Post your questions about the game here!

An issue comes with online though. I think there will need to be a limit on either the player attributes or the team strength. That could be tricky though because some people may genuinely want to play online with realistic (but realistically amazing) All Time XI's or the 80s West Indies or early 00s Aussies, for example.

AFL Live online had lots of issues with cheap superstar teams, where players would exploit certain attributes. In fact, it was possible to make a 3 star all star team just by removing useless attributes (e.g. goalkicking for defenders). If you can only assign so many points per player then you can probably exploit it still, by having say no part time bowling skill that you can instead dedicate to batting, for example.

At the end of the day though, if people want to be cheap then they will be. I think that the longevity of this game online will come from matchups using PC, and possible tournaments. For this I'd imagine a "canon" set of teams would be created for all to use.

if i remember right, from the "attributes" bit in CA that you can see when you compare players, there isn't "batting" and "bowling" but they are split up, e.g. front foot, back foot, off side, leg side, facing pace, facing spin... so if there are just e.g. "100 batting points" to be added across all the attributes, if you load up front foot and leg side, the others will obviously be weaker...

same with bowling, there were attributes for right hand/left hand, swing, cutters etc... so it would be the same.

so i would guess if you choose a batsman, you get say 100 batting points and 30 bowling points to assign, maybe reversed for bowler, and then for batting all rounders say 75 batting points and 65 bowling points maybe... (reversed for bowling all rounders)

maybe there will be "skill levels" within that too, so a 5 star batter gets 100 points, a 3 star batter only gets 70 points... something like that?

in career mode i guess you would have drastically less points to assign at the beginning, and the progression would be driven by what you do in game rather than what you choose.
AFL Live online had lots of issues with cheap superstar teams, where players would exploit certain attributes. In fact, it was possible to make a 3 star all star team just by removing useless attributes (e.g. goalkicking for defenders). If you can only assign so many points per player then you can probably exploit it still, by having say no part time bowling skill that you can instead dedicate to batting, for example.

AFL Live's online issues taught us a lot. The game shipped with separated custom teams from licensed teams to try and keep it level online. After substantial pressure from fans we opened that up via a patch and allowed custom teams to play against licensed teams - as mentioned above, bad move - everyone did as you said.

As said, we learned a lot from the experience, mostly that fans don't always know what's good for them :p and that people will do anything to get a win, no matter how cheap! There will be appropriate balance in DBC14 and where we get it wrong or where there are exploits we will patch.
...and where we get it wrong or where there are exploits we will patch.

I also imagine can help out there as well, with a simple 'name-and-shame' process for folks that cheat or win games by exploits, similar to what happened with AC09/IC10 online. Means that folks that frequent here get caught for being sore losers...

...hopefully that name-and-shame process doesn't extend to constant abuse of the referral system :D
AFL Live's online issues taught us a lot. The game shipped with separated custom teams from licensed teams to try and keep it level online. After substantial pressure from fans we opened that up via a patch and allowed custom teams to play against licensed teams - as mentioned above, bad move - everyone did as you said.

As said, we learned a lot from the experience, mostly that fans don't always know what's good for them :p and that people will do anything to get a win, no matter how cheap! There will be appropriate balance in DBC14 and where we get it wrong or where there are exploits we will patch.

And regarding exploits, not of the attributes but the general gameplay, will there be a DBC equivalent of the infamous blocking of the set shot goals by the man on the mark hehehe?

I'm just imagining now the non-striker standing in front of the bowler as he runs in.

I barely played non-ranked games in AFL Live so I can't remember how this was handled but perhaps for DBC the non-ranked games could be open to all teams? Those games are by invite only and if you and you friends want to play with All Star XIs then so be it.


I also imagine can help out there as well, with a simple 'name-and-shame' process for folks that cheat or win games by exploits, similar to what happened with AC09/IC10 online. Means that folks that frequent here get caught for being sore losers...

...hopefully that name-and-shame process doesn't extend to constant abuse of the referral system :D

The online community there was largely from PC though so such actions had an effect. This game, with a solid online component, will likely have many players who aren't from PC and therefore couldn't give a ----.
Please tell me, is DON BRADMAN CRICKT 14 will support 1080p Resolution???

No console games run in 1080p except some arcade titles.

Okay, they'll work on your 1080p tv but they won't be rendered in it. 1080p tvs are a bit of a lurk given how few things actually use it (blurays and um.....)
No console games run in 1080p except some arcade titles.

Okay, they'll work on your 1080p tv but they won't be rendered in it. 1080p tvs are a bit of a lurk given how few things actually use it (blurays and um.....)

True. even tv channels are sent as either 720p or 1080i.

I wonder whether the next gen games will be done in 1080p native resolution. Given the push to 4k suddenly by major tv manufacturers, i would be surprised if games are not pushed one step further to 1080p.
hope they get this attributes thing right.too much dependence on this and especially dependence on ai would be a sort of cheating.the more control in my hands(my shots and skills) the better.
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hope they get this attributes right.too much dependence on this and especially dependence on ai would be a sort of cheating.the more control in my hands(my shots and skills) the better.

Well no...that has been the fatal flaw with games in the past. The lack of clearly differentiated attributes meant using a No. 11 was just about as easy as using an opening batsmen. The 'more control' you have a user, the less differentiation there is between good batsmen and tailenders in the game.

It should be much harder using a No. 11 caliber batsmen than an opener. Perfectly timing the ball as a batsmen with lower attributes shouldn't necessarily mean a perfect shot. There must be balanced interplay between attributes and user input .
I agree that a number 11 should be a different challenge to an opener, but a perfectly timed shot goes for 4 in real cricket whether you're don bradman or J Bloggs on the village green!! Maybe the timing window will be less or the placement harder, but if its in the slot anyone can hit boundary s, theirs not many rabbits like tufnell around these days who's runs come from the inside/outside edge!!!! Maybe someone can clarify how it all works soon!
Well no...that has been the fatal flaw with games in the past. The lack of clearly differentiated attributes meant using a No. 11 was just about as easy as using an opening batsmen. The 'more control' you have a user, the less differentiation there is between good batsmen and tailenders in the game.

It should be much harder using a No. 11 caliber batsmen than an opener. Perfectly timing the ball as a batsmen with lower attributes shouldn't necessarily mean a perfect shot. There must be balanced interplay between attributes and user input .

A balance should be achieved.but yeah agree with you statement i guess is truer regarding the ai and gameplay rather than stats.stats should have an effect.
in previous games only timing was in our hands everything else was just programmed.and the timing was essentially just pressing the button at the right time.see the bar and press a button and the shot animation takes over.
thats why i think the analogue stick is the way to go and it should control my bat flow(mimck my bat)not necessarily the direction this swing of the bat the timing should be achieved as to when the ball makes contact with the less dependence on ai and more control regarding the gameplay.too much ai dependence and your essentially just playing through a preprogrammed event.
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Ross : is there power-play signal from the umpire at power-plays and secondly warning from the umpire to bowler landing on danger area of the pitch.:facepalm
It should be much harder using a No. 11 caliber batsmen than an opener.

I second that. I should be made to regret losing a set/top order batsman. Where's the fun if I know I can do the same thing with no.8,9,or 10 batsman?

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