PC Version Troubleshooting/Bug Reporting

Whenever the game crashes i got this error SteamID:Kmillz98


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Whenever the game crashes i got this error SteamID:Kmillz98

You will get that error if the game exits in any way other than via the exit function in the menu.
did the BARS overturn the decision correctly?

there has to be some wrong decisions otherwise there's no point in BARS (this is the FEGAN RULE)... but if BARS didn't overturn the decision it's a problem.

speaking of which, @Biggs and I officiating in the match I am playing at the moment, (2 day first class, England Rebels v SA Colts) and he gave a stinker of an LBW decision against poor Graham Gooch, ball pitched well outside leg. 1982, so no BARS :(

Well no, it didn't give me any option to review because the game counted it as an edge and a catch. I only looked at the BARS to see if it would show hotspot or snicko, but it only gave the ball tracker which only showed a pitching mark (so wasn't really much use).

But I've had probably 10 or so of what I will term 'phantom' edges in 40-odd career matches where I swear I've not hit it and had no feedback indicating I have - no ball deviation, no sound, nothing showing on the replay and no opportunity to review.

I have had proper little nicks where I have heard a sound and been caught, and I'm fine with those (well, nobody likes getting out...) but for a lot of others, nothing - to the point I've been properly surprised when there's an appeal.

If nothing else, the game needs to provide a bit more feedback to let me know I've hit it (perhaps even just show me the hotspot/snicko), because as it stands it's a very frustrating - and seemingly unfair - dismissal.

Unrelated, but I had a 5-minute rain break, which doesn't seem right. And it was bright blue skies which never changed, despite the rain coming down - does the sky get overcast or change at all other than for day/night games? I can't say that I've noticed now that I think about it.
I thought I'd try downsampling the game due to the lack of antialiasing options - it's been successful and it's improved the image quality quite a bit.

I'm up to 2880x1620 now, but I also created a resolution of 3200x1800 which I could display outside of the game, but it's not selectable from the graphics options in DBC and editing the config.ini file to 3200x1800 only made the game open in (I think) 800x600.

This is the first time I've attempted downsampling so does anyone have any idea as to why 3200x1800 won't appear in-game? I've tried a couple of other games and I could select it in those. Any help appreciated.

Edit - Also tried 3840x2160 (4K) and this works in other games but doesn't appear in DBC.
@BigAntStudios @HBK619

Edit 2 - 3000x1688 appears in the game and works fine, but anything above this, such as 3004x1690 doesn't come up in the game.
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Today I'm noticing a slight stutter through the menus & in game on PC. This just me?

Steam ID: Dridge118
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Match: 4 day test
Stadium: Bradman Oval
Teams: Nottinghamshire-Lancashire (downloaded from academy)

The AI was batting and they get a single, they had arrived already
at the crease when I returned the ball, and they were performing the
"turn around and walking animation", but the batsman went outside
the crease and was run out by the wicketkeeper.
Mode: Career
Match Type: Any
Over Count: Any
Ground: Any
Teams: Any
Description of Issue: Hey guys,

Utterly obsessed with the game. Anyway, not sure if it's been mentioned, but in career mode as a left arm finger spinner, when I get wickets with a stock ball (turns away from a right hander) I get experience points for a wrong un, and vice versa.

Steam id - jakeshredz
Mode: Career
Match Type: 4-day
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured):
Ground: SCG
Teams: NSW vs. SAus
Get Best: yes
Description of Issue:

Playing my career in the Australian domestic first-class tournament, and the supposedly four day match actually lasted five. I've checked my settings for the four day match type in the Academy and it was set to be four days, so I'm not sure what's going on.

Also, why does the title of the thread say to post our Steam IDs?
Quote by don1282
Hi now that I hv played 10 online games, would like to comment on few things:

1 playing online through wifi is still a challenge despite of an updated patch 2. When I play with wired broadband it works fine.

2 Most of the times match gets disconnected and it takes 3 mins to start the game again on wifi.

3 Batsman hit the ball and screen gets stuck for 5 seconds and in next screen u see the ball being fielded, so u can't take singles in this case. Again this happens in wifi.

4 While bowling the baller gets stuck just fer 3 seconds after the jump and the release gets impacted.

5. There is no bat hitting the ball sound while playing in wifi.

6. Lot of time the game gets stuck fer a min and thn starts in online mode again in wifi.

My pc configs are:

I7 , Windows 8, 4700 MQ, 8 GB RAM, 2.5 GHZ, NVIDIA GE FORCE 740 M 2 GB.
HI Ross!

Have been waiting for ur revert?

I'd prakash_sethia12
when i try to play a cover drive it plays a straight drive..i think my right analogue axis are swap but how to fix that???im using a ps1 controller to pc
Also, why does the title of the thread say to post our Steam IDs?
Because certain issues, such as the "Waiting for exit" one that has been reported, only occur in the pirated version of the game.

Posting your Steam ID means that the purchase can be verified to that account, proving the issues being experienced are present in the legit version of the game.
Mode: Career
Match Type: 4-day
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured):
Ground: SCG
Teams: NSW vs. SAus
Get Best: yes
Description of Issue:

Playing my career in the Australian domestic first-class tournament, and the supposedly four day match actually lasted five. I've checked my settings for the four day match type in the Academy and it was set to be four days, so I'm not sure what's going on.

Also, why does the title of the thread say to post our Steam IDs?
Was it the final? The final of the Sheffield Shield is five-days.
Mode: Career
Match Type: T20 & 4 day
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): First Ball
Ground: Any
Teams: Perth Scorchers vs. Melbourne Renegades and further on in all the matches
Get Best: yes
Description of Issue:

After the first ball, game stops due to rain (No rain seen), the first innings score remains whatever the batsman scores off that delivery.
Second teams bats, and same thing happens, they get to play only 1 ball and irrespective of, what they score in that, team batting second are declared winners.:(:facepalm
The same thing happened, the next t20 against Mel. Stars which was the final of the tournament and it continued in 4 day format also

Pls help asap
Steam id: sandeep.chandak
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