Post your questions about the game here!

Hey BIGGS/ MATTW / BARMY and all the admin can we have a thread with all the confirmed feature listed?? Just a clean sort of thing so that the new comers don't keep on asking the same thing.
Ramadan unfortunately won't have anything to do with the release... Loved my time in Malaysia during Ramadan, sunsets and food just arrives everywhere!

We have a studio in Malaysia btw.

The reason i am so disappointed with Ashes cricket not releasing is that i would have been playing test matches after my brother after work till we break fast. What better way to conserve energy and kill time during ramadan??

But with no new cricket game it looks like EA 07 will have to do for another year. Not the ideal cricket game... but atleast you do not get a slogfest like you do in the Ashes games
I like being included on that list. Promotion by association...
If by "battle" you mean "get routinely told off" then yes... I'm like the little brother they never wanted.

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