Post your questions about the game here!

Correct. It's not easy though, that's why Ashes 2013 didn't do it.
Correct. It's not easy though, that's why Ashes 2013 didn't do it.

I totally get that!! It took a huge game like WWE from THQ almost a decade to get it right!! That too for a game in which these flaws were visible in almost every move you played!!

Infact the only cricket game that I can remember that had different heights was Cricket 2004.
Probably been asked before, but hey ho, never stopped anyone else........

Will the grounds all be 'flat', or like at Lords will there be slopes that affect the bowling, and ball rolling across the outfield?

If not is this a consideration for a sequel?
All commentary, however varied will become repetitive at some point. Thankfully there is also the new innovative button called "commentary off" if it gets too boring. Commentary is generally just something to make the ambiance more complete. We can all see what is happening anyway.

Oh i don't want to play deaf and dumb cricket 14 i hope you weren't referring to it
He just stated the fact tbh. No matter whatever is done for the commentary, it will get repetitive after some hours of play.
Kk....but the base animation obviously feels and looks the same right??? The physics part is only the hand, head, legs etc being in the right a really tall batsman wanting to adjust his crotch guard would not look like he is adjusting a bra...right :p???

Unless it is Stuart Broad, then he is probably adjusting his bra......
Probably been asked before, but hey ho, never stopped anyone else........

Will the grounds all be 'flat', or like at Lords will there be slopes that affect the bowling, and ball rolling across the outfield?

If not is this a consideration for a sequel?

We haven't considered it in any of our games other than AFL which has a slight slope towards the centre.

What do people think? Is it something that would make a difference to you? (I would suggest we'd have to accentuate the slopes to make them noticeable in game)
We haven't considered it in any of our games other than AFL which has a slight slope towards the centre.

What do people think? Is it something that would make a difference to you? (I would suggest we'd have to accentuate the slopes to make them noticeable in game)

some of the grounds do have slope and they do make a difference. It is a good feature to have but maybe for the sequel. :thumbs
Oh, it's definitely not in this version.
How about a thread for the wishlist of the features to be included in next version??
That way, you can get a track of what you need to include in its sequel. ;)
How about a thread for the wishlist of the features to be included in next version??
Let's wait until we know what's in this version.

Though it will be the first time a 'next version' wishlist won't start with a career mode at the top of the list, which will be odd.
Let's wait until we know what's in this version.

Though it will be the first time a 'next version' wishlist won't start with a career mode at the top of the list, which will be odd.

Don't be too sure. I'm betting "Team career mode" along with "Ultimate Team" (like in FIFA) would be top of the list :D
All commentary, however varied will become repetitive at some point. Thankfully there is also the new innovative button called "commentary off"

Do you mean ALL commentary? Or just the players names/nicknames being said?


Though it will be the first time a 'next version' wishlist won't start with a career mode at the top of the list, which will be odd.

To true, but my money is on cheerleaders being the new top request.
Or screenshots being asked for the day after the first game is out.

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