Post your questions about the game here!

When r u showing us the game trailer Ross r giving us the release date ,is there any different pitches in matches

Could not understand what you are asking but would still try to answer it.
There will be different type of pitches according to location .Pitches will degrade accordingly.
Also:Please dont write your email address when you are asked your twitter id :facepalm
@Ross: It may seem like a weird request but can you or Mike change avatar. Always seems to be confused who is posting when both of you are using same avatar because generally I recognize the user from their avatar's rather than username.

Just a suggestion, it's none of my buisness what you prefer though! :yes
Yeah, it's so hard to read names. Stupid letters... getting in the way...
Yeah, it's so hard to read names. Stupid letters... getting in the way...
I think he has a point - I certainly usually see the avatar first and associate that with the users.

If I had the power to change the rules, I'd make it an infraction offence to have the same avatar as someone else. Actually, I think it's borderline plagiarism and certainly inappropriate language.

Luckily for Ross and Mike I don't have such power ever since my 'banning people whose name begins with B' idea for a rule was voted down.
Matt is just gagging for everyone to change back to having Ants again, that was a fun month...



...wait, Starts with B?

Ross, Barmy... We need to talk. Huddle up.
I'm sure someone borrowed my avatar for a while and even I got confused as to whether I had posted stuff!


Didn't you win Best Avatar in the PC awards one year? I'm pretty sure I'd win it now, mine's a beauty.
In this game how the AI works? is it depending on the match situation...
Bowling : bowling yorker or slower balls in slog overs & bowling off stump line, full length ball or bouncer for the new batsman
Batting : When to hit the ball or play defend or taking singles. if AI plays depending on the match situation the game will be more interesting...:)
"You can decide the character of man from the pic he chooses for avatar on a public forum"

Okay... okay... for you hard-of-avatar-sighted, maybe Ross and Mikey can use these:


Avatar versions...




  • Nametags.png
    18 KB · Views: 200
  • MikeyAvatar.png
    1.6 KB · Views: 201
  • RossAvatar.png
    1.4 KB · Views: 198
I'm sure someone borrowed my avatar for a while and even I got confused as to whether I had posted stuff!

Barmy any luck finding chief, i bet it's like finding wally in a huge uk size puzzle.:p p.s Biggs do your magic mate, create photo shop now.:D
Hey Ross, does all your team know the identity of the ?????? missing player.
I reckon we can crack Mikey if he knows, when your not on pc.
Ross / Mikey. I want to know how accurate are close third umpiring decisions?
Yesterday during the Champions Trophy Final the one Ian Bell got out should have been Benefit of Doubt Not out and Stuart Broad should have been given out as to me the leg was in the air.
So my questions are :-
1. Will the Third Umpire make mistakes in stumping and run outs if it is very close?
2. Will we get different camera angles if one shot is not clear enough to get to any kind of decision?
3. Lastly just being greedy. Will we have Orbit camera for Instant replays?


In this game how the AI works? is it depending on the match situation...
Bowling : bowling yorker or slower balls in slog overs & bowling off stump line, full length ball or bouncer for the new batsman
Batting : When to hit the ball or play defend or taking singles. if AI plays depending on the match situation the game will be more interesting...:)

Ross confirmed that AI will play as per as the situation in Career Mode. So realistic Run Rates are achievable.
And for a normal match where we control the whole batting and AI only controls the runner. There also AI can decide whether they should take quick singles/doubles or deny a run depending on the situation.

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