PC Version Troubleshooting/Bug Reporting

Call them whatever you want but google starforce protection , even that failed on chaos theory. Its not my fault that they are pirating. I feel you Ross but theres really nothing I can do about it.

I could care less what other games do - I am going to shame them.

You helped them and now have said I was unfair to them so get mobileed.

Plus you said it was a widespread problem. You obviously know some of them. ****wit
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hey kid as I already told I didn't know that waiting to exit was an issue with pirated copies, get it?

@Ross I said its unfair to call someone pirates if you don't know for sure. As some new guys were jumping in with you saying ''pirate, pirate''.

I said its a well known issue coz many ppl were crying about it here. I'm sorry (2nd time)
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Bullshit, stop back peddling.
hey kid as I already told I didn't know that waiting to exit was an issue with pirated copies, get it?

@Ross I said its unfair to call someone pirates if you don't know for sure. As some new guys were jumping in with you saying ''pirate, pirate''.

I said its a well known issue coz many ppl were crying about it here. I'm sorry (2nd time)

@Ross knows what issues are related to piracy, knows what steam profiles etc. have legit copies etc. I don't think he is calling people a pirate willy nilly.

Ha. Ha ha. Ha ha ha... Willy.
Swear filter works.....


Damn. Should have used willywit.
Time to start a thread with all the names of people known to have pirated the game....


hey kid as I already told I didn't know that waiting to exit was an issue with pirated copies, get it?

@Ross I said its unfair to call someone pirates if you don't know for sure. As some new guys were jumping in with you saying ''pirate, pirate''.

I said its a well known issue coz many ppl were crying about it here. I'm sorry (2nd time)

Dont bother asking any more help or wished for improvements...
Good job catching a few pirates though. Sadly most of them (around 75%) would be Indians :(

NB: When making a massive generalisation, it is always advisable to add a completely made-up number to try and justify it.


You should go all Scarlet Letter and replace their avatar with a huge steaming turd

I remember this happening before, although it was a slightly more subtle Jolly Roger avatar that people suddenly found attached to their profile. :)
Before it all starts; anyone wanting to turn this into a racial slur contest is going to find themselves with other things to do than visit PC......
Before it all starts; anyone wanting to turn this into a racial slur contest is going to find themselves with other things to do than visit PC......

Well said, should stop all them bloody frenchies throwing out their racial aspersions.


Everybody knows 62% of statistics are made up.

I think you'll find only 97% of people know that. The other 16% are too numerically illiterate to understand statistics at all.
To give some perspective to this piracy discussion, we all do realize the immense hard work that has gone into this game, don't we! BigAntStudios have been far too kind with each one of us, be it our consistent posting of the same error or genuine faults in the game - the response from the team has been top-notch. In such a scenario, when such passionate group of cricket game developers come across people with pirated copies of the game on which the BigAntStudios worked tirelessly, I totally echo their strong stand on piracy.

For those who think that BigAntStudios aren't too quick with the updates, you sure haven't been around for EA and Codemasters games, did you see their developers coming to US and asking for our feedback or even concerning for it? NO.

It's simple - those who buy the game, get the perks of it.
@Ross I said its unfair to call someone pirates if you don't know for sure.

He owns the company that made the game, pretty sure that's a rock solid case for knowing which bits are legit bugs and which bits are caused by cracked copies. You're kinda comin' across a little defensive in this very much no-grey-area repartee...
I feel like this place is slowly becoming a noir film.

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