PC Version Troubleshooting/Bug Reporting

Interesting discussion on the PC sales, I was wondering myself what sort of numbers were shifted as I really hope this sells well and it deserves to.

I guess due to the lack of active advertising and marketing a lot of it will be down to good word of mouth which would be more gradual sales.

I also think that a lot of casual cricket fans and sports fans will wait to pick this up in the steam sales at Christmas with a good discount off. The benefit of this at that stage would be building on the franchise for the future - as what's for certain is that once bought most people will be most impressed by DBC.

The future is bright for DBC... it might just take time to build it up and get to the level where Ross and his team deserve to be.
but we also want to avoid people who have actually paid (not $1) for the game being accused of stealing it.

Two words: SteamID. If they're accused, post their SteamID then it's all good. If I was on the list of stealing the game, I'd post my SteamID, get it cleared up in one post. Cut and dry.
I just realized "SteamID" isn't two words... This thread just got a little grammatically awkward for everyone, I do apologize. I'll show myself out, give my love to @ChinamanSpin
@Orangzeb I see that you still havent done anything to get rid of any suspicions that you have pirated the game.....please know that I have got my teeth into this and wont let it go....ever.
Sorry mate , I would not justify myself by telling you s***. I owe you nothing go ahead and do or feel whatever you want. This would be the first game on earth where a forum staff would ask you to validate your copies. I'm here since a long time and didn't notice such hype for BLC games. Now I don't want to abuse someone so don't push me.
Sorry mate , I would not justify myself by telling you s***. I owe you nothing go ahead and do or feel whatever you want. This would be the first game on earth where a forum staff would ask you to validate your copies. I'm here since a long time and didn't notice such hype for BLC games. Now I don't want to abuse someone so don't push me.
Sorry mate , I would not justify myself by telling you s***. I owe you nothing go ahead and do or feel whatever you want. This would be the first game on earth where a forum staff would ask you to validate your copies. I'm here since a long time and didn't notice such hype for BLC games. Now I don't want to abuse someone so don't push me.
If you have nothing to hide then surely you'd just comply if nothing else but to alleviate the suspicions people have?

Going on the defensive like you have only adds to the fishiness.
Sorry mate , I would not justify myself by telling you s***. I owe you nothing go ahead and do or feel whatever you want. This would be the first game on earth where a forum staff would ask you to validate your copies. I'm here since a long time and didn't notice such hype for BLC games. Now I don't want to abuse someone so don't push me.

That calm, polite & reasoning reaction clearly means you bought this game.... NOT :clap

So what if your on the list, it doesn't take much to remedy the situation but yet you crawl into a hole and KEEP DIGGING...
This would be the first game on earth where a forum staff would ask you to validate your copies.

Because, this is the first cricket game on earth where the developer of the game has come to the ground level with an outstanding end user interaction & warranty support.

For getting the developer support, you would need a product key for any software and this is of no difference from those otherwise you are going to get ignored with 1000s of issues - as simple as that. :thumbs
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Kudos to BA for planting the bug(s) so that such people can be identified . :D
@Ross - Have the sales expectation been met? Many of the forum members are curios to know about it
Sorry mate , I would not justify myself by telling you s***. I owe you nothing go ahead and do or feel whatever you want. This would be the first game on earth where a forum staff would ask you to validate your copies. I'm here since a long time and didn't notice such hype for BLC games. Now I don't want to abuse someone so don't push me.

To post in (or even see) the bug-fixing or mod subforums on the official Paradox Interactive forums you need to prove that you own the game by attaching the product code of your game to your forum account. This isn't something that is strange in relation to video games: it actually makes sense, especially if you have a game where they've attempted to complicate things for pirates...
Well the bottom person on the leaderboards is ranked 1596th. Hopefully sales aren't quite that low, but wouldn't be totally shocked.

Hopefully the sales are better than that. It says 1650 now.

I do hope that the PC version is doing well, because it's an amazing game.

A lot of the issue now as well is that many people who bought the console version would be unwilling to buy it a second time (as I did) and few would have waited 2 months for it.

Hopefully the sales do turn out quite well for them though, because I'd love to see as much PC support for the game as possible.

Speaking of the whole SteamID thing, paradox games gives out keys with sales and uses them for listing them as officially buying the game on their forums. As this forum isn't officially linked to Big Ant to my knowledge it might be hard, but such a feature would be an interesting one as we could list icons of the cricket games we've confirmed as having bought under our usernames. It would certainly make it easy for Big Ant as well as they could simply put a group ignore on all people who haven't registered the game with the site.
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Sorry mate , I would not justify myself by telling you s***. I owe you nothing go ahead and do or feel whatever you want. This would be the first game on earth where a forum staff would ask you to validate your copies. I'm here since a long time and didn't notice such hype for BLC games. Now I don't want to abuse someone so don't push me.

Couldnt give a monkeys scrotum how long you have been here.... We will take it as a given then.....

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