Post your questions about the game here!

Im stoked about knowing the release date

as a bloke who has played the game at the november playsession, my appetite was wet and i lost control there a little bit

the only person i criticize her is snowy, because if anyone asks a question that he doesnt approve of, then BANG, sarcasm, criticism and general a$$holene$$ gets thrown out by snowy, the arrogant king of the planet cricket boards

I like giving him back his own medicine

simple as that

he physically sickens me the way he posts on these boards, im sorry but im just being honest

he is absolutely no help whatsoever to anyone on these boards, if your a new bloke and you ask a question that may have been asked 10 -50 pages ago, so help you god watch out because snowy will come after ya!!!
Physically sicken. No hyperbole here folks..

Like I've said before, take off the blinkers, and you'll see I genuinely answer plenty of questions, and have made significant contributions to the Player/Team Linking and Player Card threads.

If you have a problem, take it up with the mods. I'm still around so they don't seem to have a problem with me.

Or you know..actually heed your own advice and just ignore me.
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he is absolutely no help whatsoever to anyone on these boards, if your a new bloke and you ask a question that may have been asked 10 -50 pages ago, so help you god watch out because snowy will come after ya!!!

Sometimes Snowy gives the Noobz a hard time, sometimes probably a bit too harsh (sorry Snowy) but he has on countless occasions saved me from answering the same old same old that people could have found for themselves. Quite often it's been a feeling of genuine relief when I've seen him answer a question that has saved me having to do it because after a while it just wears you down.
I'll absolutely cop that I'm too harsh sometimes (and Matt can attest to that fact I do self-moderate). I won't cop any of that other 'King of the Forum' crap.

Biggs is the King anyway.

Moving on...
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my appetite was wet...


...unless you're talking about preferring liquids over solids, which I totally get. Burgers are always best blended.

because if anyone asks a question that he doesnt approve of, then BANG, sarcasm, criticism and general a$$holene$$ gets thrown out by snowy, the arrogant king of the planet cricket boards

We'll that escalated quickly. Snowy's crazy helpful, majority of his posts are simply passing along information, if you're getting pissy about his replies to you, maybe the problem is in the mirror?

I like giving him back his own medicine

Yeah, so you don't get to complain then. Your physical sickness should be checked out by a doctor though, dumbassitis I believe is a common diagnosis amongst certain members, I imagine it's too much time hanging around at Zombians free bar, or something...
Sometimes Snowy gives the Noobz a hard time, sometimes probably a bit too harsh (sorry Snowy) but he has on countless occasions saved me from answering the same old same old that people could have found for themselves. Quite often it's been a feeling of genuine relief when I've seen him answer a question that has saved me having to do it because after a while it just wears you down.

Ross will it be possible for you, Mikey or HBK to provide some details about online gameplay? E.g., what's the default difficulty level for Head to Head matches, what are the various modes available, how many times you can pause the game before it's considered a 'quit' (e.g., in Madden you can't pause the game more than 3 or 5 times and if you try to pause one more time you get a message saying you will forfeit the game if you pause), what's the mechanism used to ensure folks don't use over-powered teams or how are the online teams balanced etc. I'm curious to learn more as haven't seen much info regarding online gameplay.
Fair enough, I will move on, as the majority seems to be against me...

biggs you are a flog and in no way funny....

Just my opinion, right or wrong, it dont matter, but as this is an internet forum, i reserve the right to express my opinion within the rules i spose

biggs's dumbassitis statement though infuriates me a little, but he is a Kiwi so i pay absolutely no attention to what that sheep lover says....
Todays posts are not even tomorrows fish and chip wrapping :)

You still in Melbourne? (did I read you'd moved?)
Yeah im here, I live in Chelsea heights work in Collingwood

Dissapointing start by the blue baggers ross, Port's last qtr domination is something we have to get used too, +178 in last qtrs last year, 2nd ranked in the AFL
biggs you are a flog and in no way funny....

You're opinion positively dampens my mood. Maybe drip a little lighten-up juice into your posts, or is that watering things down too much for your wet appetite?
By my calculations biggs there is 15 more sleeps until i get my hands on this puppy, my attitude will get a whole lot better as each day passes.....
I'm assuming you're using the water clock for your calculated countdown?
Who is Don Bradman? Why is the game named after him? He doesn't seem to have ever played in the IPL. Why isn't the game licensed by a proper cricket player?

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