Patch 3 Requests/Wishlist

Career mode fixtures/teams editing ability by adding more countries to league with their Domestic field
@Biggs I understand that it is possible to keep the ball grounded using both triggers but its not a fix for the issue nor a successful work around, I admit I'm not the most dextrous among us and I'm not a gamer by any stretch of the imagination but using the triggers rarely gets boundaries for me and with the timing window narrowed its just opening up more ways of giving up my wicket. I've given up on career until the fix and as I can't play online I've really lost all interest lately. If the field is set a certain way then with the any combination of the triggers causing edges or eventually catches its virtually unplayable on even amateur. Before patch 2 my only worry while batting was the superhuman fielders but now the aerial shots have made it impossible to stay in, hearing that they are fixed for PC and that blocking is safer gives me great pride in supporting the excellent team at BA, but having to wait 1 or maybe 2 months for the patch to come to Xbox is gutting! Knowing the issues Microsoft cause during the last patch makes me think it could be longer still and as my club cricket season finishes on Sunday, and I'm a complete cricket tragic, its going to be incredibly frustrating not being able to play the sport or the game itself while seeing post after post enjoying what now seems like a perfectly playable game from you pc guys. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful to bigant and don't expect them to rush out a tiny patch and then have to fork out again for the next bigger patch but the triggers don't really help and for me its now unplayable as anything other than a rookie slogathon.
A further fix for speed differential would be most welcome,still quite difficult to time the slow deliveries,especially online with lag added.
@Biggs I understand that it is possible to keep the ball grounded using both triggers but its not a fix for the issue nor a successful work around, I admit I'm not the most dextrous among us and I'm not a gamer by any stretch of the imagination but using the triggers rarely gets boundaries for me and with the timing window narrowed its just opening up more ways of giving up my wicket. I've given up on career until the fix and as I can't play online I've really lost all interest lately. If the field is set a certain way then with the any combination of the triggers causing edges or eventually catches its virtually unplayable on even amateur. Before patch 2 my only worry while batting was the superhuman fielders but now the aerial shots have made it impossible to stay in, hearing that they are fixed for PC and that blocking is safer gives me great pride in supporting the excellent team at BA, but having to wait 1 or maybe 2 months for the patch to come to Xbox is gutting! Knowing the issues Microsoft cause during the last patch makes me think it could be longer still and as my club cricket season finishes on Sunday, and I'm a complete cricket tragic, its going to be incredibly frustrating not being able to play the sport or the game itself while seeing post after post enjoying what now seems like a perfectly playable game from you pc guys. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful to bigant and don't expect them to rush out a tiny patch and then have to fork out again for the next bigger patch but the triggers don't really help and for me its now unplayable as anything other than a rookie slogathon.

I don't blame there being a delay for console patches on Big Ant, I put the blame squarely on Microsoft and Sony. Its them after all that puts an extortionate pricetag for developers to pass their content patches through their verification process, which still takes a long time, meaning small hotfixes just are not viable on console for anyone but the biggest studios. If they charged nothing, like steam does, then we'd have seen the console versions patched already.
I don't blame there being a delay for console patches on Big Ant, I put the blame squarely on Microsoft and Sony. Its them after all that puts an extortionate pricetag for developers to pass their content patches through their verification process, which still takes a long time, meaning small hotfixes just are not viable on console for anyone but the biggest studios. If they charged nothing, like steam does, then we'd have seen the console versions patched already.

That's because MS and Sony are greedy pigs, whereas Steam are not - witness the crazy savings you can make in their sales.
I don't blame there being a delay for console patches on Big Ant, I put the blame squarely on Microsoft and Sony. Its them after all that puts an extortionate pricetag for developers to pass their content patches through their verification process, which still takes a long time, meaning small hotfixes just are not viable on console for anyone but the biggest studios. If they charged nothing, like steam does, then we'd have seen the console versions patched already.

That's because MS and Sony are greedy pigs, whereas Steam are not - witness the crazy savings you can make in their sales.

You can't really blame MS and Sony to ensure QA control on their hardware. They have to make sure the games on their platform run fine coz it's their reputation on the line. Steam doesn't have to face similar concerns as they don't have a hardware yet. If a Steam game doesn't work they can always turn back and say it's a hardware issue and user's PC did not meet the requirements. Sony and MS doesn't have that luxury. If a game sold for their respective platforms doesn't work, users will hold Sony & MS responsible.

Once Steam comes out with their own hardware in the near future, I can assure you Steam will have a similar platform certification/approval process for games as Sony or MS. You simply cannot risk a game sold for your platform not working or rely on a developer to meet all the platform requirements. It's akin to a software company selling a software without going through QA process and relying on developers to get it right.
I think you are fixating too much into the negative connotations attached to the word blame. In any case its 100% true. If it weren't for the validation process, then the consoles would have had the interim patch as well. So my point stands. The 'blame', or whichever word you'd prefer to use, still lies with MS and Sony. In any case, whatever Valve decide to do in future is speculative here at best, and isnt really relevant to the situation at present.
The 'Steam Machines' are being produced and distributed through third-parties. This means that the 'blame' for game incompatibilities will likely be placed squarely on those third parties rather than on Valve themselves. Even then, they will have various different specs which is something that current PC games/patches have to deal with anyway so I can't imagine it bringing any new problems to the table.

All the Steam Machines are, is just a PC with a pre-installed SteamOS partition. They will use PC hardware and will be upgradeable with PC parts, and you can install Windows/Linux/whatever on them. I doubt that their introduction will bring changes in how Steam lets devs introduce patches to their games. If it did, developers would likely move to a rival or new platform that doesn't require lengthy and expensive approval processes. That's one of the beauties of PC gaming - choice and competition in digital distribution. With consoles, there's no choice but to just deal with whatever policies Sony/MS adopt.

The Steam Machines are basically PCs aimed at console people who haven't shaken the misconception that PC gaming is complicated.
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For a future patch or the next game, an international cricket captain style slider for AI batsman aggressiveness while you're at the crease.

I'm batting 4 in career and watching my partners drop around me suicidally slogging when we only need to bat 2 sessions for a draw is frustrating.

I believe the recent update fixed the AI being too defensive, but I feel at least a different setting depending on the game type would be amazing...if very wishful.
About the only suggestion seems to be optional slowdown of delivery speed - the Big Ant guys have said that the information for where the ball is heading isn't decided until the point of release.

I've heard this mentioned a few times but it's simply not true. While the line is not decided until the point of release the length "zone" (short/good/full) is locked in on the "pull back" of the RAS (pace) and at the start of the run up (spin) both of which is quite a long time (in gaming terms) before the release. Yes we might not be able to know the line any earlier than now but there is definitely scope for an indicator for length.

Whether this is doable in a patch or is something for the next iteration is another matter...

Plus - you'd need something that's consistent in single and local multiplayer, you might be able to change the AI to make it give you an early indicator, but you can't (or rather, certainly shouldn't) change the bowling mechanics.

My suggestion works whether in single or multiplayer and doesn't require any change in the mechanics themselves...
I've heard this mentioned a few times but it's simply not true. While the line is not decided until the point of release the length "zone" (short/good/full) is locked in on the "pull back" of the RAS (pace) and at the start of the run up (spin) both of which is quite a long time (in gaming terms) before the release. Yes we might not be able to know the line any earlier than now but there is definitely scope for an indicator for length.
For the user maybe - we don't know if the AI is locked in in the same way, and we don't know if that's communicated separately online.
For the user maybe - we don't know if the AI is locked in in the same way, and we don't know if that's communicated separately online.

While that's technically true I think it's reasonable to asume that the length determination is made by the AI either at the same time as or earlier than the input point for humans... of course you know what they say about assumptions!

As for online, the in-built "lag" is specifically to accomodate the present bowling mechanics, so again I can see no reason why the length couldn't be communicated earlier.

<one of the BigAnt guys to now slap me down for my complete lack of understanding :) >
I've heard this mentioned a few times but it's simply not true. While the line is not decided until the point of release the length "zone" (short/good/full) is locked in on the "pull back" of the RAS (pace) and at the start of the run up (spin) both of which is quite a long time (in gaming terms) before the release. Yes we might not be able to know the line any earlier than now but there is definitely scope for an indicator for length.

I also believed that and even started a thread asking for early indicators Improving Batting Assist for DBC/ playing without circle marker - PlanetCricket Forums but that was until one day i tried it out and was able to do this just by selecting full length option
Timing does play a lot of role in length determination.
Full length

Good length this is reasonable mostly.



I would say this though even if we could an indication that the folowing delivery is not an yorker or an bouncer it will eliminate most stupid errors and help us judge and pick better.

The only way i can see this happening is doing it for singleplayer alone by having the AI give the inputs earlier and just showing the rough length, dont know how feasible it would be though.

But i would certainly like to have lengths picked a tad earlier and let us judge the line by watching the ball closely.It would be natural and realistic if possible.
I've got another request for patch 3, "Steam cloud sync". It' s a must have thing and DBC is the only game in my Steam library that doesn't support cloud sync. It wouldn't be difficult to implement it. I keep moving data between my laptop and desktop which is quite bothersome, syncing would be a great feature to have.

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