Patch #2 Must Fixes

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I play without mid on/off in CC games. Shouldn't have to but it at least makes it feel more realistic.

I am not to worried because patch 2 is getting closer everyday. Still it's the area i new would need some work, in casual mode it's not as bad as career from the sound of it. They still have times where they are like 6 for 10 with 4 runouts and 2 caught at mid on or off.

Some messages I`ve collated for you from the online thread to answer me on in your next feedback session please. (I really commend your effort here keeping us in the loop so to speak)

When bowling with a medium pacer (or any batter that tries to turn around his arm as a bowler,they end up bowling a slow ball (88kp/h) bouncer that never lifts , seemingly unplayable . This ball pitches around 9 meters from the batsmen , but on the batting view when bowled , the ball shows green or even Yellow . This turns a very unrealistic and almost unplayable ball into a wicket taker everytime . Why is it not showing red at least to somehow try and convey that a longhop has been bowled.

Same thing happens with the slow ball longhop from a spinner , masquerading as the Drift and Flight + O button ball. This ball turns out to be almost unplayable and very unrealistic .

Does anyone have an idea how to play these , or if their timing windows are going to be widened in Patch No. 2 . I feel strongly that this needs to be fixed as a long hop is supposed to be a easy hit....

Another Post about this issue :

But , a rank longhop from a Spinner /Medium Pacer at 86km/h SHOULD be the easiest ball to belt over the boundary ropes , like in real life. In game , you get tricked by the indicator still showing Green(good length /Yellow(full length coupled by the extremely slow movement of these balls.

When you eventually decide to actually hit the ball , you end up missing it by miles on the replays.

This cannot be right and needs to be fixed , by either speeding the balls animation up a bit , or by widening the batters Timing meter for hitting these balls.

@BigAntStudios , I would like some comment on the above if possible. Its ruining the online play a bit when batters end up taking the most wickets.

Another Post about this and other issues I have:

1. Slow bowler/Spinner bowling long hops that become almost unplayable wicket taking balls.
2. The extreme Speed differences achieved by the bowlers , and the fact that they can vary it from 158km/h - 102km/h ball by ball with no penalty .

Another suggestion/request that I wanted to put to you guys well over two weeks ago already , but just didnt come to it with all the other online shenanigans taking place.
We're looking at ways to make genuinely poor deliveries open up the timing window some more. Once we're done balancing the difficulties out, this will be the next focus.

I do agree with you about the loopy balls being seemingly tougher to hit. I get destroyed by medium pacers....don't tell anyone that.:spy
The Online Custom match Match finder screen needs some tweaking in my opinion :

1. It always shows a Pro20 on the one line summary , and after you join the match you see its a Pro10 or 5/5 .

2. There is no way for me to determine if the Match Hoster has ticked the magical "Normalise Skills" button , and hence I`m open for abuse except when I host the match and make sure its always ticked. I would like it to be shown in the summary view.

3. I would like to see the hoster`s Ping as it really will tell me if it is worth joining or not. Most other PC games have this as standard in online games.

4. Maybe have the ability to highlight the match hosters match , and press Triangle or whatever to see all extra info needed , like hosters experience , stadium selected etc. etc.

Currently its a blind date so to speak , and I feel that if the above can be implemented alot of heartache can be saved.
1. That's not meant to be the case, it could be a possibility that there is a bug with custom games. I'll look into that in the new week.

2. Non-normalised skills aren't as huge of a factor in games as they could be in others. That being said, it does seem fair to inform the other user of them being used or not. We'll have to find a spot to put it on the UI, but I'll see what can be done.

3. It's unfortunately not as easy to inform the user of the ping towards another user. The only real spot we can put something is once you've connected. PC games generally have these show before, because they are operating from dedicated servers that never change values, so the ping is easy. P2P is different because it's a roaming value depending on who you're connected to at the time.

I have recommended something of a 'good/average/poor' connection symbol once you've joined. But I am unsure of whether we'll get this into patch 2 as we are currently looking at fixing all the other online issues.

4. We feel that currently you get the information that is absolutely necessary for your online experience. That said, those are some good suggestions to provide more of an overview before jumping in. I'll put it to the team and see what comes of it.
Been picking up on something in my new career as a batsman. When i have scoped the filed and start planning my shot (i premeditate alot, and then change if needed). When i am to over zealous and accidently press the direction for my shot to hard and end up pressing down (or "in", depends how you want to word it) on the RH stick, my player ends up not playing any shot and lets the ball go through. This has been my downfall a few times now. Is that the plan on the control system that the player will let the ball through if you press the right stick "in/down" or did i fluff something else up. If it is, would it be possible to move that to perhaps the LH stick in a way. Because i end up going from wanting to smack it, to leaving it to be bowled :facepalm:facepalm

PS: Not sure if i am explaining the "in/down" correctly. Not down as in towards bottom, but down as per putting your thum on the stick and applying pressure without moving in a direction.
My suggestion is that you should have to make the batasman and bowler look like real like we had in EA Cricket 2007. I meant to say the when the bowler starts his runup he looks like that he hasn't taken his breakfast. Even Fast Bowler doesn't have an energtic speed in his runup. And when the batsman comes to play the shot it doesn't seem good as if he also doesn't look so well to play a shorts like a real batsman. He also looks very sluggish. Please make the action animations of bowler and batsman like a real players as we see in Live Cricket. Rest of the features and gameplay is good. The only thing that matters alot in cricket is its animations like we have in other sports games. Simply take an example of FIFA 14 the players have a very realistic animations and it looks amazing. Please try to fix all these problems in your upcoming patch #2 . I am eager to see the positive reply from your side.

If there was a "Dislike" button, I would have used it for this post. There are bigger things to worry about than batsmen or bowler animations looking sluggish. Once the gameplay is nailed in the next few patches or the next iteration, then devs can look at enhancing animations but at this point it's not worth it.

Ai stupidity In career mode.

They just continually throw away chances to make a competitive score, getting out to mid on/off all the time.

Gets very boring and I get no satisfaction in getting wickets this way.

I'm a bowler in career mode, and never get a go at batting in second innings as ai scores are so crap

At the moment career mode comes into its own when you play as a specialist batsman. Try doing so and you will have loads of fun. Other thing you may want to do is not set your own field when playing the career mode. Whenever I'm asked to roll my arm over I don't change the default field that's given me, even thoug it may have 5 close-in fielders. This way you get realistic results and not end up taking loads of cheap wkts.

Early i used to premeditate the fast bowlers as they are quick and no time to pick the pace and get out easily when they bowl slow < 100 kmph but now i concentrate on the release of the ball and i am able to pick the pace atleast 7/10 times. When i pick the pace correctly the slower balls are easy to score boundaries. I think there should be a little difference in the animation of the ball release for faster and slower balls based on the bowlers slow bowling attributes and speed limit.Luckily i don't find very difficult facing spinners might be my opponents don't bowl much slower like i do.

A "tell" from the bowler or bowler's action about a slower ball would be a nice touch. In real life, batsmen are able to pick up slower balls or googlies, off the bowler's hand and maybe something similar can be done here. But in case Big Ant folks have realistic speed thresholds (e.g., fast bowler always being between 155 and 132 kph etc.) this feature may not be needed.
We're looking at ways to make genuinely poor deliveries open up the timing window some more. Once we're done balancing the difficulties out, this will be the next focus.

I do agree with you about the loopy balls being seemingly tougher to hit. I get destroyed by medium pacers....don't tell anyone that.:spy
1. That's not meant to be the case, it could be a possibility that there is a bug with custom games. I'll look into that in the new week.

2. Non-normalised skills aren't as huge of a factor in games as they could be in others. That being said, it does seem fair to inform the other user of them being used or not. We'll have to find a spot to put it on the UI, but I'll see what can be done.

3. It's unfortunately not as easy to inform the user of the ping towards another user. The only real spot we can put something is once you've connected. PC games generally have these show before, because they are operating from dedicated servers that never change values, so the ping is easy. P2P is different because it's a roaming value depending on who you're connected to at the time.

I have recommended something of a 'good/average/poor' connection symbol once you've joined. But I am unsure of whether we'll get this into patch 2 as we are currently looking at fixing all the other online issues.

4. We feel that currently you get the information that is absolutely necessary for your online experience. That said, those are some good suggestions to provide more of an overview before jumping in. I'll put it to the team and see what comes of it.
Whenever i play with a friend on the same console save data from both profiles disappeare.
My suggestion is that you should have to make the batasman and bowler look like real like we had in EA Cricket 2007. I meant to say the when the bowler starts his runup he looks like that he hasn't taken his breakfast. Even Fast Bowler doesn't have an energtic speed in his runup. And when the batsman comes to play the shot it doesn't seem good as if he also doesn't look so well to play a shorts like a real batsman. He also looks very sluggish. Please make the action animations of bowler and batsman like a real players as we see in Live Cricket. Rest of the features and gameplay is good. The only thing that matters alot in cricket is its animations like we have in other sports games. Simply take an example of FIFA 14 the players have a very realistic animations and it looks amazing. Please try to fix all these problems in your upcoming patch #2 . I am eager to see the positive reply from your side.

If there was a "Dislike" button, I would have used it for this post. There are bigger things to worry about than batsmen or bowler animations looking sluggish. Once the gameplay is nailed in the next few patches or the next iteration, then devs can look at enhancing animations but at this point it's not worth it.

While I agree with the not-so-important approach for this patch, I do agree with his original point of slow sluggish slow-motion like bowler animations. It gives the game a very unreal look and I am also guessing it's not that time consuming to fix the running action speed to make it more natural.
i think it would be a big help if you just knew if the ball was short, pitched up or good length just before the bowler bowled it, all i can play is pre meditated shots
and the run outs, i dived and had all my body and bat over the line, but in the air, not very realistic
Fix this...a new record?


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Silly mid-on and silly mid-off is being portrayed as Chuck Norris's clones in this game or they are made of impenetrable granite... will you please make them mere mortals so that the ball can sometimes get past them or at least ricochet off them when you hit a full blown shot in their direction. It would also be nice if they can at least pretend to take some evasive action if the ball is rocketing in their direction.
Silly mid-on and silly mid-off is being portrayed as Chuck Norris's clones in this game or they are made of impenetrable granite... will you please make them mere mortals so that the ball can sometimes get past them or at least ricochet off them when you hit a full blown shot in their direction. It would also be nice if they can at least pretend to take some evasive action if the ball is rocketing in their direction.

I've been out caught by silly mid off so many times that I've stopped playing through the area even though there's no mid off. Silly mid off pulls off catches against full blooded shots which is way too unrealistic.
I've found that batting #5 or #6 is good for overall gameplay ie. the game simulates the top order batsmen and sort of reflects their true skill (eg. A Cook scoring centuries) whereas if you open with them, they tend to stupidly throw their wickets away. Besides, its nice to come in at 4/350 or 4/450 and just play without much pressure.
Why I'm not looking forward to the patch.

I am currently undecided as to whether I will download the patch, for one simple reason: the patch will be put into place in current careers. I would like to see less Jonty Rhodes' in the field and people with more stamina than my great grandfathers morbidly obese cat, but I, like many, have been dominating my career as a specialist spinner, and although an average of 4.55 is unrealistic and half my wickets come from the greatest catches I've ever seen, I very much enjoy being the best ever, and this is why I am unsure as to my position on patch 2. If I were to download it I would almost certainly force myself to create another career player to have the new challenge from the start, because I can't go from two years with an average of four and a half to an average of thirty plus, it wouldn't make any sense, however I have put so much work into this career and even gotten a contract from Yorkshire, how long could it be before another career player gets that opportunity, and I like being a child prodigy, soon to be the greatest of all time, because it does what I want from video games, it lets me step out of reality and into a world where I can do things I couldn't otherwise. The only other point that I can think of is that I like to play a lot of casual matches, and I would want to be able to play with as much realism as possible and not be bowling Bradman for under thirty every time. That's why I'm undecided as to whether or not I will want to download the patch for a while.
A lot of talk has been made about the game play so i am trying to address some other issues.

  • i have been having short sessions of game play so i have saved and exited my game a few times now. The BARS data is only saved for the present session. can we please have the bars data carried over saves. it just looks bad when i save my game when my batsman is around 47 and then when i continue later and make a half century all it shows is a shot in the wagon wheel.

I am not sure if this is the right place to request these but i am just hoping if these little stats and stuff could be patched in the game at some stage.

  • Whenever a batsman/bowler walks in or is around a landmark, a stat showing his form [runs scored / wickets taken] in the last few matches of the tournament or same format of the game.
  • Can we have original stats for players with cricket academy what they have scored in real life and then have a stat that shows 'since 2014' that is how we have performed with the batsman/bowler in the game.
  • Tv overlays for different formats would really help with the visual feel of the game having coloured score overlays for t20 games and so on. Apart from the kits everything else looks the same in all the formats.
When is the next patch out? If it's going to be with PC release, when is the PC release?
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