Patch General discussion

Mode: casual
Match Type: any
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): any
Ground: any
Teams: any
Get Best:any
Description of Issue: When batsmen advances down the wicket and misses a ball to a spinner the wicketkeeper reacts too late and doesn't take off the bells quickly and the batsman gets back in the crease with time to spare. Even during runouts opportunities after the throw from fielder the bowler/Wicketkeeper is too late to take bells off.

FYI: They're called bails, not bells.:)
I really don't know where I should post this other than this thread. On the 'Fielding radar' thread we are being ignored by Ross. I'm always posting there that we really need a radar but Ross doesn't reply or ignores us. That is why I'm posting this here to ask Ross that when will we see a fielding radar? Please reply

I read every post, I answer a lot, if I don't have an answer the you're not going to get one, I'd spend my life just posting "read it, noted, thinking about it" which would get very boring for all.

On any feature request, just assume I've read it and if it has merit and it can be done that we will put it on the list and then depending on how far we get through the list it may or may not make it.
Pro. On amateur the bowling is too easy and ive got a hang of the batting as well but on pro its just impossible.

Its really not. Just practice practice practice, look at the field decide in advance a direction on either side that might be safe and choose between those when the ball comes. Its easier than trying to decide from 8 and will help you improve.
I read every post, I answer a lot, if I don't have an answer the you're not going to get one, I'd spend my life just posting "read it, noted, thinking about it" which would get very boring for all.

On any feature request, just assume I've read it and if it has merit and it can be done that we will put it on the list and then depending on how far we get through the list it may or may not make it.

So you've definitely taken into account 3rd umpire interviews?
2 things must be fixed:

1. AI/human balance in batting in each difficulty.
2. Superhuman catches/throws and runouts.

Sometimes a fielder comes from nowhere and takes the catch. If possible then plz slow down AI bowling speeds on lower difficulties as it may help many newbies.
2 things must be fixed:

1. AI/human balance in batting in each difficulty.
2. Superhuman catches/throws and runouts.

Sometimes a fielder comes from nowhere and takes the catch. If possible then plz slow down AI bowling speeds on lower difficulties as it may help many newbies.

1. Agree
2. catches need a bit of work still, throws and runouts are pretty much fine now.
Started a new career after the patch and man what a difference... fielding in general seems toned down. I actually hit a four straight past a spinner, and i do mean straight past him...

Got 60 in my first knock before hitting out to the deep square leg, 2nd innings only got 8 and perished in the cause looking for quick runs and a declaration...

Biggest surprize is i only took 2 wickets in the game, worth noting that i only downloaded teams after the patch and Llewelyns teams seem to be correctly skilled, top order batsmen are not easy to get out and tail enders kinda suck but can frustrate you. Perfect.
Folks mad PS3s as well. You must have seen some ads on kijiji or ebay where folks mention selling PS3s with some old firmware version (say 3.55). That's a hacked/modded console which allows you to download copies of the game.

Modding hardware isn't but purchasing & playing pirated games/software is. Unfortunately it's not easy to tell over the internet and as Matt has already mentioned even if you are one of the few who isn't pirating there's a vast majority out there which does.

Yeah modding hardware will break the warranty but it isn't illegal. I had a modded 360 and Wii. The Wii mode WODE was awesome. I still bought games though.


Started a new career after the patch and man what a difference... fielding in general seems toned down. I actually hit a four straight past a spinner, and i do mean straight past him...

Got 60 in my first knock before hitting out to the deep square leg, 2nd innings only got 8 and perished in the cause looking for quick runs and a declaration...

Biggest surprize is i only took 2 wickets in the game, worth noting that i only downloaded teams after the patch and Llewelyns teams seem to be correctly skilled, top order batsmen are not easy to get out and tail enders kinda suck but can frustrate you. Perfect.

If you are talking about career mode, I don't think you're talking about it's a re-skilling thing but just fixing the linking bug, where some batsmen got bowler attributes and vice-versa.
Yeah modding hardware will break the warranty but it isn't illegal. I had a modded 360 and Wii. The Wii mode WODE was awesome. I still bought games though.

Wii was the easiest to mod. I recall a few years back folks using Homebrew on Wii and downloading hundreds of games on Wii.
I have just had the AI bat really well I am doing a tri series odi with ind-pak-aus and the match I played yday was pak v ind in sydney on a grassy pitch this is with the new installed. India got of a terrible start loosing 2 wickets in the first 6 overs due to some excellent seam and swing bowling got one bowled and one lbw. Virat kohli decided to steady the ship taking his time he was on 10 runs from 28 balls!! Anyway india were 110-4 in the 28th over when dhoni and raina put on a 40+ partnership also I realised india took the batting PP early when I was bowling with the quicks to get some quick runs smart move by the Ai there.

Come to the 42nd over raina gets beat by a quicker one from ajmal and nicks it to the keeper india are on 175-5 dhoni kept rotating the strike while wickets were being lost at the other end I have to say the AI really knows how to shield the tail enders they would play out 5 balls and then take a single in the final ball smart move again.

On the 49th over india were 195-9 where dhoni hit 2 4s against Junaid khan getting them over 200 and on the last ball he went for a 6 and edged it to the keeper. India finnished on 204 all out. This was the first time the AI batted 50 overs to my suprise.

Cant wait to start pakistans batting later. So far this patch has been awesome not a single run out from the ai whereas I would get 4 or 5 run outs before the patch.

I am playing on pro mode in case anyone is wondering.
So far this patch has been awesome not a single run out from the ai whereas I would get 4 or 5 run outs before the patch.

I am playing on pro mode in case anyone is wondering.

That seems to be a different experience from a few. We have seen a video posted by@imhassan where the AI batsman knocks the ball to mid on and mid off and takes off.

Are you using any custom created fields? And did you create the tournament before or after the patch?
That seems to be a different experience from a few. We have seen a video posted by@imhassan where the AI batsman knocks the ball to mid on and mid off and takes off.

Are you using any custom created fields? And did you create the tournament before or after the patch?

Ive been using the default fielding positions none custom created at all. Ive had the AI hit quite a few shots to mid on and mid off and they dont run. Im playing xbox 360 so it might be different I dont know.

As for the tournament all I did was replace england with pakistan. In the tours theres a tri series odi with aus ind and eng.

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