PC Version Troubleshooting/Bug Reporting

hi guys whats this with my lbw appeal from other side thats how weird it showed to me O.o

Yeah I've had this happen before and so have many others.

What version of the game are you playing on?
Mode: all modes
Match Type:
all types
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): any time
Ground: all (i guess)
Teams: any match
Get Best:
Description of Issue:
when i am taking the 2nd or 3rd run and over throw happens and goes for four (either at bowlers or keepers end), the game calculates the runs for that ball as only 5 runs.
Mode: all modes
Match Type:
all types
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): any time
Ground: all (i guess)
Teams: any match
Get Best:
Description of Issue:
when i am taking the 2nd or 3rd run and over throw happens and goes for four (either at bowlers or keepers end), the game calculates the runs for that ball as only 5 runs.
Yup, we already know that one.
Maybe worth having a "known issues" list? So that people could check that before reporting stuff?
Match Type:5 match Test series
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured):n/a
Ground: delhi park
Teams:India vs England
Get Best:yes
Description of Issue: I'm the captain of the indian side,but when i simulate the game,it automatically declares when the score is above 320,
it's not showing as dec in scorecard.only show scores/wickets as if it in limited overs match when overs finished..
You mean from fiction or a member of PC??

Well most usefully from BA.

In the old days, there always used to be a "known issues" list in the readme file, but seldom it happens any more. It would probably help - I'm assuming BA have a database of issues and their status anyway: would maybe be helpful to expose this to the community.
Well most usefully from BA.

In the old days, there always used to be a "known issues" list in the readme file, but seldom it happens any more. It would probably help - I'm assuming BA have a database of issues and their status anyway: would maybe be helpful to expose this to the community.
I dont think they can do something like that as they cannot confirm an issue as known unless they are gonna rectify so that might cause an issue....Hope I sound right..

That would be an issue as people will then start asking if they remove an issue from the list at the last moment and if doesn't make the list then questions will start coming..
I dont think they can do something like that as they cannot confirm an issue as known unless they are gonna rectify so that might cause an issue....Hope I sound right..

Why not? They're doing so for every bug that gets called out: this would just be collating everything into the same place.
Why not? They're doing so for every bug that gets called out: this would just be collating everything into the same place.
I think this might be done for PC version only and not for console....As if an issue doesn't make it to the patch which is listed by them then they can release a small patch for getting it in the game....
I think this might be done for PC version only and not for console....As if an issue doesn't make it to the patch which is listed by them then they can release a small patch for getting it in the game....

I think that this is the best possible way: testing and fixing on PC, pushing little updates out.... and then pushing a bigger update once the console versions are properly tested.
Rule number 1: people don't read things.

I understand that, but at least it would give them the option. If BA/Community members could point at that and say "That's Issue 34 on known issues list (LINK): being fixed" immediately, then that's better in all sorts of ways from "Yeah, we know about that already."

People would start to read the list before posting.

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