Post your questions about the game here!

How Bradman fits into the game is a bit of an unknown right now, I'm not totally sure we'll actually get to play AS Bradman. I suspect that sort of thing will be more likely an unlockable achievement type thing that you have to earn, if it exists. The Bradman Foundation is incredibly protective of his "brand" so I'm not sure (for example) you'll be able to play AS him or, say, put him into some random 20/20 team as that would sort of be a little awkward at best, disrespectful at worst. I'm guessing he factors into this "Legacy" mode...
Maybe The Don only exists in the game to help with coaching and short videos, computer generated as old footage is a bit grainy, showing the master at work. As Biggs said it would be disrespectful to stick him in 20/20 and having him as a unlockable achievement would be a good idea. Blocker mentioned he scored a ton every 2.8 tests, so to play a series against his invincibles should maybe come once I've defeated all other test teams home and away. Imagine trying to contain him over a 5 match series!!! The rest of the team were pretty good too so you're gonna have to be pretty good at the game to compete!
How Bradman fits into the game is a bit of an unknown right now, I'm not totally sure we'll actually get to play AS Bradman. I suspect that sort of thing will be more likely an unlockable achievement type thing that you have to earn, if it exists. The Bradman Foundation is incredibly protective of his "brand" so I'm not sure (for example) you'll be able to play AS him or, say, put him into some random 20/20 team as that would sort of be a little awkward at best, disrespectful at worst. I'm guessing he factors into this "Legacy" mode...

dunno. i think you won't be able to put him in random teams, and definitely won't be able to do any editing, but i think it's a big miss if you can't play as or against him.

my guess there is either a bodyline scenario, a 1948 invicibles team, or a legends team (either aus specific or world xi) or maybe a mix.
I wonder how much if the game was shown to Bradmans people, the fact that they allowed his name to be used must mean it was pretty complete at the time and they were impressed. Can anyone enlighten us on that??
I wonder how much if the game was shown to Bradmans people, the fact that they allowed his name to be used must mean it was pretty complete at the time and they were impressed. Can anyone enlighten us on that??

i think they saw it pretty extensively - they wouldn't give it based on a video or screen shots, my guess is they got some people in th eknow to play it and give them feedback. it is the single thing that makes me so excited about the game (you don't ask for the license unless you think your game is awesome, and you definitely don't get it unless they think it is too.)

ross has said somewhere the main criterai for the foundation was quality of the game, not license fee. that being said i am sure the license wasn't free, so i don;t big ant would have paid the money unless bradman was a fairly substantial part of the game experience.
Yes, I asked this question couple of time but no response. I wish there will be a game mode/feature dedicated to Sir Don bradman. May be Ross wants us to keep guessing.
I wonder how much if the game was shown to Bradmans people...

I asked Ross about that ages ago (can't find the quote, someone else can) but the general jist of it is they saw a good chunk of the game and were obviously impressed with what they saw, because they got the license deal. He couldn't speak about the specifics, obviously.
Cant you release the Academy tomorrow? :D Going to India on Thuraday !! To play an U19 Quadrangular....any takes on Visag?
I'm going to the bathroom on Thursday, I'll also be there for a while so would greatly appreciate the Academy release earlier...
i am busy all day friday so would really appreciate it today...

i am also moving house next friday and will have no sky tv/internet till monday, so if i could get the full game to play over the weekend that would be aces.
Why you two gotta be mean like this all the time?

@ flake...good luck with the tournament man.
From what my understanding is, you can assign a base level of attributes to players, then as you play the game natrually decreases/increases these stats based on performances (similar to C09 does, with earning points for perfectly timed shots, etc). For the 'Be A Pro' I would imagine you start simply at ZERO then earn the more you play and perform in whatever area you chose to be 'Be A Pro' in...

Maybe for your career player but I don't think you should be levelling up established real-life players.

Outside of career mode, the game world is "static" so the Michael Clarkes, Hashim Amlas etc in the game right now should be guns and not need to be levelled up. In career mode I would hope and expect attributes to fluctuate over time, peaking in say the early 30s (normally) but that's it.

Also regarding as playing as Bradman, I would be very surprised if you couldn't. They have shown screenshots of him batting, have special equipment and television effects from the era. I doubt it'd be as shallow as chucking him in a random 2020 team. I don't know if they can licence the bodyline series, or historical things like that (probably difficult to get the permission of lots of dead guys individually) but there could always be Don Bradman facing Harry Larwouldnt and his captain Dougy Geraldine.
spot on - the players you make in CA for dropping into the teams there i imagine you will have a pretty free rein in. if you make "malcolm marshall" a left arm military medium pie chucker it's just your own game you are ruining... (even if someone downloads him they can correct that.) same as if you load all the stats for your created "bangladesh" and win a series against aus well rah bloody rah try doing with a realistic bangladesh it's more of an achievement... i think it will track their in game stats, which is great, but it shouldn't affect attributes

the career player i would think you'll get limited options to assign attributes at the beginning, and this will change based on the progression of the career based on how you play.

i think the CA create a player and the career mode create a player will be two different experiences.
spot on - the players you make in CA for dropping into the teams there i imagine you will have a pretty free rein in. if you make "malcolm marshall" a left arm military medium pie chucker it's just your own game you are ruining... (even if someone downloads him they can correct that.) same as if you load all the stats for your created "bangladesh" and win a series against aus well rah bloody rah try doing with a realistic bangladesh it's more of an achievement... i think it will track their in game stats, which is great, but it shouldn't affect attributes

the career player i would think you'll get limited options to assign attributes at the beginning, and this will change based on the progression of the career based on how you play.

i think the CA create a player and the career mode create a player will be two different experiences.

An issue comes with online though. I think there will need to be a limit on either the player attributes or the team strength. That could be tricky though because some people may genuinely want to play online with realistic (but realistically amazing) All Time XI's or the 80s West Indies or early 00s Aussies, for example.

AFL Live online had lots of issues with cheap superstar teams, where players would exploit certain attributes. In fact, it was possible to make a 3 star all star team just by removing useless attributes (e.g. goalkicking for defenders). If you can only assign so many points per player then you can probably exploit it still, by having say no part time bowling skill that you can instead dedicate to batting, for example.

At the end of the day though, if people want to be cheap then they will be. I think that the longevity of this game online will come from matchups using PC, and possible tournaments. For this I'd imagine a "canon" set of teams would be created for all to use.

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