Post your questions about the game here!

could you possibly guide me to that post where ross has mentioned about TV ratings and retirements?

Post Number 34 on the same thread. It's also on the first page...

14. Oh and assuming the career mode is gonna run deep, for years, would the player's attributes grow over the period too? As a player matures as he playes more...and some retire too. I guess the retirement is cross connected with the brand value, spectators etc? Like if its Sachin's last match, obviously more TV rating, spectators etc. and after he retires, there is gonna be less people coming into watch India play.
Is something sort of that going to feature in game?

Stat's change over time. Performance of the team is reasonably dominant for earning revenue, followed by star players, often you get both or neither at the same time, this is where retirement timing and player management come into the game. I don't want to give much more away on the Career mode side of things but it will be revealed in videos and screenshots prior to the game's release.

And this one from the BigAnt Studios post first look thread,
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From this post

We will be implementing a similar system to RLL2 in that regard.

In Career mode, position on the ladder/group, finals, style of play etc.. will determine the crowd - it won't be always packed - this means $$ earned at the gate, sponsors and TV ratings so it does effect the management side of things. Play boring Cricket and no one will turn up and you will be in a spiral not being able to afford good players and traininng staff.

I'm just wondering Ross. What does the game interpret as 'boring cricket'? It seems like a very subjective thing. And if I'm reading this post correctly there will have to be some domestic competitions, licensed or unlicensed.

It sounds like the game will have a lot of longevity which I see as being crucial in a sports game. If anyone has played RLL2 could they comment on the career mode? It sounds great but it would be interesting if people are still enjoying it?

I'm especially interested in the financial management side. Its probably still too early for Ross to disclose anything more on this however. Career mode in general could be the big seller for BA Cricket. From what Ross has posted it sounds like its going to be infinitely more in depth than anything we've had in a cricket game before. Its great having such a passionate developer who know what the fans want.

I've got full faith in the actual gameplay simply based on Big Ant's efforts with Footy and Rugby. They clearly understood both sports and managed to transfer it into the game. Footy may be even more difficult than cricket to develop. I have no doubts the gameplay will be great.

And I hope self publishing pays off for Big Ant. I can't say I've been impressed with Tru Blu/HES in the past. If it works with cricket it might be something they can pursue in the future with their other games.
From this post

I'm just wondering Ross. What does the game interpret as 'boring cricket'? It seems like a very subjective thing. And if I'm reading this post correctly there will have to be some domestic competitions, licensed or unlicensed.

I've got full faith in the actual gameplay simply based on Big Ant's efforts with Footy and Rugby. They clearly understood both sports and managed to transfer it into the game. Footy may be even more difficult than cricket to develop. I have no doubts the gameplay will be great.

"boring cricket" is subjective, understood, I guess most of us wouldn't like to watch no wickets and no runs for very long.... little like passing backwards continually in football.

Football and Rugby League were certainly challenging, however Cricket has it's own set of issues to overcome. As people say, including myself, the proof is in the pudding. I believe that we've made the best AFL and NRL games to date and we are determined to do the same for Cricket.
"boring cricket" is subjective, understood, I guess most of us wouldn't like to watch no wickets and no runs for very long.... little like passing backwards continually in football.

Football and Rugby League were certainly challenging, however Cricket has it's own set of issues to overcome. As people say, including myself, the proof is in the pudding. I believe that we've made the best AFL and NRL games to date and we are determined to do the same for Cricket.

But no wickets during an ODI match is a happy sight for the home crowd right?
But no wickets during an ODI match is a happy sight for the home crowd right?

Also, when saving a test match on the final day, no wickets is again a good sight....even when there are no runs scored. If you combine that with a lot of close shouts, lots of good balls etc., it is certainly not a boring day of cricket. I hope if ratings are dependent on the style of cricket being played, all these scenarios are taken into consideration, though frankly I feel that would be too complicated to implement.....but then its the magicians called BigAnt at anything is possible. Based on what I have read about the game so far, BigAnt seems to me like 'the' Naughty Dogs (creators of Uncharted series and Last of Us on ps3) of cricket gaming :)! The attention to detail is just mind blowing :)!
Sorry if this question has been answered already.

Will a t20 game feature a one over eliminator or super over for a tied game..?
Or does it have a 1 over a side game mode?
I think what he means by "boring cricket" is playing negative cricket. That is settling for a draw when you can win with a positive attitude in a test match, Super defensive cricket in ODI's (low score on a batting pitch with wickets to spare), ultra defensive bowling and field setting in test matches without sufficient reason etc... That too I think will only occur if this behaviour is repeated frequently.

One question I have is that graphically the RLL2 player editor shown in video below is way superior than the one in CA beta video. Will the final game have same or more quality graphically than RLL2?
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I think what he means by "boring cricket" is playing negative cricket. That is settling for a draw when you can win with a positive attitude in a test match, Super defensive cricket in ODI's (low score on a batting pitch with wickets to spare), ultra defensive bowling and field setting in test matches without sufficient reason etc... That too I think will only occur if this behaviour is repeated frequently.

Yeah, but thats the main worry we have. Is the code intelligent enough to realize these negative tactics based on the match situation?
I have been playing rll2 fpr over a couple of weeks now and I will share light on that. Please dont expect any technical term from me but here goes:

1. Career mode starts by choosing your team.

2. You have to choose a sponsor which sets you a target to achive bonuses.

3. You distribute the amount in variouss places I.e. salary, traning, medical just like in unternational cricket captain.

4. Its not easy to win bonuses as you are buildig the team. Once you are on a losing streak it becomes hard. Once you in form you can win matches too. So form matters a lot.

5. Losing streaks means less people at tickets window and less sales. Players morale low.

6. You start winning and you get people coming but not in massive way but slowly build up.

7. I have not seen any player retirement till yet as I have still to finiah first season.

8. Form, fatigue, previous injuries do play part in the game though, you tend to see the player is struggling.

9. Ai is smart and will crush you if you make a mistake.

Hope this helps.
I would describe both those things as unlikely rather than clear.
I don't believe there would be no name in place or marketing campaign underway for a release as early as June.

Spot on. I seriously doubt they'd have the ICC Champions Trophy licenses, else they probably wouldn't have such an in-depth editor. Besides, if it were heavily licensed they'd keep a lot of game features under the table until the game was officially announced. Ashes 2013 only has 2 international licenses and we still don't know all the features. But maybe Ross will surprise us again and announce some big licenses.
It would be possible to have ICC Champions Trophy naming rights and not player rights...! Two seperate things. Not saying this will happen.....but it is possible!
A small thing that bugged me about RLL2 was the quite loud sound it made when you passed the ball, I have never heard a pass out of someones hand make a noise before (or very slight) :P Hopefully it's not the same with bowling in cricket, or has the option to turn off.
It would be possible to have ICC Champions Trophy naming rights and not player rights...! Two seperate things. Not saying this will happen.....but it is possible!

But the question still remains, why keep the name under wraps if you really have such a big license? If they do have the Champions Trophy license, then that would be the first thing I would inform the public about. Or maybe they recently finished the negotiations or maybe ICC doesnt want them to disclose the game with their name right now, and instead would want them to release the details once they start promoting the champions trophy itself.

We can only wait and watch :)!

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