Post your questions about the game here!

Exactly, whiteninness

Those games were good for their time, the point was not to rubbish them but would I like to merely play them in HD? No.
Well, no official release date that we know of yet, but I guess that's the money-where-you-mouth-is angle to DBC14. For me everything so far to date has lived up to or exceeded expectations. Under-promising and over-delivering or lowering the bar don't strike me as phrases in the BigAnt handbook... I couldn't imagine they would approach a presentation redesign or total camera-overhaul without reasoned, researched logic behind it.

Well no, no official release date, but we're still on the guarantee that it would be xx/0x/13 at the latest aren't we?

To be absolutely clear I was saying that for me this is a GOOD thing: I hope they do something completely innovative and brilliant!
It's just every time Ross disses the games I worked on (which were, on the whole, very successful) it makes me cry, and why would you want to do that Ross? Why?
^This guy bet me to it...

Well no, no official release date, but we're still on the guarantee that it would be xx/0x/13 at the latest aren't we?

I've never taken that as gospel and I honestly think that out-of-context as that is widely quoted, I don't ever think it was intended to be "DaVinci-Coded" into meaning much...
Well no, no official release date, but we're still on the guarantee that it would be xx/0x/13 at the latest aren't we?

To be absolutely clear I was saying that for me this is a GOOD thing: I hope they do something completely innovative and brilliant!
It's just every time Ross disses the games I worked on (which were, on the whole, very successful) it makes me cry, and why would you want to do that Ross? Why?

Well not everyone about the games was bad and perhaps you helped make the good stuff. You didn't necessarily choose to turn bowling into an elaborate darts game, for example.
I've never taken that as gospel and I honestly think that out-of-context as that is widely quoted, I don't ever think it was intended to be "DaVinci-Coded" into meaning much...

Some of my top people at Bletchley cracked it as meaning "before the 10th month of the year"...

But apologies - maybe it's been quoted so many times, I just assumed it was originally Ross who had said it! To be fair it was a while back and with like 250 pages of comments it's hard to keep track!
Okay where are we going with this? Surely the discussion of the merits of previous cricket games goes somewhere else, with due respect to all parties involved.....lets get back to this game......
^ I saw the thread pinned an hour ago. No idea why it was removed.

Is there anything coming this friday?(video or screenshots or any announcemnt):wave

A bat-pad BARS review.
There are a few issues when you are using the MLB camera angle for batting that i am a bit concerned about...

First of all, mlb is visually stunning. Even though your game looks great also, it definitely is not in that level yet. So while having such a close camera in mlb is not risky, it might be for you guys as this might showw off the flaws in animation or model or w/e a bit more. But looks like you guys are willing to take that risk so :thumbs

2nd of all, this might be a big issue for casual gamers. as someone mentioned broadcast view is mostly the way we watch/experience cricket while the first person/behind the batsman camera is the way we experience cricket when we play it ourself. So if lets say we are playing with an international player, looking at the field from the broadcast view feels "right" but in a career mode it will feel just "right" from the mlb's camera angle. But in the end i guess people need to suck it up and get used to the new way, specially if it is a vastly superior way than anything done in the previous games. Lets hope it does not put off the casual gamers.
There are a few issues when you are using the MLB camera angle for batting that i am a bit concerned about...

First of all, mlb is visually stunning. Even though your game looks great also, it definitely is not in that level yet. So while having such a close camera in mlb is not risky, it might be for you guys as this might showw off the flaws in animation or model or w/e a bit more. But looks like you guys are willing to take that risk so :thumbs

2nd of all, this might be a big issue for casual gamers. as someone mentioned broadcast view is mostly the way we watch/experience cricket while the first person/behind the batsman camera is the way we experience cricket when we play it ourself. So if lets say we are playing with an international player, looking at the field from the broadcast view feels "right" but in a career mode it will feel just "right" from the mlb's camera angle. But in the end i guess people need to suck it up and get used to the new way, specially if it is a vastly superior way than anything done in the previous games. Lets hope it does not put off the casual gamers.

As hinted in a response to an earlier post of mine, the camera likely will not be very close behind the batsman. That's what they did in Cricket 2007 and IC 2010 and it wasn't great. It's also what they have in the baseball games.

I think the default of Bradman 14 will be behind and elevated, pretty much a 180 deg rotation of the traditional broadcast camera.

It is much more natural to have the camera behind. If you want to play a front foot shot you move the joysticks forward. It'd be in reverse if you looked at the front of the batsman.
It is much more natural to have the camera behind. If you want to play a front foot shot you move the joysticks forward. It'd be in reverse if you looked at the front of the batsman.
I played a bit of AC09 on the Wii a few days ago - playing the stroke the way the batsman would using the remote while looking at a screen showing the broadcast camera - not sure who thought that was a good idea.

I don't think any other game has done it that wrong.
As hinted in a response to an earlier post of mine, the camera likely will not be very close behind the batsman. That's what they did in Cricket 2007 and IC 2010 and it wasn't great. It's also what they have in the baseball games.

I think the default of Bradman 14 will be behind and elevated, pretty much a 180 deg rotation of the traditional broadcast camera.

It is much more natural to have the camera behind. If you want to play a front foot shot you move the joysticks forward. It'd be in reverse if you looked at the front of the batsman.

This is what I would expect as well. I think first person view would be too close whilst having it behind and above the player FACING the bowler would be perfect. It should allow you to scan the field as well and, especially, aim for the gaps rather than purely hit 'cover drive' and know it will pick the 3m gap between cover and extra cover or something. Its probably going to come back and bite me but, having played cricket a lot (like most if not all of us here), I know first hand how difficult it is to:
1. get bat on ball; and
2. get the ball in the right area.

Heck, even Ian Bell hit to Cover and Point quite a lot whilst also picking the gaps.

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