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Ross will we be able to do a bit of what they call 'gardening' with the bat in between deliveries?

PS: Is it just me or does Mikeymerren sound like Mike and his merry men?



The way it works is that if the Surname of a player exists as a commentary name it will be used - if not it'll use the nickname set.

Hey Mike, didn't we decide to put the surnames into the nickname list so that if names sound alike then they could be used? eg Symons, Symonds?
He will, I know he is already celebrating the Pom's keeping the Ashes so he's got nothing else to do this weekend... surprised his Avatar isn't a British flag!

Don't wish to rub it in too much, can't even stay up and watch the destruction tonight as I have to be up at the crack of dawn to run a Half Marathon.
Don't wish to rub it in too much, can't even stay up and watch the destruction tonight as I have to be up at the crack of dawn to run a Half Marathon.

I shall remind you of that on Monday...
Ross will we be able to do a bit of what they call 'gardening' with the bat in between deliveries?

PS: Is it just me or does Mikeymerren sound like Mike and his merry men?

Gardening happens - it's automatic though, you don't choose to do it.

All I'll say is that the last few days have certainly made our office full of Merry Men.




Hey Mike, didn't we decide to put the surnames into the nickname list so that if names sound alike then they could be used? eg Symons, Symonds?

Actually, yep your right, we just haven't taken that across to the Cricket Academy yet.
Mikeymerren:Can we set the type of pitch we want in a match and wear the pitch?:)
And if yes will the same apply for career mode as well? If I am a spinner in career mode will I get pitches where its challenging to get any spin out of the ball?

Please answer this...:cheers
It must be a wonderful being English in Australia right now. Apart from the fact that no-one will look you in the eye anymore :p
The coming week then. :D

Btw, do your scripts also identify the first names? Otherwise we have so many Khans and Kumars. :p

Yup a very good note there i dont want to hear the repeated names again and again, Eg- Andrew has the ball and he's ready to bowl, and well defended there by andrew, a very good ball and an equally good shot selection. So Ba how have you dealed with this one
Maybe the problem would be solved if the CA asks us to select what we want it to speak out?
By default, we can use surnames or nicknames. Also some function to filter out players with surnames or first names....
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Maybe the problem would be solved if the CA asks us to select what we want to it to speak out?
That's how it works for the Footy Factory in RLL2:
At about 12 seconds you see the commentary name selector (complete with the massive amount of names available)
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Yup a very good note there i dont want to hear the repeated names again and again, Eg- Andrew has the ball and he's ready to bowl, and well defended there by andrew, a very good ball and an equally good shot selection. So Ba how have you dealed with this one

All commentary, however varied will become repetitive at some point. Thankfully there is also the new innovative button called "commentary off" if it gets too boring. Commentary is generally just something to make the ambiance more complete. We can all see what is happening anyway.
There is physics based alteration of animation in the game and variations

Can you explain this a bit more.....I didnt really comprehend this part!! How does the action change based on physics??
Ok. sorry to go back to the Ashes 2013 comparison, but the reason that they have models that are all the same height etc.. is because there is a lot of calculation required whenever there is interaction between a player and another player eg high-fives where the hands would not touch if you simply used the same animation on both models - the animation needs to be modified at run-time if players are of different stature because the bat, hands, head, everything is in different places. Does that make sense?

The same applies to the bat in the hands, bat and ball by extension.

and of course fielding... but they don't need to worry about that :)
Ok. sorry to go back to the Ashes 2013 comparison, but the reason that they have models that are all the same height etc.. is because there is a lot of calculation required whenever there is interaction between a player and another player eg high-fives where the hands would not touch if you simply used the same animation on both models - the animation needs to be modified at run-time if players are of different stature because the bat, hands, head, everything is in different places. Does that make sense?

The same applies to the bat in the hands, bat and ball by extension.

and of course fielding... but they don't need to worry about that :)

Kk....but the base animation obviously feels and looks the same right??? The physics part is only the hand, head, legs etc being in the right a really tall batsman wanting to adjust his crotch guard would not look like he is adjusting a bra...right :p???

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