Post your questions about the game here!

Surely by the time you pay shipping it wouldn't be cheaper? I wanted to buy the 12 th man limited edition box set, but its not available for shipping, which is a shame as the price for it is cheaper than getting the non limeted edition from amazon!

It depends on how/from where you are requesting to be shipped.I paid only 4.99$ extra to get IC2010 from UK to US through normal posting. I got the product delivered within 2 weeks.
I don't think shipping from India would be so cheap. Also, what about custom duties?
it is better we expect less and enjoy the game when its released as it's said
Curiosity Kills the Cat

This is a Q&A thread, which I assume means we can ask questions and if Ross can he will answer.

Also, if you were referring to our posts immediately before yours, expectation is when you say that something should happen the way you'd imagine it. I don't think there was an aspect of expectation in our posts.

As for curiousity killing the cat, I'm not sure how it's applicable? We'll get curious about the game and because we did so, the game will turn out terribly, effectively killing the cat? Seems a bit overly superstituous to get about a video game.
Still get people asking how to buy BF4 from Russia or something just to save the $3 on getting the game at a different country for their regional price. One problem with global markets for the current day.. until they introduce some sort of international currency everyone runs off (ahhh.. what a utopia that would be).
Yeah bro, the world should use pacific pesos as it's base currency
Well I say, why not just scrap currency and go back to trading objects for objects? And while we're on the subject, what's with these "clothes" everyone is wearing these days?
Hello people...can anyone tell me how catching the ball works in this game...till date i liked Ashes 2009 catching...
I'm pretty Ross has said there's going to be a PS4 version. I was also wondering how hard it is to turn a PS4 game into a PS3 game and if it's not too hard or costly would Ross consider putting the next iterations of DBC on the PSN as I'm probably not going to upgrade for a couple of years.
Feeling left out?

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