Post your questions about the game here!

ya agree someone here posted playing with occulus, though head tracking wasnt there, it would be a great addon for next iteration as occulus will also have matured by then.
I tried 3d with in the nets with Tridef and it gives good immersion , seeing the ball bounce of the pitch after your stroke n stuff with that added dimension in pro mode. would be cool if you guys make a config later after game release for tridef.

Yeah I tried wit OR it was fun really but with head tracking it would be really something super awesome. May be if @Ross is kind and add mouse head tracking with PC release I would love to play it with OR in pro mode.
Is there any players restriction in domestic teams?
If we get our copy delivered a day or so early, then can i still go online and get the teams or do i have to wait for the release date? I'm negotiating with a local selleer here to gimme the game as soon as he gets in his stock. :p
Nah, I think its a confirmation of a five over demo, right?

Oh man, I sure hope that is what we get in the next update (or 10 over, maybe). I've been playing CA since last 5-6 hours and I already love this game. It's not fair, PC gamers are getting it so late :noway
Oh man, I sure hope that is what we get in the next update (or 10 over, maybe). I've been playing CA since last 5-6 hours and I already love this game. It's not fair, PC gamers are getting it so late :noway

It won't be a 10 over demo. They can't give that much away for free.
Ross do you need to seek approvals for releasing modding kits etc, if yes please ask them now and make them ready to provide( i dont think they are that much important for the core gameplay but askin in advance).:wave
We will leave things exposed on the PC version outside the protection later.
If PC modders manage to alter the AI according to what people want then would you consider that code and release it via a patch for consoles?
Most probably it wont be needed but there could be some minor niggle. Moreover i was just using it as an example for the fact that if some pc modders create some really brilliant mods, then would BA consider using them in a patch for consoles?
I don't foresee others modding the ai but perhaps some variables but hopefully not as it can lead to exploits.
How long do you think, people will be able to get some stiff competition from AI before they start looking for multiplay?.
How long do you think, people will be able to get some stiff competition from AI before they start looking for multiplay?.

Mike's been playing it for more than a year, I know you might say he's a Pom and all but you'd really think he'd be able to cream the AI by now.... Nope.

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