Post your questions about the game here!

Fair enough! Maybe bundle it with DBC? :p

We did think of using it as a pre-order bonus but decided against it as it's pretty good in it's own right (IMHO :) ) and has a different audience.
anything (other than dbc release) holding it up?

Nah, just the usual "if we added this it would be so much better and it wont take long to implement... please can we add it?..." - it's probably the key issue with self-funding and not have external $ - things are more likely to be "ready when they're ready"...
We did think of using it as a pre-order bonus but decided against it as it's pretty good in it's own right (IMHO :) ) and has a different audience.

I'm looking forward to it tbh. It definitely sounds like an arcade style of cricket, which isn't too different to what we've experienced in previous games haha
Hi Ross,

an old question I am not sure was ever answered - sorry if it was - but how in CA can we make sure games are "Test" matches?

it seems that a multi-day, 6 ball per over game is first class. i couldn't get something as "test" even when set as 5 day, so will it be any first class match between international sides is a "test", or only 5 day first classes matches between international sides is "test"? (by test, i mean will be classed as test stats for statistics tracking purposes)... or is it only the default pre-defined "test" type that will be classed as test?

because it doesn't seem possible to me to set up "tests" - or any first class cricket - with 8 balls per over (they get stuck as "other"), even though historically this has been the case. will this be possible in v1 of CA, or if it's already possible how? also, historically some "test" matches were 3 or 4 days, as well as timeless. can we do these?

also, i don't think these have been asked, but will we have a chance to change to the pre-1935 LBW law (i.e. ball must pitch in line of the stumps) or to introduce "5"s - forget when it changed but certainly into the early 20th century a ball that cleared the boundary on the full was worth 5, to score 6 the ball had to be hit out of the ground.

i would love to recreate historic matches accurately, and want to set up a "legends league" for the all time teams playing 8 ball over "test" matches.
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I wish I could say more on TTC, we should have already released it but have added more stuff :(

Will this game be compatible with the academy sharing server? It would. E nice to be able to download our created players there which will be modified automatically to make them look more cartoony and fit with the game's look.
Hi Ross,

Don't think I've seen this asked before but what happens when we have one player in more then 1 team and those teams play against each other does that player play in both teams or will they only appear in one of the teams playing, for example a Dave Warner in a nsw side and an aus side playing against each other will he only be able to play for one side?
Hi Ross,

Don't think I've seen this asked before but what happens when we have one player in more then 1 team and those teams play against each other does that player play in both teams or will they only appear in one of the teams playing, for example a Dave Warner in a nsw side and an aus side playing against each other will he only be able to play for one side?

He will be there playing for both sides.
Sorry to be a bore Ross but any chance of addressing the match type issues I raised?

Want to make sure I set stuff up right in respect of stats tracking

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