Post your questions about the game here!

when I'd go all guns out & get the required rate down to 8 from 10, the commentators would talk of how the required rate has climbed to 8 an over. That's stupid.

Haha that really is lame. :p
But it has ever happened for so long, each and every cricket game I remember I have played.
Obviously they'd have side talks, but the 48hr audio would also accommodate lines for every situation, or rather multiple lines for every situation.

Lets hope so. Unless the commentary team are Chinese tourists they grabbed off the street, the more commentary the better.
To be honest, I've not seen confirmation on 48 hours of commentary.
That's the sort of news though that makes me get as excited as you do when you see a new post from Ross. :rolleyes
Unless of course its you doing the commentary. Then I'm pressing mute every time I play. :wave

Now Now, i only get excited him i read your Dribble.:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol
Back to the game i bet what ross was meaning is they recorded 48 hours, so my guess is they will take a lot out but i hope i'm wrong.


Your assuming that its not 48 hours of talking about birds or something!

Bill lawry,chinese couple and ross. Done....:clap:clap:cheers
You have a lot of doubt on the content of the commentary team, because it is 48 hours. Isn't it?

No doubt here. I would love to have 48 hours of commentary. Just can't see it having that much. But I have no reason to doubt it doesn't. Think 79cricket was right in saying they probably recorded 48 hours, but will edit and delete a lot out.


Bill lawry,chinese couple and ross. Done....:clap:clap:cheers

You actually made me laugh with that. I feel so dirty. :(
And how come you've not commented on my sig?
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No doubt here. I would love to have 48 hours of commentary. Just can't see it having that much. But I have no reason to doubt it doesn't. Think 79cricket was right in saying they probably recorded 48 hours, but will edit and delete a lot out.


You actually made me laugh with that. I feel so dirty. :(
And how come you've not commented on my sig?

Yeah very funny, i can take a joke if it's not to rude but i'm disappointed in you for being my only member(god that sounds dirty to:() where is Mr Handsome Lee 1981, god it's like when someone said earlier when ross showed that new picture and someone goes where is chief. I can see it now, Chief and Ross having a beer and saying how will we tease pc members today.;)
[The commentary won't be delivered by us reading from a script - no one should be subjected to that!

We will record 40+ hours of commentary however the commentary will get boring after a while, I wish I could promise you it wouldn't but unfortunately it always will because of the amount of time the game is played.

Rain and bad light can be optionally turned on/off. We have a really good dynamic weather system in place from the Rugby League games so I want to use them.

EDIT: I should say that if I don't answer a question it won't mean I missed it, it will generally mean I can't - the specific modes of play will be announced at another time.

This is what was posted by Ross earlier. so assuming that total compilation would be around 48hrs worth, that also include multiple tone of names as well. :)
[The commentary won't be delivered by us reading from a script - no one should be subjected to that!

We will record 40+ hours of commentary however the commentary will get boring after a while, I wish I could promise you it wouldn't but unfortunately it always will because of the amount of time the game is played.

Rain and bad light can be optionally turned on/off. We have a really good dynamic weather system in place from the Rugby League games so I want to use them.

EDIT: I should say that if I don't answer a question it won't mean I missed it, it will generally mean I can't - the specific modes of play will be announced at another time.

This is what was posted by Ross earlier. so assuming that total compilation would be around 48hrs worth, that also include multiple tone of names as well. :)

Yeah that's the post i recall, cool i'm all for good commentary but it's not to high up on the ladder for me, i can always do my own and i know how sad that is but i'm better than the old games, ross i promise.:lol
p.s Ross can you reveal anything about the commentary team, maybe a name ?
I still couldn't forget Gone4Duck's joke about that BigAntpost. Those posts are on the first page of this same thread.
Xbox or PlayStation, don't know much about either of them. So, do such games exist with multiple discs for these platforms?

Only X-Box 360 uses more than one disc for some games as they use DVDs to store the media. PS3 uses one disc for the game because it is stored on a Blu-ray disc even with bigger games like LA Noire, GTA IV, Deus Ex: HR and Mass Effect.
Hey Ross,
Was just wondering, with the new bowling mechanics, do we have control over the speed of the ball? Can we still make subtle + drastic changes to the speed of bowling? Why I ask this is because with the current bowling mechanics available in games, we normally used to select the marker on the pitch and then stop the speed meter at any level we may wish, with too high a speed resulting in a no-ball. However, since that mechanic is not being used in your game, am just hoping you were still able to work out a way to have control over the bowling speeds.
Hey Ross,
Was just wondering, with the new bowling mechanics, do we have control over the speed of the ball? Can we still make subtle + drastic changes to the speed of bowling? Why I ask this is because with the current bowling mechanics available in games, we normally used to select the marker on the pitch and then stop the speed meter at any level we may wish, with too high a speed resulting in a no-ball. However, since that mechanic is not being used in your game, am just hoping you were still able to work out a way to have control over the bowling speeds.

Nice thoughts,Also Ross Please do not make the slower delivery physics too slow,by a slower delivery i meant to say that any stock delivery delivered with a slow speed,and not just the "Slower delivery",It looks pretty unrealistic with a too much slow physics of ball...
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