PC Version Troubleshooting/Bug Reporting

I'd take the opportunity to embarrass someone falsely accusing me of pirating the game. That might just be me though.
I'd take the opportunity to embarrass someone falsely accusing me of pirating the game. That might just be me though.

My fear has been just that, last thing I want to see is a bug on our side where I label someone a pirate that isn't.

So far 100% of people have not responded with their ID/Name on Steam. One person has done the right thing and ordered the game.

So these people were PM'd yesterday that they were on our list but I did not get a response:

shooterwilliams; aquaken; anuragmajumdar1; Akshyansh; kingram1989; Ashfaq
It's going to be awkward if I get a PM, because not only do I not have the game on PC at all, I don't have a steam account...

Feels like the right time to bring this up again


HAHAHA... Colour me COMPLETELY unsurprised. Here's the best of this douche if anyones needs a memory jog:

CEO of what? Big Ant Studios? bitch please, small fry you are!


I can't believed I paid $99 for this

Turns out you didn't.



One person has done the right thing and ordered the game.

Actually, that person deserves a bit of credit for doing the right thing. So kudos, don't wanna know who you are but you've got my respect for growing a pair, whatever that's worth.
I just love that Big Ant Studios, CEO @Ross is going all Boba Fett on these guys...

That's how much they love the game they made.

It's just cool.
Problem: Can't afford US$50 in Pakistan
Don't want to get a pirated version
No official DVD release in Pakistan
Please give me a discount code for steam :(
Save up for it.

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