PC Version Troubleshooting/Bug Reporting

He owns the company that made the game, pretty sure that's a rock solid case for knowing which bits are legit bugs and which bits are caused by cracked copies. You're kinda comin' across a little defensive in this very much no-grey-area repartee...

I am 99.999999% sure but you never know, things do have bugs and I'll be the first to apologise if I get it wrong. What is irrefutable though is that once we have someone logged and I send them a PM then all they have to do is tell me their Steam Id or account login and I can check the transaction that is against their name.

I don't see a public response from those I named refuting my claim and protesting their innocence so far.
As much as people don't read the thread title: I've changed it to ask for people to post their steam id when they report problems.

I understand why people may get a bit confused: especially when you're like me and somehow ended up with a different username; id and custom url...
As much as people don't read the thread title: I've changed it to ask for people to post their steam id when they report problems.

I understand why people may get a bit confused: especially when you're like me and somehow ended up with a different username; id and custom url...

Presumably this is why although (I think) my steam ID is dcgate when setting up a profile yesterday ( somebody added me as a friend!!! At last!!!) it tried to make me dm_connors?

Because at that point I got confused, thought it would give me a different profile and I'd lose my library, and cancelled it all - so officially I still have no friends.
Its fine if your id and username is different: you don't lose anything. My username is similar to my real name while my steam id is "IceAgeComing". My url is "iceagecomingsa": it asked me to pick one and "iceagecoming" wasn't available for some reason...

e: If I've got the terminology right: username is what you log on with which never changed: while your id is what is publicly displayed.
It's a shame people are pirating the game, but it was always going to happen, as it does with the vast majority of PC games but I think it's likely that most of these people never had any intention of buying the game.
Whether that be because they don't have their own credit/debit card, don't have enough money or they don't feel guilt for piracy, I wouldn't see it as a 'lost sale' which directly translates to $x money lost.

I was guilty of it in my early to mid-teens and I suspect a lot of kids that age have the same mindset/lack of appreciation for the work that goes into the games you play. I'll only really consider it now if I own the game but a 'cracked' version offers a better product, such as games laden with Uplay or Games for Windows Live buggy nonsense. If I don't think a game is worth my money then it isn't worth my time and I'll just go without it.

If you're an adult though with plenty of disposable income and still decide to pirate the game, then yeah you're just a scumbag.
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Get almighty tweaked

Thanks for the new signature! :)

BTW i'm sure if the PC version doesn't do well sales wise then there wont be a future version as Chief has mentioned before with the AC09 PC version. The sales were almost non existent hence no IC10 PC version so the pirates lose out. You'd be an idiot not to support Big Ant after all the hard work they've put in to this brilliant game anyway.
I wouldn't see it as a 'lost sale' which directly translates to $x money lost.

That's possible, but money is *definitely* lost attempting to look into and then fix issues that are only occurring due to it not being an official product...


BTW i'm sure if the PC version doesn't do well sales wise then there wont be a future version as Chief has mentioned before with the AC09 PC version. The sales were almost non existent hence no IC10 PC version so the pirates lose out. You'd be an idiot not to support Big Ant after all the hard work they've put in to this brilliant game anyway.

I'm very curious as to what difference a few years and the huge upscaling of Steam users in that interim period will do to sales. However, I would suspect that they would still be lower than console sales.

It was quite an unfortunate time to launch: very hard to get any sort of visibility during the Steam sale where the front pages are rammed with discounts. I'm assuming that's what forced them to do a discount on release just to try and get seen.
Hey...big cheers to bigant...awesome work :cheersi got my internet connection back and saw multiple updates...what part if the game improved? Or its just like what's app on windows...'various bug fix' and i want a pirate copy just to know tht amusing thing in the career mode...:lol
That's possible, but money is *definitely* lost attempting to look into and then fix issues that are only occurring due to it not being an official product...


I'm very curious as to what difference a few years and the huge upscaling of Steam users in that interim period will do to sales. However, I would suspect that they would still be lower than console sales.

It was quite an unfortunate time to launch: very hard to get any sort of visibility during the Steam sale where the front pages are rammed with discounts. I'm assuming that's what forced them to do a discount on release just to try and get seen.
That's true and I didn't think of that.

Yeah I hope DBC is doing well sales-wise on Steam - it's 5th in the 'Top Sellers' list for sports games right now and above titles such as Next Car Game, The Golf Club, PES 2014 and the new MotoGP game, although I'm not sure how much of a positive indication this is. I agree that the timing probably didn't do the game any favours with the summer sale hogging the frontpage of the store. Getting the game out around the Ashes would have been ideal for playing off of the hype/fever that surrounds it, but we all know why that couldn't happen...

I've just got back into PC gaming after being on Xbox 360 since 2007, and things are much, much easier, cheaper and user-friendly now that things have gone 99% digital with Steam being the biggest player and GOG also being excellent.
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Well the bottom person on the leaderboards is ranked 1596th. Hopefully sales aren't quite that low, but wouldn't be totally shocked.
Remember that it was released during the Steam sale; so it maybe didn't have the promotion that newly released games normally get. It also may have meant that people who would have bought it spent their money on lots of other games that were half price or something...
Well the bottom person on the leaderboards is ranked 1596th. Hopefully sales aren't quite that low, but wouldn't be totally shocked.

Considering it's only been out a few days, and that as far as I can tell the retail version hasn't actually arrived anywhere yet, I'd say that was actually pretty good.
Most times I've seen the number of players actually playing the game at any one time is bizarrely about 3x fewer than are on the DBC forum... So you would hope that they are waiting for the retail version.
Time to start a thread with all the names of people known to have pirated the game....

Couldn't agree more. "Name and Shame" deserves a thread all its own.

If you're an adult though with plenty of disposable income and still decide to pirate the game, then yeah you're just a scumbag.

You are wrong. Nothing justifies stealing. Whether you have disposable income or not should not be a factor to justify piracy. If you don't have disposable income, tough luck. I would love to drive Porsche and don't have disposable income for the same but that doesn't mean I steal one.

Video gaming is a luxury, not a base necessity that you can't live without. I can understand someone stealing food, water or medicines but not a video game.
This great thread would be a better place for a further discussion on the general concept of whether stealing is bad.

For the purposes of this thread, it is best to leave the debate over whether someone is a pirate or not to Ross and the others at Big Ant who can easily identify it - so we don't get sidetracked.

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