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^^^thats a good question!!!!! Also if you create a player to drop into a team can you max out his stats so he's the best batsman and bowler or is there a max amount you can assign? E.g he could be 9/10 bat but the his bowling could only be 5/10. Or all rounder would have to be 7/10 in both disciplines??
assume bradman is already taken care of in the game.

i guess there will be a certain amount of "points" per area, so if you make someone 10/10 in one area it reduces the amount of points available in another skill? (e.g. you make someone a great front foot player and it reduces how many points you can give them for back-foot, which would be realistic if looking at say Pietersen)

possibly the number of points will be varied per skill - e.g. if someone is a bowler, they have more points to be allocated in the various bowling skills (e.g swing, cutters) than batting. a bowling all rounder might have slightly less points for bowling but more for batting than a pure bowler...

i would guess in career mode it's similar but you start with less points to allocate all over as there needs to be progression.
assume bradman is already taken care of in the game.

i guess there will be a certain amount of "points" per area, so if you make someone 10/10 in one area it reduces the amount of points available in another skill? (e.g. you make someone a great front foot player and it reduces how many points you can give them for back-foot, which would be realistic if looking at say Pietersen)

possibly the number of points will be varied per skill - e.g. if someone is a bowler, they have more points to be allocated in the various bowling skills (e.g swing, cutters) than batting. a bowling all rounder might have slightly less points for bowling but more for batting than a pure bowler...

i would guess in career mode it's similar but you start with less points to allocate all over as there needs to be progression.

I also think there will be a points limit but that still doesn't help us assign balanced levels of points to players.

Also regarding Bradman whilst he was almost twice as good as the next best batsman, I doubt it will be like that in the game.
...expecting attributes etc. possibly more kit items / sponsors so this one should be very exciting.

The last section is really attributes that needs to be 'activated' so we'll see... Sponsors/Kit might be more of a stretch, don't know if they would reveal all that stuff before an official release announcement as I imagine any extra stuff they would want to save for the official announcement, not thrown away in a free beta... but then... they do often surprise us.
You would hope the attributes were out of 100 and not 10. Ratings out of 10 would mean less differentation amongst players. The larger the scale the better I reckon
If I remember correctly, Ross had once said that your player would grow as per your playing style. So if I had to guess, I don't think we would be allocating any points to our career mode player.

If we play better offside shots compared to onside, our offside stats would increase. Something on the lines of FIFA's 'Be a Pro'.

Our playing style would dictate our stats, rather than we deciding what we need to increase.

And, actually, I would prefer it to be that way. Else what you end up doing is increase the stats of those attributes where you are relatively weak as a compensation!
I also think there will be a points limit but that still doesn't help us assign balanced levels of points to players.

Also regarding Bradman whilst he was almost twice as good as the next best batsman, I doubt it will be like that in the game.

i think if there's only so many points you can allocate per skill area, it kind of forces balance upon you.

i think if i recall rightly there is a hint that attributes and stats might have some link, so i guess the official bradman really will be ludicrously good. still won't like it up him though! (what time is it? bodyline time!)
From what my understanding is, you can assign a base level of attributes to players, then as you play the game natrually decreases/increases these stats based on performances (similar to C09 does, with earning points for perfectly timed shots, etc). For the 'Be A Pro' I would imagine you start simply at ZERO then earn the more you play and perform in whatever area you chose to be 'Be A Pro' in...
I don't think you would be at zero. it would depend upon the initial 'type of player' you choose. So if i choose to be a 'defensive' player, I would have attributes such as defence, composure, etc. high, whereas, power, unorthodoxy (is that a word?), etc. low.

However, I could develop these attributes as per my actual play style.
True, good point. Might be a base level or something... kinda like in a RPG where you are given a base level for a particular character type.
Exactly. I think there will be a big difference between how we can set up attributes for a career player than a normal CA created player we will add to teams
The fact we're even discussing this sort of feature in a Cricket game blows my mind, if we're even 50% close to how it's been implemented it'll be better than ANYTHING that has come before...
Yeah... It's pushed the boundaries of what we can ask about/speculate on and there be some chance if it in the game. Makes me very confident about AI and gameplay that they had time to think of some of these things
It would be a bit annoying if The Don is so good that he scores 100+ every time and you have to just try to get the others out while he knocks you to all parts. Must be very tough to get the balance right, after all gameplay is king!! Finally some proper discussions on here!!!
It would be a bit annoying if The Don is so good that he scores 100+ every time and you have to just try to get the others out while he knocks you to all parts. Must be very tough to get the balance right, after all gameplay is king!! Finally some proper discussions on here!!!

The Don scored a century every 2.8 test innings. No other batsman is close to that. In the body line series, England were happy to keep his average down to 56... He should be VERY hard to stop from making a ton.

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