PC Version Troubleshooting/Bug Reporting

I'm also on latest update mate but these problems are still there, fixing scorecard, gloves in patches shouldn't be prioritized.
Those were obviously quick fixes. When something is fixed isn't an indication of the priority of that thing being fixed.

I disagree that the slow running to the ball is a bug - it has the nice effect of allowing easy singles to be easy. It makes pushing the ball for 1s and 2s feel much more like cricket.

Is my signature Ok
Your signature is, but the steam icon in your profile points to the wrong user. You need to copy that long number into the field instead of the name.
Suggesting a fix to people with pirated copies is exactly what shouldn't be happening...the whole point is that they're supposed to experience the issue

common now mate this isn't a fix. who on earth doesn know that? I just want the main issues fixed. I appreciate the time BA invested in patches but the game still have few bugs left mostly with AI like their behavior. plus they could have add situation awareness to AI batting , more realistic shots etc. on the other hand user batting is still too hard from pro to legend its all the same they should listen to their fans. remember amnesia 1 and 2? hitman absolution?
@Matt. I lost 1 match where the AI needed 2 runs on 1 ball and my fielder let them win easily while I could easily run them out.
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Your signature is, but the steam icon in your profile points to the wrong user. You need to copy that long number into the field instead of the name.

I copied that long number. but now its shows some error. Steam account login is the steam ID or profile name ?
common now mate this isn't a fix. who on earth doesn know that? I just want the main issues fixed. I appreciate the time BA invested in patches but the game is still have few bugs left mostly with AI like their behavior. plus they could have add situation awareness to AI batting , more realistic shots etc. on the other hand user batting is still too hard from pro to legend its all the same they should listen to their fans. remember amnesia 1 and 2?

You shouldn't be offering them any assistance, whether it be a sound fix or not.

And to say that Big Ant aren't working on the big issues, and to imply they are not listening to their fans, is incredibly disingenuous.
I copied that long number. but now its shows some error. Steam account login is the steam ID or profile name ?
Ah - those only work when you've set a custom url.

Click the big 'Edit Profile' button and set something in the 'Custom Url' section and put that in your profile.

I might remove those links as most people haven't got them right.
I'm not saying that they have never listened to any fans feedback but many ppl asked them to add an indicator of short / good / full length delivery atleast a second before the bowler delivers the ball(on pro), if you don't like this make it optional or go vertan / legend. I hope console owners get the same features like pc ASAP, hell I bought the ps3 for this game but couldn't wait and wait, atleast keep us posted about changelogs. sorry abt alt+f6 ;) peace
And people also asked for a pitch marker when batting. Lots of things are design choices, not things that need to be 'fixed'.

Especially when you start saying batting on pro is too hard.
common now mate this isn't a fix. who on earth doesn know that? I just want the main issues fixed. I appreciate the time BA invested in patches but the game still have few bugs left mostly with AI like their behavior. plus they could have add situation awareness to AI batting , more realistic shots etc. on the other hand user batting is still too hard from pro to legend its all the same they should listen to their fans. remember amnesia 1 and 2?
@Matt. I lost 1 match where the AI needed 2 runs on 1 ball and my fielder let them win easily while I could easily run them out.

so put it on manual fielding then, jonty rhodes.

oh, and stop assisting pirates.
It's worth noting though that your public profile and your login name are not the same.

So if the intention is to be able to look up someone's profile to see their purchase of DBC14 on it (which can also be restricted by privacy settings), then you'll need their profile address.

People can find that by hovering over the menu with your name on it (the forth one after Community) - and picking the 'Profile' option and then right clicking the main page and clicking 'Copy Page Url'.

I have tools to look up either, we get transaction logs.


Calling everyone pirate instead of fixing the bugs is not fair. Pirates don't really care about online matches, carears and patches as they still get patches from other sources. Tell me that if AI doesn't get run out or the fielders walks real slow when fielding a rolling ball but move like superman to catch a ball, then I have a pirated copy?

Get almighty tweaked.

I am only calling pirates Pirates you almighty tweaking moron.

If they paid then perhaps there would be more resources put towards a better game you almighty tweaking idiot.

almighty tweak off.

So you think it unfair to call a pirate a pirate? just almighty tweak right off.
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Get almighty tweaked.

I am only calling pirates Pirates you almighty tweaking moron.

If they paid then perhaps there would be more resources put towards a better game you almighty tweaking idiot.

almighty tweak off.

So you think it unfair to call a pirate a pirate? just almighty tweak right off.

Getting mighty fed up of you sitting on the fence. Come down out if your ivory tower and tell us what you really think.
That, and the game would be CHEAPER, they are stealing your money.
Get almighty tweaked.

I am only calling pirates Pirates you almighty tweaking moron.

If they paid then perhaps there would be more resources put towards a better game you almighty tweaking idiot.

almighty tweak off.

So you think it unfair to call a pirate a pirate? just almighty tweak right off.



Good job catching a few pirates though. Sadly most of them (around 75%) would be Indians :(
Call them whatever you want but google starforce protection , even that failed on chaos theory. Its not my fault that they are pirating. I feel you Ross but theres really nothing I can do about it.

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