinner , masquerading as the Drift and Flight + O button ball. This ball turns out to be almost unplayable and very unrealistic .
Does anyone have an idea how to play these , or if their timing windows are going to be widened in Patch No. 2 . I feel strongly that this needs to be fixed as a long hop is supposed to be a easy hit....
Another Post about this issue :
But , a rank longhop from a Spinner /Medium Pacer at 86km/h SHOULD be the easiest ball to belt over the boundary ropes , like in real life. In game , you get tricked by the indicator still showing Green(good length /Yellow(full length coupled by the extremely slow movement of these balls.
When you eventually decide to actually hit the ball , you end up missing it by miles on the replays.
This cannot be right and needs to be fixed , by either speeding the balls animation up a bit , or by widening the batters Timing meter for hitting these balls.
BigAntStudios , I would like some comment on the above if possible. Its ruining the online play a bit when batters end up taking the most wickets.
Another Post about this and other issues I have:
1. Slow bowler/Spinner bowling long hops that become almost unplayable wicket taking balls.
2. The extreme Speed differences achieved by the bowlers , and the fact that they can vary it from 158km/h - 102km/h ball by ball with no penalty .
Another suggestion/request that I wanted to put to you guys well over two weeks ago already , but just didnt come to it with all the other online shenanigans taking place.