Post your questions about the game here!

Do you mean ALL commentary? Or just the players names/nicknames being said?
Well with the variety of commentary names included, we'd be lucky to get all of the commentators with all of the games, let alone multiples of them to keep it interesting. Perhaps with the nicknames there will be a decent number of lines for those.

EA's games did the strict separation of play-by-play and colour commentary, so Benaud was the only one who recorded the player names despite having two commentators. Codemasters' recent games just used 'the fast bowler' and the like to avoid names - except for the long spiels about players I don't think anyone was mentioned by name in the commentary in AC09/IC10.

BA are saying 40 hours of commentary, and their other games also have very rare event things in them, you see a few people who were still finding new things in RLL2 a year after release because of that.

But it probably is impossible to make it generally last. I just hope that if they have more than two commentators, they rotate them through a game, so that what lines there are spread well - another area AC09/IC2010 fell down.

Cricket 97's commentary is nice - you even get to see Benaud do cut scenes in the studio - sure you used those up very quickly, but that was great to see.

To true, but my money is on cheerleaders being the new top request.
Cheerleaders are in the game.
Will the gameplay and graphic of cricket 14 will be better than rugby league live 2? p.s:i dont mind if they are same as rll2..
Will the gameplay and graphic of cricket 14 will be better than rugby league live 2? p.s:i dont mind if they are same as rll2..

I think you can judge that through the available screenshots...:thumbs
probably been answered before but how are we going to transfer our CA data on to our copy of game on xbox??
While AC13 people(Kentucky Clone) prepares a video of top ten(I suppose that) Q/A of the week, we have Big Ant and team to answer each of our question, that too in quick time.:lol
Well done Ross, you are superb. :D
We haven't considered it in any of our games other than AFL which has a slight slope towards the centre.

What do people think? Is it something that would make a difference to you? (I would suggest we'd have to accentuate the slopes to make them noticeable in game)

Would be a great additional touch for the hardcore. I agree with those who state we should see how first game pans out and then provide suggestions for a sequel
Would be a great additional touch for the hardcore. I agree with those who state we should see how first game pans out and then provide suggestions for a sequel

I also agree with that.....:thumbs

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