Post your questions about the game here!

sorry lads, my bro decided to have a bit of fun with my laptop, surely I don't deserve a warning for that????? disappointing it got deleted, thought it was good fun :cheers

If your bro got rid of your signature can you please let him keep the laptop?
@MattW which do you think is harder, batting in the game or in nets? Watching the gameplay vids it seems easier to pick the ball up from real game than nets. What do you think?
Do the umpires make wrong decisions when there is no BARS?

And are the BARS replays, like Big ears and Big eye(?), available to be shown for all types of games? Can you disable them to create the authentic historic feel?
@MattW which do you think is harder, batting in the game or in nets? Watching the gameplay vids it seems easier to pick the ball up from real game than nets. What do you think?
I swear they are holding back the real difficulty levels in the nets beta - the difficulty of the nets I tried on the day on Legend mode was much harder than the nets we've got.

Hard to say.
That puts fear into me Matt, because the nets on legend right now is harder enough. If they up it in the next CA update then god help us.:eek:
I swear they are holding back the real difficulty levels in the nets beta - the difficulty of the nets I tried on the day on Legend mode was much harder than the nets we've got.

Hard to say.

We certainly have been playing with the difficulty in the CA nets to see what the feedback is like as it's a new control system it's hard for us to get an idea of balance.

Mostly the feedback is positive so I think the difficulty in the game, the version you played, is set about right.
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I have to admit if I play nets on the default I struggle on fast, although I think the pc I'm using maybe has a bit to do with that, on rookie its easy enough, and I'm not the most dexterous of people when it comes to controllers!! Having to move feet, and play a shot is about my limit ATM. That being said, I'm happy that legend/veteran is too hard, surely that's the whole point for the longevity. I'm pretty confident I could get a 50+ score pretty much out if the box on rookie now I've had the nets, and as most people in here are by far better gamers than me that'll be the case across the board. Obviously to want to persevere with a game its gotta be fun, and you need to know there's a chance if success, in fact my lack of dexterity probably means I'm luckier than most as the game will take me much longer to get on top of. I think BA have got it pretty spot on. Also I'm planning on playing as a leg spin bowler, which from what I can understand is gonna be the hardest to master. Hopefully only a month or so away from bowling wides, dropping catches and scoring ducks!!!
Just remember regarding nets difficulty, when you start a career mode you'll be playing as a rookie, against rookies, even on legend mode it won't be as tough as if you do what everyone else does and go rookie batsman, legend bowler and legend difficulty.
Just remember regarding nets difficulty, when you start a career mode you'll be playing as a rookie, against rookies, even on legend mode it won't be as tough as if you do what everyone else does and go rookie batsman, legend bowler and legend difficulty.

I haven't tried that frosty, I just leave it on defaults or go to amateur or legend! Always with average batsman! Ill have to try that, then see if I'm as confident of an out of the box 50!!
Frosty in your last post you say to try rookie batsmen, legend bowler legend difficulty? I dunno if I'm missing something but I set my batter to v. Poor bowler to legend but where's the other difficulty? It's on legend from the machine, is there somewhere else I'm missing?
Thanks snowy. Have to say its a lot harder now, although the ball seems to come off the bat better when I do get it right!! Playing spin was hilarious, I was like England against warne!! Edge, bowled, four, bowled!!!
Frosty in your last post you say to try rookie batsmen, legend bowler legend difficulty?

Sorry, yeah, I forget the terms for all the difficulty levels, lets just say overall difficulty (accessable under the game options within Cricket Academy, not within the actual nets 'module') being Legend, then the highest skill level of the bowler but the lowest skill level for the batsman.

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