PC Version Troubleshooting/Bug Reporting

GAME-10 overs.
teams Australia v india.
fault-(jara bowling)Clean bowled opponent,play just continued as if nothing happened.
Also some fielders are just walking instead of running.Its quite funny to watch actually.:)
Mode: Career
Match Type:4 days
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): 34th over, 3rd ball
Ground: Don't remember
Teams: South Australia v/s New South Wales
Get Best: No
Description of Issue: I was at the striker's end. I hit the ball towards the non-striker and the ball hit him, deflected towards the non-striker's end and rattled the stumps.

Both the bails were down, no appeal was made by the AI. But the non-striker was out of the crease (I actually called for a single and then changed my mind) and between that the bowler picked up the ball and threw it at the stumps - direct hit. The AI appealed and the non-striker was given out.

Now according to the rules, shouldn't the stumps be uprooted (when the bails are not on) in order for the batsman to be given out? Unfortunately, since there isn't a save option for replays I can't provide any video/footage of the incident.

Steam ID: noobards
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GAME-10 overs.
teams Australia v india.
fault-(jara bowling)Clean bowled opponent,play just continued as if nothing happened.
Also some fielders are just walking instead of running.Its quite funny to watch actually.:)


Happened to me once. Cannot deny I was very happy when it happened. This bug can stay as long as it happens to me while batting. :D

Steam ID: AnkitC
GAME-10 overs.
teams Australia v india.
fault-(jara bowling)Clean bowled opponent,play just continued as if nothing happened.
Also some fielders are just walking instead of running.Its quite funny to watch actually.:)

The walking fielders have been hired in from the local Paul Sartre Appreciation Soceity....you have to imagine them with a very thick 'Allo 'Allo accent saying:

"Why? Why should I pick up the ball? Is life not but a needless running to and fro? Ha let them do it for all they can, I care not! Here, you silly people, here, have your ball..."
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As my career player I actually managed to run to the ball before the fielder got there - covering about double the distance. The game didn't let me pick the ball up though.
You are wrong. Nothing justifies stealing. Whether you have disposable income or not should not be a factor to justify piracy. If you don't have disposable income, tough luck. I would love to drive Porsche and don't have disposable income for the same but that doesn't mean I steal one.

Video gaming is a luxury, not a base necessity that you can't live without. I can understand someone stealing food, water or medicines but not a video game.
I never meant to suggest that a lack of wealth justifies piracy, but that there are some cases that are more understandable than others. If you're an adult who appreciates the work that goes into a product, has the money and means to pay for it and still decides against purchasing it in favour of pirating, then you're just a pretty awful person full stop whereas for example a 13 year old pirating because they can't get their mother to use her card details on Steam isn't quite as bad and it's not really a 'lost sale' because this person wouldn't have been able to buy a copy anyway.

It's still wrong in both cases and the kid should learn to do without the games he can't afford, but I wouldn't just shame and label both people in that example as scumbags in the same way as each other.

The debate about piracy is a complex one and I'm not entirely in agreement that analogies/comparisons with the theft of physical goods such as cars are accurate, but as Matt has pointed out, this thread isn't the place to keep the discussion on that topic going so let's get back on-topic here :).
hi, I don't know if it's a bug, it happened in t10 game. My batsmen got
lbw from a spinner, I thought he was out but it was a practice game so I used the review ^^ in the review the ball landed on the foot of Ian Bell, then I think it went on the pad and bounced away. When it showed the
line of the ball I think the computer considered the ball in the point it would have landed without the foot, and after a big turn the ball missed leg stump (was very close). So the batsmen was not out (original decision is out). I'm not sure about the rule, so I don't know if it was a mistake.
We have some ideas for this but we also want to avoid people who have actually paid (not $1) for the game being accused of stealing it.

That's why the "shaming list" needs to be managed by the mods, Ross (Big Ant) or both. But it needs to happen regardless though I highly doubt folks on the list will feel any shame. I mean if they are shameless enough to steal a copy of the game and demand fixes from the game developer, seeing their name in the list would be water off a duck's back for most of them.
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Hi now that I hv played 10 online games, would like to comment on few things:

1 playing online through wifi is still a challenge despite of an updated patch 2. When I play with wired broadband it works fine.

2 Most of the times match gets disconnected and it takes 3 mins to start the game again on wifi.

3 Batsman hit the ball and screen gets stuck for 5 seconds and in next screen u see the ball being fielded, so u can't take singles in this case. Again this happens in wifi.

4 While bowling the baller gets stuck just fer 3 seconds after the jump and the release gets impacted.

5. There is no bat hitting the ball sound while playing in wifi.

6. Lot of time the game gets stuck fer a min and thn starts in online mode again in wifi.

My pc configs are:

I7 , Windows 8, 4700 MQ, 8 GB RAM, 2.5 GHZ, NVIDIA GE FORCE 740 M 2 GB.
HI Ross!

Have been waiting for ur revert on this?

I play more on wifi thn fixed line.

Steam id is prakash_sethia12.

Ross kindly update. I m asking fer the 5 th time??
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That's why the "shaming list" needs to be managed by the mods, Ross (Big Ant) or both. But it needs to happen regardless though I highly doubt folks on the list will feel any shame. I mean if they are shameless enough to steal a copy of the game and demand fixes from the game developer, seeing their name in the list would be water off a duck's back for most of them.

What really bugs me, makes me positively spit spaghetti at the cat, is that these people then come on demanding that this or that be improved or complain aboput something in the game....makes me wanna.....wanna...wanna....arghhhhhh
What really bugs me, makes me positively spit spaghetti at the cat, is that these people then come on demanding that this or that be improved or complain aboput something in the game....makes me wanna.....wanna...wanna....arghhhhhh

Some of them actually pm'd Ross! Can you imagine having the gall to contact the CEO of a company you stole from for providing fixes/enhancements for the stolen product :facepalm
ai fielders catching
legend level .playing on PC.

This still needs some improvement I think.

Was trying to hit over the infielders straight in the v by using the power lofted shot. Mid off mid on fielders catches about 8 out of 10 times. They still run very fast and cover the ground, then catch with one hand. It looks very unreal.
These type of catches running back words are the most difficult ones in real cricket. The fielders run towards the ball while looking at the ball. But in the game they just run at lightning speed straight( super human) where the ball is landing and take the catch easily.

Needs some more inputs from other members on this.
Some of them actually pm'd Ross! Can you imagine having the gall to contact the CEO of a company you stole from for providing fixes/enhancements for the stolen product :facepalm

Which is exactly why I posted my account ID and Steam ID in my last PM to Ross. My name on here (and on Steam) may include Pirate, but I am entirely innocent of piracy! :)

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