Post your questions about the game here!

You're going to have to pry the pitch from my cold, dead corpse... there's no way I'll be "walking". Umpires going to raise that finger every damn time...

Ahh, so that's what happened in the screenie at the top there... [/safetywink]
Decision was overturned upon review, bowler overstepped...
That article quotes "" as the source... Matt is going to have a meltdown.
yeah lol. I laughed at it too. But they seem so sure of the date. Ross can you comment? ;)
Or maybe after reading name Cricket 14, they just assumed that it is coming next year :lol
I always frequent

Cricket79 and WMatt are my favourite posters
...don't forget Staff Admin ArmyBarmy. Good bloke, bit backwards though.

I think it's safe to assume "Ben Wilson" skim-read a few threads and pulled the release date out of his ass. I wouldn't worry about it. Mind you, the article has been written like Ross and Ben sat down over Cake for a chat... I'm offended if that event occurred that didn't provide the catering since they provided everything else content-wise ;)
"You manage/coach (train, hire, fire) the team and also can play the games or simulate them,? Big Ant CEO Ross Symons told"

Still thinks career mode is team based as well! So I wouldn't take it too seriously!
But it is official Playstation Magazine.

...exactly. Their content shouldn't be reading threads on forums and making assumptions. Based on that, I'll just skim-read twitter and report the news.

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