Post your questions about the game here!

If and only if, Ross doesn't hand over any contracts to people in play session for signing with statements 'Recorded footage should not be posted in public media. They are allowed to talk about it but not show them in public'.

Am aware that Ross is not big fan of trailers as he believes what users see in play session is reality & better than company posting trailers, I love that idea. However, since this is a big dream project for BA( assuming from statements of the best game ever made ) - I still doubt whether the first complete footage would be from fans than the publishers. ;) It is just my assumption and calculation though, I may be wrong. :D

To be fair, I don't think even Mike Fegan is so vad at PR he'd say recording devices welcome at a play session then tell people they can't share it.

We will get plenty of video out of the play session I am sure; though for various reasons I am pretty sceptical about how useful any of that footage would be. Possibly jealous that it's on the other side of the world to me, but I couldn't be more indifferent about the play session - though I will be very happy if I have underestimated it's utility and we get some good enlightening footage or feedback out of it.

Am hoping it does at least signal the kick off some more meaty innformation though.
The main value out of the AFL Live sessions weren't the videos (although they were pretty neat) but rather people getting to play the game and back up what Ross had been telling us for months. That it was a super fun game to play.
He has openly welcomed recording devices, what's the point if people can't share it? AFL Live play session footage sharing was encouraged.

If that is the case, it would be really a very happy news especially for the people who cannot make it to play session. My thought processing was more based on previous AC 09 play session, but again am not sure whether recording devices were encouraged during AC09.

I just hope, people are free to share the recorded videos. :cheers
The main value out of the AFL Live sessions weren't the videos (although they were pretty neat) but rather people getting to play the game and back up what Ross had been telling us for months. That it was a super fun game to play.

See, this gives me a bit more encouragement about the play session... So with the AFL one for example, people had a enough time to give the game a reasonable workout and form an opinion?
See, this gives me a bit more encouragement about the play session... So with the AFL one for example, people had a enough time to give the game a reasonable workout and form an opinion?

Absolutely. Cricket might be a bit different due to the nature of the sport, but it isn't going to be as if each person is only going to get 5 minutes before they are kicked off.
Regarding rating players...why don't we wait for the game before we start assigning these? It just seems like something we will understand much better through trials and error by playing the game.

Having said so, i would prefer a 1-100 point system in individual skill category instead of just sliders. For helmet rating, i would like a score of 1-10 (integers).
It is rare that Aussies get anything first, the playsession is a bonus for people that happen to be around here in Melbourne, it is not at anyone else's cost nor to anyone else's detriment. You will hear testimony to the games strengths and weaknesses, that is also a bonus.

It is fine agree or disagree about our campaign but is the any "danger" of people ceasing the "I expect xxxxx" before/after the playsession? (See the first 30 seconds and "Expect Away")

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Regarding rating players...why don't we wait for the game before we start assigning these? It just seems like something we will understand much better through trials and error by playing the game.

Having said so, i would prefer a 1-100 point system in individual skill category instead of just sliders. For helmet rating, i would like a score of 1-10 (integers).

Trouble is israr, when I get the game I want to play it, not spend days assigning skills to hundreds of players. Thats whats been so great about ca, we've been able to get our teams ready.

Morning Ross, any comment on helmet rating debate?
I'll get MikeM to post something whenever he gets here.
Trouble is israr, when I get the game I want to play it, not spend days assigning skills to hundreds of players. Thats whats been so great about ca, we've been able to get our teams ready.

Morning Ross, any comment on helmet rating debate?

My feelings in a nutshell freddie!! Am sure we'll have to tweak some stuff, but really want to get the bulk of the work done up front.

@Ross - black books is one of my favourite shows, haven't seen any of it for ages. Thanks for the link - that's my night's sleep gone as i'll be you tubing it all night!


Thanks Ross, just that left to clear up as far as I'm concerned, then I'm sure we'll have some great teams ready for release.

That, and the stats questions :)

but yeah this is very important for getting teams ready for release.
Trouble is israr, when I get the game I want to play it, not spend days assigning skills to hundreds of players. Thats whats been so great about ca, we've been able to get our teams ready.

Morning Ross, any comment on helmet rating debate?

I understand, but we all know we have to go back and change the skills. Because you will find out stuffs like, we have managed to make ishant sharma delivering unplayable deliveries or mohammad hafeez playing outswings and middling them every time.....

No offense intended towards the fans...

Okay...maybe a little...
@BD Yeah, it's definitely one of those "I'll just watch one more deals...." - one of my all time fav's.
Nothing, I repeat, NOTHING... Beats Dads Army.

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