Post your questions about the game here!

I'll be there for the full four hours.

As far as things go - I'll tweet out any major new bits of information via the PlanetCricket account, my general thoughts from my own with the #DBC14 hashtag, and then once I get home I'd start going through recorded footage/audio to prepare to upload.

To again point out - I'm an hour and a half away from the EB store in Melbourne - so while I might tweet out a few photos, there won't be much until I get back at probably around 6pm local time.

Thanks!! And take your time :) sure we can wait a few extra hours (or can we :spy)!!!!
he obviously didn't like those dumplings. he's a west ham fan, isn't he? pie and mash ross, pie and mash.

Don't forget the liquor!!! Gotta have it with pie and mash!!!!
Biggs is there any room left in the PC team?? If so could you add my player please.
Name: A Houghton
Username: ajh1977

Thanks for your time.
I think that's only when you've made teams on the older versions of the CA before they fixed those issues.

Yeah, right. Looks like i'll have to go back through and redownload everyone. No problem... that's my "tomorrow" job.
^You do realise that it's almost midnight over there don't you?
yes. which i believe is around the time bradman used to have a nip of gin before retiring to bed, and is therefore the perfect time for the long-promised skills clarification.
I'm already playing the game... now... with your teams! :)
Geez blockers coppin some stick today!!!

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