PC Version Troubleshooting/Bug Reporting

...they usually end with "and then he blew the Haggis everywhere" as the punchline, so quite predictable.
...they usually end with "and then he blew the Haggis everywhere" as the punchline, so quite predictable.

Ah this is not quite high culture then, even in Scotland. I was thinking of stuff like Walter Scott's ballad "When Ivanhoe was touching cloth" or Burns' "Shart o' tha Crofter...
@Gabe - we pay a percentage that is more than the cost of physical goods to Steam, your argument falls at the very first hurdle.

I'm amazed at that - however, it doesn't change the argument at all, does it? Because it doesn't actually cost you anything now to supply more digital copies once it has gone live - there is no physical cost. Like I say, whether you sell 1 copy or a million, you don't have to pay anything to 'create' those digital copies (outside of the fixed percentage you pay to Steam for each sale, which is there regardless.)

Indeed, the fact that you pay a percentage of the price to Steam just further illustrates that you can't sell it at a loss; as I understand it, for retail you agree a fixed price per unit, so a reduction in the purchase price does hit your bottom line. But if sales are done via percentage on Steam then you'll earn less, but as it has no physical cost you just need to sell more to break even (which is a different issue to that under discussion).

I do accept that you will have done various sales projections and stuff based on certain prices to reach your targets though (and that the retail side will be different). But if it really was possible to sell it digitally at a loss via Steam, again, why is it on sale in Russia?

Regardless, I do hope the game does well and flourishes for many years to come.
I'm amazed at that - however, it doesn't change the argument at all, does it? Because it doesn't actually cost you anything now to supply more digital copies once it has gone live - there is no physical cost. Like I say, whether you sell 1 copy or a million, you don't have to pay anything to 'create' those digital copies (outside of the fixed percentage you pay to Steam for each sale, which is there regardless.)

you're not really understanding what @Ross has said. (i am giving you the benefit of the doubt that you are not talking out of your ass.)

ok, he doesn't have to print e.g. 10k copies, and pay for distribution etc. but he has explicitly stated that the cut steam takes of each sale is more than he pays for a physical sale.

i.e. (and pulling fingers out of the air here) if 10k physical sales costs him ?3000, he is saying that 10k Steam digital sales costs him more than ?3000 and so simply discounting for Steam downloads is not economically viable. Just because he doesn't have to pay to press the discs doesn't mean the sale doesn't have an associated cost.

the physical discs have an up-front, fixed cost. by what he's said the digital sales have an ongoing, potentially unlimited cost.

so selling more digital copies at a loss is a ridiculous thing to do. it would be potentially worth doing on a physical release since the up-front cost is already spent, and you're at least recouping something with each sale. it is suicidal digitally because you're incurring an additional cost with each sale, and recouping nothing.
...and I think based on the numbers we've seen, the sales so far for a game on the market for a week or so in the wake of AC13 being the last Cricket title for sale on Steam, I think BA will be reasonably pleased and to be honest, $50 is a steal for this title, given the daily/hourly patches we're getting coupled with the great online multiplayer experience.
What are the 10 major bugs? Or will you not share those until some of your other demands are met?
Have you downloaded the latest update from Steam?
This thread is getting lonely: http://www.planetcricket.org/forums...chat/limiting-piracy-cricket-games-83310.html

We don't need 5 different threads all discussing piracy/pricing - we have one and this isn't it.

Yeah, sorry, I'll post in that thread.

Back on topic, I've just had another phantom edge, where I wasn't near the ball and I've been given out caught behind. The BARS shows the ball-tracker and it has no impact line, which figures, as I didn't touch it.

Is anybody else getting these?
Yeah, sorry, I'll post in that thread.

Back on topic, I've just had another phantom edge, where I wasn't near the ball and I've been given out caught behind. The BARS shows the ball-tracker and it has no impact line, which figures, as I didn't touch it.

Is anybody else getting these?

did the BARS overturn the decision correctly?

there has to be some wrong decisions otherwise there's no point in BARS (this is the FEGAN RULE)... but if BARS didn't overturn the decision it's a problem.

speaking of which, @Biggs and I officiating in the match I am playing at the moment, (2 day first class, England Rebels v SA Colts) and he gave a stinker of an LBW decision against poor Graham Gooch, ball pitched well outside leg. 1982, so no BARS :(

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