Post your questions about the game here!

Mike's been playing it for more than a year, I know you might say he's a Pom and all but you'd really think he'd be able to cream the AI by now.... Nope.

This ^^ shows that a lot of great thought has gone into it and I for one am looking forward to it
Mike's been playing it for more than a year, I know you might say he's a Pom and all but you'd really think he'd be able to cream the AI by now.... Nope.

That's excellent news Mr Ross, in what ways on the higher difficulties does the AI play well. Still after months in the nets I am still learning, it's going to be a tough road ahead for newbies without CA nets.:thumbs

PS Spinners on higher difficulties are a nightmare, shane warne vs the world again.
Mike's been playing it for more than a year, I know you might say he's a Pom and all but you'd really think he'd be able to cream the AI by now.... Nope.

I'm a bit worried about this comment.

Because from what i can remember the same thing was said before AFL was released. unfortunately the AI on legend (or whatever the highest difficulty was) was still too easy. Now that may come partly down to the fact AI in AFL is very hard to do without "cheating" (giving the AI extra stats/speed/etc)
I'm a bit worried about this comment.

Because from what i can remember the same thing was said before AFL was released. unfortunately the AI on legend (or whatever the highest difficulty was) was still too easy. Now that may come partly down to the fact AI in AFL is very hard to do without "cheating" (giving the AI extra stats/speed/etc)

Why are you worried mate, ross is saying the AI still beats MM after a year. This is good news.
I'm a bit worried about this comment.

Because from what i can remember the same thing was said before AFL was released. unfortunately the AI on legend (or whatever the highest difficulty was) was still too easy. Now that may come partly down to the fact AI in AFL is very hard to do without "cheating" (giving the AI extra stats/speed/etc)

We still get complaints to this day that afl live is too hard... It's hard to balance for everyone but I believe you will find this a challenge.
Spinners on higher difficulties are a nightmare, shane warne vs the world again.

Yeah I know, in previous cricket games the spinners were so easy to deal with, you could always treat them with aggression but in the nets I find myself playing defensively and I tend to get a lot of edges when playing on the off side (need more practice :rolleyes) but give me anything on my legs and I can put it away comfortably! :yes (feels like it anyway).
Yeah I know, in previous cricket games the spinners were so easy to deal with, you could always treat them with aggression but in the nets I find myself playing defensively and I tend to get a lot of edges when playing on the off side (need more practice :rolleyes) but give me anything on my legs and I can put it away comfortably! :yes (feels like it anyway).

The only problem I see against spin is the speed is a little to slow, playing early almost all the time. It's something I have been working on, if online is almost the same as offline this game is going to rock online, unless you suck.
The only problem I see against spin is the speed is a little to slow, playing early almost all the time. It's something I have been working on, if online is almost the same as offline this game is going to rock online, unless you suck.

I agree. It's really tricky going from 'fast' to 'spin'. It seems like an eternity before you have to play the ball.
I agree. It's really tricky going from 'fast' to 'spin'. It seems like an eternity before you have to play the ball.

The ball feels like 60 to 70km not the normal 85 to 100km. Shane Warne was a legend because he bowled slower than a normal spinner. Like 77 to 82km with his flipper being around 95 to 100km. The game could be different. Lyon bowls faster being high 80s and into the 90s.

I read this also on youtube comments, most of them a crap but there is some clever ones in between the crap. Just like PC I guess.:p


Even Lyon will be a handful for you UK members on higher difficulties as he is turning into a good spinner, not great but very solid just looks like a hobbit.
I'm sure this has been queried or answered before, but I haven't seen it:

Does wind have a dynamic effect in the game? eg., on the amount of drift or swing a bowler gets, the pace of the ball and the distance a ball is hit, etc.? And does it change during the course of a match or is it a constant setting throughout the match?
Hey guys, this may have already been asked, but ive not seen it!

I was making England's new T20 kit yesterday and realised that you cant change the colour of the trousers, they have to match the shirt...England's T20 kit is red shirt black trousers...

Now, i may just be being stupid, but its not possible to change that is it?
Hey guys, this may have already been asked, but ive not seen it!

I was making England's new T20 kit yesterday and realised that you cant change the colour of the trousers, they have to match the shirt...England's T20 kit is red shirt black trousers...

Now, i may just be being stupid, but its not possible to change that is it?

Pants pattern 8 is coloured whatever you have set as the third kit colour, that's the only other option though.
Hey guys, this may have already been asked, but ive not seen it!

I was making England's new T20 kit yesterday and realised that you cant change the colour of the trousers, they have to match the shirt...England's T20 kit is red shirt black trousers...

Now, i may just be being stupid, but its not possible to change that is it?

Aren't they dark blue?

Try Pants Pattern 8


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