Post your questions about the game here!

I'm certainly not brilliant at Fifa 14 but my brother is the same standard as me so we have some fantastic games. It's just about finding someone who is the same standard.

I could try the baby, she's only 16 months!!
I generally find that wives and newborns are at about the same skill level so take your pick.

Boiled turnips are obviously the only thing on the menu in your household for the next 3 months.

Funny thing about that is.. it wasn't myself (PC user for 30 years), or my wife that figured out where the 'all your installed apps' screen got moved to with a recent upgrade to Windows 8, but my 16 month old daughter had no trouble in finding it and showing us how to bring up the list.
And this is why you're everyone's favourite CEO!

- I saw your son in law Ben Abbatangelo speak at the MCG tonight. Very well spoken. He went to Seda, didn't he?

Yep, Ben went to SEDA at Box Hill, did a lot of touring with them. My cousin James is in SEDA in the Northern Territory too, he's currently playing for the NT State Under 19's. There's a chance that they might end up playing against each other at some point :)

Can you further elaborate how it was difficult more difficult to time because smaller timing margin balls more fast or swinging more ???

We've played with nearly every element to gauge how it is being received out there in the wild.

Thank you. That seems simple enough. In that case I can't understand why they bowl so many no balls. It must be more tricky than it seems.

Bowling is hard. Very few in the office have mastered it. The "bowling assist" that has accidentally made it into the CA menus is only available on the three lower difficulty levels.
Bowling is hard. Very few in the office have mastered it.

This is excellent news. It should be difficult to bowl really good deliveries just as it should be difficult to hit the ball out of the park.

It would be good if fatigue and injuries also effect bowlers during a game so that bowlers tire during a spell and lose pace/spin/accuracy resulting in you having to change bowlers at appropriate times. I'd also be interested to know if a bowler needs an over to "warm up"?

However maybe it's best we leave some things to be discovered when we get the game. :)

I'd love if someone re-created Bruce Reed and gave him a 50% chance of being injured each match.
Yep, Ben went to SEDA at Box Hill, did a lot of touring with them. My cousin James is in SEDA in the Northern Territory too, he's currently playing for the NT State Under 19's. There's a chance that they might end up playing against each other at some point :)

We've played with nearly every element to gauge how it is being received out there in the wild.

Bowling is hard. Very few in the office have mastered it. The "bowling assist" that has accidentally made it into the CA menus is only available on the three lower difficulty levels.

Which "bowling assist" are you talking about?
I'd also be interested to know if a bowler needs an over to "warm up"?

lol you mean like the Mitchell Johnson of old 'loosener' (which would bounce and fly through the gap between 2nd and 3rd slip at 150kph through to the boundary) :lol

I too am glad to see it will be difficult to bowl. Heck, its difficult to bat trying to remember front/back leg, where you want to place your shot, timing, what kid of shot (block, aggressive, etc). I usually get 2 of the 3 right.
Which "bowling assist" are you talking about?

Some noticed two bowling options in the CA menu. Greyed out, obviously, but they were not there before (and were not supposed to be there.. someone is going to get a ruler on the back of their hands in the BA office!).
Bowling is hard. Very few in the office have mastered it.

You're telling me. I still bowl underarm.

I am actually pretty terrible at most games that I play, and so rarely worry too much about the difficulty being too low, but I must say that I'm pleased to hear that there's a challenge in this game. It suggests that there's a bit of nuance.
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You're telling me. I still bowl underarm.

I am actually pretty terrible at most games that I play, and so rarely worry too much about the difficulty being too low, but I must say that I'm pleased to hear that there's a challenge in this game. It suggests that there's a bit of nuance.

You'll need to play Biggs online then, New Zealanders absolutely love underarm bowling :)
That would be a great 'bug' for the pirate copies, if you need a six off the last ball, the AI bowls it along the ground.
Unfortunately we didn't mo-cap underarm bowling :(

Pirate versions do cop a lot of rain at the most inconvenient times....
You'll need to play Biggs online then, New Zealanders absolutely love underarm bowling :)

What's a New Zealander? The only countries that play cricket are England, Australia, and India.

(The structural integrity of that "joke" does not work at all).

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