Post your questions about the game here!

Will any footage in the 'separate gameplay videos outside of the trailer' be from regular gameplay camera positions?

You aren't dealing with "honest Mike" here - of course they will be otherwise they'd just be another trailer.

The trailer will not be a set of burning stumps either....'ll just be a slow-mo shot of ashes smouldering. Got it.
So today we are actually getting a gameplay video? That would be nice.

Last one is called sneak peek, trailer isn't out yet. That leaves only gamplay videos. Unless i am reading it wrong. Oh well, off to sleeping.
You aren't dealing with "honest Mike" here - of course they will be otherwise they'd just be another trailer.
Just pressing the point as I can certainly see why people don't believe that the different angle of gameplay with the custom build makes people think they are just cut scenes. After all, the trailers for just about every other cricket game have been mostly collections of cut scenes - so if the game looks better than those in regular gameplay, you'll probably need to show some hud to make that convincing.
Will I need a controller to watch the video that is not a trailer?
Will world peace ever come about?
Will it freeze in hell?
Will Mike answer my questions?
Why do we like to lick off the filling of a Custard Cream before munching the biscuity part?
What the hell was Brad Pitt thinking when he did WWZ?
Just pressing the point as I can certainly see why people don't believe that the different angle of gameplay with the custom build makes people think they are just cut scenes. After all, the trailers for just about every other cricket game have been mostly collections of cut scenes - so if the game looks better than those in regular gameplay, you'll probably need to show some hud to make that convincing.

Most of what we have shown is not cut-scenes, the walk on is, but from memory nothing else.

Today will be another Sneak Peek.

We are actually not showing gameplay from the gameplay camera yet as we are holding those cards close to our chest to make sure that they cannot in any way be copied - apparently they've copied everything else we've got, we must have some points of difference!
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...holding those cards close to our chest to make sure that they cannot in any way be copied...

Hahaha, oh come on... Three an a bit weeks isn't enough time to copy stuff like HUD, Camera angles and Presentation graphics, surely?
Hahaha, oh come on... Three an a bit weeks isn't enough time to copy stuff like HUD and Presentation graphics, surely?

You are correct. More to the point is that they say that they have copied it.
Hahaha, oh come on... Three an a bit weeks isn't enough time to copy stuff like HUD, Camera angles and Presentation graphics, surely?

More than enough time according to Mike......aha, is that where the expression Taking the Michael comes from?? (Might be a purely UK thing!)
More to the point is that they say that they have copied it.

Well nobody is taking that seriously. Unless they're hiring interns to download created-players from the CA Beta? Methinks you're safe... pop some HUD shots up on YouTube and we won't tell anyone, you can totally trust Dutch and I.

Circle of trust.
Well nobody is taking that seriously. Unless they're hiring interns to download created-players from the CA Beta? Methinks you're safe... pop some HUD shots up on YouTube and we won't tell anyone, you can totally trust Dutch and I.

Circle of trust.

You goddarn liar.....I aint in no circle of trust with you......ooops, dead give away.....sowwy........


Well nobody is taking that seriously. Unless they're hiring interns to download created-players from the CA Beta? Methinks you're safe... pop some HUD shots up on YouTube and we won't tell anyone, you can totally trust Dutch and I.

Circle of trust.

The hired interns are too busy writing the game code...(katish boom)
Well nobody is taking that seriously. Unless they're hiring interns to download created-players from the CA Beta? Methinks you're safe... pop some HUD shots up on YouTube and we won't tell anyone, you can totally trust Dutch and I.

Circle of trust.

You seriously overestimate the FB crowd. could always flip it on the head and say on Facebook your game has all the features of AC13 "...and more and then some more after that"

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