Post your questions about the game here!

Absolutely no idea on how long these certification processes take. However the article below (albeit from 2008) seems to suggests that it can be speeded upto 2 weeks:

So, How Long Do Sony And Microsoft's Approvals Processes Take?

That's the pure time it's in approvals, and if you are first time approved it is a good month to get on the shelf (including the two weeks approval) as there is manufacture and shipping.

Ashes 2013 will not get approved first time... this is almost guaranteed as from what I have heard it is not in a very good state (not playable).... they will then have to fix the bugs found in their first submission before resubmitting perhaps another two times.
That's the pure time it's in approvals, and if you are first time approved it is a good month to get on the shelf (including the two weeks approval) as there is manufacture and shipping.

Ashes 2013 will not get approved first time... this is almost guaranteed as from what I have heard it is not in a very good state (not playable).... they will then have to fix the bugs found in their first submission before resubmitting perhaps another two times.

Wowzers, so in effect no chance of it coming out before the end of the current ashes series. If they come out in October/November they are going to struggle big time against the other big sporting franchises and the launch of the next gen systems.
That's the pure time it's in approvals, and if you are first time approved it is a good month to get on the shelf (including the two weeks approval) as there is manufacture and shipping.

Ashes 2013 will not get approved first time... this is almost guaranteed as from what I have heard it is not in a very good state (not playable).... they will then have to fix the bugs found in their first submission before resubmitting perhaps another two times.

Ross, TBH I don't have much faith in platform owners finding any sort of bugs. Else we wouldn't have had the broken online gameplay on IC 2010. It still boggles my mind that nobody (developer, publisher, platform owner etc.) was able to find such a glaring game-breaking error. How do we know the same thing won't happen again?
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RLL2 was created in PC however the publisher decided not to release it.

Why would he do that? They would have sold more copies and if he wanted to save on the DVD manufacturing, he could have gone for digital download.
Ross, I'm curious about your thoughts on Cricket Coach and International Cricket Captain?

I think ICC took the cake for trotting out the same game year after year with mere roster updates. When they finally upgraded to "3D" it was barely worth it.

With CC, on the other hand, I had a lot of fun with the latest version. Sure, it's a bit buggy and there are some unrealistic parts but it's a statistics-fiend's dream. I loved looking over state games and picking upcoming players for my Australia A tours, and ultimately getting them in the test team. I thought it very impressive for a game with essentially no graphics to be so fun, much like the Football/Championship Manager games back in the day.

Did you or other members of your team play these other cricket games much, despite being significantly different?
Ross, I'm curious about your thoughts on Cricket Coach and International Cricket Captain?

I think ICC took the cake for trotting out the same game year after year with mere roster updates. When they finally upgraded to "3D" it was barely worth it.

With CC, on the other hand, I had a lot of fun with the latest version. Sure, it's a bit buggy and there are some unrealistic parts but it's a statistics-fiend's dream. I loved looking over state games and picking upcoming players for my Australia A tours, and ultimately getting them in the test team. I thought it very impressive for a game with essentially no graphics to be so fun, much like the Football/Championship Manager games back in the day.

Did you or other members of your team play these other cricket games much, despite being significantly different?

Pley Cricket Heroes. That is pretty good game.
Ross can you answer if possible, whether you think your game will be released first before the Ashes game.;)
I dont know whether this has been asked before or not....
Will BigAnt cricket have new ODI rules like 2 bouncers per over , new fielding restrictions??
Ross can you answer if possible, whether you think your game will be released first before the Ashes game.
He's said that'd be the case for months now - 'After June 21st but before Ashes Cricket' long before the delay was finally confirmed.

Obviously he doesn't for a moment think that Ashes would be out in July (or August, or Sept...... or March) so I think he's very confident in that turning out to be the case.
Ross, TBH I don't have much faith in platform owners finding any sort of bugs. Else we wouldn't have had the broken online gameplay on IC 2010. It still boggles my mind that nobody (developer, publisher, platform owner etc.) was able to find such a glaring game-breaking error. How do we know the same thing won't happen again?

Unfortunately, there is a little bit of hit and miss when Sony or MS get the product to test, I've been on both sides, I worked for Sony and had to deal with bosses at EA when we would fail a game (they don't like it when a game fails) and as a developer when a game gets through and something glaringly obvious is found in your own office just as the approval comes through (not Big Ant by the way.) However, it's not up to MS or Sony to solve that - it's up to the Publisher and Developer. Something that obviously didn't' happen on IC2010 by the sounds of it.

I will say this, Rarely does a game get approved first time, unless you are one of the big companies. It does happen, but if it does, i'm sure you'll find some bug that shouldn't be there after you buy the game.
Then how the hell did IC 2010 get approval with so many bugs most glaring being the online disconnection problem?
Probably the people who tested it didnt know anything about cricket and figured "thats how the real game plays i think" ...

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