Post your questions about the game here!

Great to hear about the massive varieties in camera angles....can only be a good thing......I liked the behind the batsman views we have had before and It makes perfect sense to have that camera angle dependant on what you are doing...i.e. Running, batting, fielding, bowling.

I guess we will have to get used to the concept of playing the game we are playing rather than watching ourselves play the game if you get what I mean.....
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Ross, that is great to hear, although you should keep the default camera be the one based on which you guys thought about the controls as that will give the best experience. I am guessing behind the batsman camera is the one you guys designed the controls for?
Importantly, MikeM has corrected me in that you can bat from the bowling camera - I thought it had been removed - embarrassing, sorry. I still think you shouldn't do it and should stick to the MLB type cameras.
You're always missing the opportunity to just say 'We've listened to feedback and have put x into the game' - even if you had it there all along. We'd never know.
Dutch :> Why you have deleted my post ? Mike Fegan already confirmed in facebook that they have only Innings simulation.
Dutch :> Why you have deleted my post ? Mike Fegan already confirmed in facebook that they have only Innings simulation.

So what? This is the DB thread. What has their game got to do with it? A rhetorical question by the way...and I am sick and tired of people re posting the post that has been deleted.....if you do not agree with something report it...........I am only doing my job, if you only followed the forum rules or took the time to read what is known already nowt would need to be deleted.....
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I wonder in which way you will flick the joysticks.

In NHL when shooting down you have the ability to choose which direction, so you can either pull back then push up, which is like you would when holding a real hockey stick, or invert it when shooting down as that will follow what the player does on the ice.
So what? This is the DB thread. What has their game got to do with it? A rhetorical question by the way...and I am sick and tired of people re posting the post that has been deleted.....if you do not agree with something report it...........I am only doing my job, if you only followed the forum rules or took the time to read what is known already nowt would need to be deleted.....

Just for my understanding from now on You are going to delete those if somebody discussing about ashes 13 in DB forum or vice-versa right ?
Just for my understanding from now on You are going to delete those if somebody discussing about ashes 13 in DB forum or vice-versa right ?

I am going to delete posts that just slag off this or that game for the sake of it. Discussion is discussion and very valid.
Frankly speaking, if this game is a success then I won't be surprised to see other developer coming into this field and reproducing most of the things or even controls from this game!!
Can there be any sort of copyright regarding the features and control which you have put in a typical way?
There is no point debating why this and that post was deleted. Even CEO's posts have been deleted in past. If you need reason just PM the mod. No point creating unnecessary controversy and drama. Mod's must be given respect as even as member's we are guests here and need to adhere to the rules
No broadcast style camera? At all? Wow that is beyond folly, this game just went from one of my most anticipated games ever to one I probably won't even bother with.
No broadcast style camera? At all? Wow that is beyond folly, this game just went from one of my most anticipated games ever to one I probably won't even bother with.


Each to his own I guess.....
If you are going to not buy a game for the camera angle that seems a little superficial to me....
No broadcast style camera? At all? Wow that is beyond folly, this game just went from one of my most anticipated games ever to one I probably won't even bother with.
It's okay, you can buy it!
Importantly, MikeM has corrected me in that you can bat from the bowling camera - I thought it had been removed - embarrassing, sorry. I still think you shouldn't do it and should stick to the MLB type cameras.

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