Post your questions about the game here!

It's ok, I would co-join Trickstar/505 as they have a player editor too :)
There must be precedent on this with FIFA/PES. The ability to make likenesses can't breach copyright/licencing.

Yep, clutching at straws, desperate actions from a team that does not want to go head to head in the market.

You'd have to ban everything from mspaint through to YouTube, basically any blank canvas.

Pretty hypocritical too since they ship with unlicensed teams and aparently a player editor.
Yep, clutching at straws, desperate actions from a team that does not want to go head to head in the market.

You'd have to ban everything from mspaint through to YouTube, basically any blank canvas.

Pretty hypocritical too since they ship with unlicensed teams and aparently a player editor.

ah now i got that,so they tried to challenge CA's features (cricket academy) with a legal notice from CA (Cricket Australia) :clap:clap:clap:cheers:wave
There must be precedent on this with FIFA/PES. The ability to make likenesses can't breach copyright/licencing.

As long as publishers/developers don't do it OOB (out of the box), can't see what 505 Games and CA can do anything about it. After all player editors/creators are meant for doing exactly that - letting game users to recreate player likeness in the game.

To me it looks like a spanner in the works so BAC release is delayed.

Ross, do you recall my post a few days back where I talked about you coming up against unheard of hurdles in your quest to release a cricket title? Well, this looks like one of those bolts from the blue to deny us cricket gaming fans a decent game :(
ah now i got that,so they tried to challenge CA's features (cricket academy) with a legal notice from CA (Cricket Australia) :clap:clap:clap:cheers:wave


The lol is that their licensed product that they endorse and apparently approve has a player editor, but hey if I was CA and seen the screenshots side by side I might not want C14 in the market either.

The lol is that their licensed product that they endorse and apparently approve has a player editor, but hey if I was CA and seen the screenshots side by side I might not want C14 in the market either.

I don't think the 505 Games or CA believe they have a foolproof case against you. IMO their intent is to delay you long enough so they can get their game first in the market and reap the benefits of being first in a niche market.
As long as publishers/developers don't do it OOB (out of the box), can't see what 505 Games and CA can do anything about it. After all player editors/creators are meant for doing exactly that - letting game users to recreate player likeness in the game.

To me it looks like a spanner in the works so BAC release is delayed.

Ross, do you recall my post a few days back where I talked about you coming up against unheard of hurdles in your quest to release a cricket title? Well, this looks like one of those bolts from the blue to deny us cricket gaming fans a decent game :(

Not happening, I foresaw this move and have them covered.

The lol is that their licensed product that they endorse and apparently approve has a player editor, but hey if I was CA and seen the screenshots side by side I might not want C14 in the market either.

so can they create lag in your progress of the game's steady public reveal?
They would be silly too as the damages when they lose would be extraordinarily high.


They also know my background, I have a 100% strike rate in court, I dont think they'll go there.
This is disgrace. If we can't make a proper game, then shamelessly put down a false accusation against the competitors. Surely there has to be some kind of action you can take against them?
Not happening, I foresaw this move and have them covered.

Even if you had anticipated it, don't you think this is sort of a curve ball which may adversely impact your marketing plan and as a result BAC release date? This is what 505 Games would be hoping for and if they can hit the shelves first, this legal shenanigan (if I can say that) would have served its purpose.


They would be silly too as the damages when they lose would be extraordinarily high.


They also know my background, I have a 100% strike rate in court, I dont think they'll go there.

But what about the delays though? Don't you think it will adversely impact your plans?
This is disgrace. If we can't make a proper game, then shamelessly put down a false accusation against the competitors. Surely there has to be some kind of action you can take against them?

Nope, I await their action and counter sue for damages. Anyway it won't come to that, they're all wind as usual, just thought I'd let you guys know what's going on in parallel with the "apology" that was issued.

Probably should say no more for now.
They got CA (Cricket Australia) to send me a letter - looks like they want to fight dirty...


There are a lot of player editors out her in games, aparently there is one in Ashes 201X? - I can see their defense being that you can't actually create likenesses in theirs ;)

So finally CA learned something from BCCI ;)

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