Post your questions about the game here!

Hi ross, how the BARS works, will u add random chances of umpire giving outs or just for the close calls(programmed)
I would like to have the umpires make some absolute shockers, especially when you're unable to make a call on it, just because I like the idea of controllers all over the world being hurled around living rooms and swearing #%#%## Ross!... however, as much fun as that would be, it's pretty much the close calls, angle of vision of the umpire, etc.. and a touch of magic dust (otherwise referred to as Random()).
I would like to have the umpires make some absolute shockers, especially when you're unable to make a call on it, just because I like the idea of controllers all over the world being hurled around living rooms and swearing #%#%## Ross!...

Should have done it. The downside would be uninformed people would b!tch about the game being broken.

however, as much fun as that would be, it's pretty much the close calls, angle of vision of the umpire, etc.. and a touch of magic dust (otherwise referred to as Random()).

Huh? What the f**k

*That's all I can think of to say right now*
2 questions for big ant.

1. the screenshots are they from and older build.
2. will you release a demo or trailer 1 month before game or something.

1. Yes. As seen on the pics as well, these are from non-final version
2. In all probability, yes! Ross said first the date would be released, then followed by trailer, screens and vids!
Ross, we have everything in the game, so just want to push it further. Can we BE the umpire. Not play, let the AI play, we are just the umpire.
I would like to have the umpires make some absolute shockers, especially when you're unable to make a call on it, just because I like the idea of controllers all over the world being hurled around living rooms and swearing #%#%## Ross!... however, as much fun as that would be, it's pretty much the close calls, angle of vision of the umpire, etc.. and a touch of magic dust (otherwise referred to as Random()).

Ross, if the infield umpires have that "ANGLE OF VISION" then does this apply for 3rd Umpire too?
Will the game know whether it is out or not, if it is a Stumping or Run Out and decide in place of 3rd umpire or the 3rd umpire will also have "ANGLE OF VISION" (of course via different camera).
And if there is no clear view then are we going to get "BENEFIT OF DOUBT" ?? :cheers
Ross, we have everything in the game, so just want to push it further. Can we BE the umpire. Not play, let the AI play, we are just the umpire.

Sounds like a feature that would rarely be used in the game!! Who would wanna stand and watch the ai play for all those overs!! Would be a complete NO-NO for online!!!
2 questions for big ant.

1. the screenshots are they from and older build.
2. will you release a demo or trailer 1 month before game or something.

ross is not from 505 or trickstar to do ugly tricks, he will release the videos a month before the release date
I would like to have the umpires make some absolute shockers, especially when you're unable to make a call on it, just because I like the idea of controllers all over the world being hurled around living rooms and swearing #%#%## Ross!... however, as much fun as that would be, it's pretty much the close calls, angle of vision of the umpire, etc.. and a touch of magic dust (otherwise referred to as Random()).

You can always have a option of turning DRS on or off in the settings option. If DRS is on, Umpires would randomly give shockers and if it is off, then they would give right decision everytime. Simple ;)
You can always have a option of turning DRS on or off in the settings option. If DRS is on, Umpires would randomly give shockers and if it is off, then they would give right decision everytime. Simple
If DRS is off there should still be wrong decisions, the umpires getting it right all the time is just not realistic. Even in previous games with no DRS, there were wrong decisions, but you just take that as part of cricket.

Every decision being right would take a lot of the fun out of it. Indeed there should be occasions where the decision is wrong with DRS on.
Asking this question the third time,Will we be able to use the crease like Pollard does,Bowling away from the stumps and bowling closer to the stumps to create an angle...:)
^It was in IC 2010 and Ashes Cricket 2009. There is no way Ross and his team will have missed this crucial part of bowling.

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