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Absolutely! :facepalm

Ali and other people, don't post here and look for advice/solutions.

Constructive discussions can lead to solutions is a myth is today's world. To deal with things, you need to first understand where these guys are coming from which i am sure the site admins understand from the last 2 pages

Rubbish you really are talking rubbish and if you support this Guy you should stop posting here as well....
Just to remind people there is an existing thread for the effect of piracy on cricket games and games in general.
But... the larger the market, the more money I am losing if I sell at a loss.

The example you use is an example of a "loss-leader": you sell something at a loss in order to build user-base and customer loyalty. Microsoft have a huge range of different products to sell, so they let you have one cheap and that gets paid for through you buying others.

This logic doesn't really work so much in the digital world. For physical products, sure, where once the product is created then you still have to produce it, transport it and let the distributor and retailer take their cut.

But for selling something on steam, the only bit that applies is Steam's % of each sale. The concept of losing money on a digital game release is bizarre, for 2 reasons:

1/ The game has already been made and there is nothing more to produce; the distribution is handled by Steam and is built into their cut. Where is the loss? You will probably argue 'wages' but they remain whether the game sells 1 copy or 10 million; they aren't affected by that, they remain an ongoing concern.

2/Presumably some thought went into regional pricing, based on sales projections, and yet the price in Russia is a lot cheaper than in Pakistan. By your rationale, every sale there is at a loss, so why is it on sale in Russia at all, where piracy is a massive issue and I doubt cricket has much impact at all on the national psyche?

The example you quote of MS possibly isn't so much of a loss-leader as it is just responding to the realities of the economy there - you're right that it would be used as a gateway to hopefully people buying more MS products in future - but it is also to try and discourage piracy by making the original product an attractive and affordable option (in the same way that DVDs are stupidly cheap in parts of Asia - relative to the West - to compete with the knock-offs.)

I don't know how much games usually cost in India/Pakistan, but I would have thought it could be a large market and for the sake of the franchise I certainly hope that the pricing is competitive enough to encourage great sales.
Microsoft: Billion Dollar Company. Big Ant Studios: Not.

Chalk that up in the ridiculous comparisons column.
@Gabe - we pay a percentage that is more than the cost of physical goods to Steam, your argument falls at the very first hurdle.
@Gabe - we pay a percentage that is more than the cost of physical goods to Steam, your argument falls at the very first hurdle.

Yowsers, really? That's unbelievable. (I mean "highly surprising" not "your pants are on fire".)

Hard to see how they justify that? (Other than by "where else you gonna sell it, bitch?)
Rubbish you really are talking rubbish and if you support this Guy you should stop posting here as well....

Supporting Piracy? No

Supporting discussions on ways to buy a legit copy and educate people? Yes

Be more mature to be a staff member.
Yowsers, really? That's unbelievable. (I mean "highly surprising" not "your pants are on fire".)

Hard to see how they justify that? (Other than by "where else you gonna sell it, bitch?)

Because they can. I have to be very careful about what I say as I am under so many NDA's but they're no different to the "other" guys when it comes to fees etc.

Their systems for patches are a lot better though for sure. That said, they would have allowed us to put a patch out that killed career mode saves... there is a point to be made for stringent platform protection.
Supporting Piracy? No

Supporting discussions on ways to buy a legit copy and educate people? Yes

Be more mature to be a staff member.

Ah yes the famous " I will just insult you to try to hide the flaws in my argument"

You havent read my post properly. And furthermore it is not the task of this thread to educate someone. Send him a helpful and enlightened pm if you feel the need to educate him.

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