Hey Ross,
Maybe in the next edition of the academy could there be a logo creator/ editor. The logo's in the academy are already excellent but if there are more we could add to match specific teams?
There is a view from the bowler, you can invert the controls for batting so as to match the view.
I think the inversion of controls is saved, but it might be global, as in not attached just for local multiplayer but inverted for every mode.
My memory of it (It's nearly been a month since I played it) is that the 'inverse' option is camera sensitive and that the default is to the 'correct' orientation - so if the camera is behind the batsman, pushing up hits it towards the bowler; while if you've got it on a behind the bowler/broadcast camera, the default is the opposite. The controls default to the ball visually going in the direction that you push the stick.
I think.