Post your questions about the game here!

what does Captain Oz shout when he's having sex? "Oh chemical chance, oh fate and destiny..."*

source:Bill Hicks

He maybe gone but he'll never be forgotten and if you don't know of Bill Hicks then you should check him out on youtube. If the majority had listened to him then the world wouldn't be in the state it is today!
He maybe gone but he'll never be forgotten and if you don't know of Bill Hicks then you should check him out on youtube. If the majority had listened to him then the world wouldn't be in the state it is today!

Well at his best he was fantastic and every show there will be something very funny that also makes you think, but there is also a lot of not particularly funny, self-indulgent stuff particularly later on (i guess he'd earned the right to a little self-indulgence by then)
I've just been watching some of the gameplay videos again and have noticed a lot of no balls.
How is the bowler's run and delivery controlled please?
You pull back on RS to initiate delivery and push forward to release the ball
Thank you. That seems simple enough. In that case I can't understand why they bowl so many no balls. It must be more tricky than it seems.
It'll take a bit of practice I imagine but I think after a while that'll be the easiest thing to get right!! Only gotta worry bout the pace, line and length and the batsman after that!!! Also in the CA nets one of the menus has a bowling assistance check box, so that'll come in handy!!
I guess we will all be spending a lot of time practising bowling in the nets before we venture online.:yes
Ive never played any game online!!!
Even though I am an old git I still enjoy playing Fifa 14 online against my older brother. Great fun and can't wait to play DB against him.
I play against the kids at home and losing on FIFA to a 7 year old is bad enough without being the whipping boy for the rest of the world!!! If i could play on rookie against someone on legend id still be desperately blocking iut fir a draw!! GTA and games like that don't agree with me I'm afraid, too many buttons to press, even duke nukems too hard fir me, as for COD, don't get me started!!!!
I play against the kids at home and losing on FIFA to a 7 year old is bad enough without being the whipping boy for the rest of the world!!! If i could play on rookie against someone on legend id still be desperately blocking iut fir a draw!! GTA and games like that don't agree with me I'm afraid, too many buttons to press, even duke nukems too hard fir me, as for COD, don't get me started!!!!

I'm certainly not brilliant at Fifa 14 but my brother is the same standard as me so we have some fantastic games. It's just about finding someone who is the same standard.

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